
Chronicles of a revenant

The destiny tends to repeat itself over and over again, but with just the flap of a butterfly's wings, it can change the fate of everything. A new life, a new beginning for me, was a curse disguised as a blessing. I won't let the idiot hero lead us to Ragnarök. Although it will be a difficult journey, I will change the fate of this world, the fate of my family, my destiny.

Ryuck · Fantasía
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15 Chs

First step - chapter 2 part 5

Adam wasn't always cold and distant, nor was he the heir to the Lawrence family. In his childhood, he was the second son of Duke Lawrence. He was born into a family where strength was everything and failure was not tolerated.

From a young age, Adam was subjected to rigorous and dangerous training, something a child his age shouldn't experience. Adam's life was divided between success and failure, with no room for mediocrity. But his life wasn't entirely dark thanks to his older brother, Edmund, who was to be the next heir of the family.

Edmund had gone through the same training and didn't want Adam to suffer as he had. Whenever he had the chance, he would sneak out with Adam to the outskirts of the mansion, where they would have fun, eat sweets, and play, giving little Adam a break from the strict Lawrence life. These moments were an oasis of joy amidst his demanding life.

However, upon reaching adulthood, Edmund had to undertake missions assigned by the king. Before each departure and upon returning, the brothers performed a greeting that was more than just a gesture: it was a game symbolizing their unbreakable bond.

One day, Edmund returned gravely injured from a mission. It was a miracle he survived until he reached the kingdom. The royal doctors said he didn't have much time left, and he knew it.

Duke Daryun gazed out the window, contemplating his mansion and sighing. The sky was cloudy, and in the distance, lightning and thunder could be seen. His vacant stare reflected in the window glass.

[Edmund] - Say something, at least... father - Edmund, lying in his bed, watched his father.

The Duke kept looking out the window, sighing. Without turning to his dying son, he replied:

[Daryun] - What do you want me to say? There's nothing to say. Now I only think about how to fill your position as heir. All the efforts I made, all to create the perfect heir to lead the family, and you ruined it...

[Daryun] - Now the only thing you can do is die quickly so as not to tarnish the family's image - He sighed and left without saying anything else.

Edmund remained silent, agonizing. His condition worsened to the point where he bled every time he coughed. Knowing his end was near, he asked for Adam to come so he could say goodbye.

[Adam] - You called for me, brother - peeking through the door, his expression was tense and fearful.

Despite death approaching, Edmund never stopped smiling at his little brother.

[Edmund] - Come closer, Adam, please.

Adam approached the bed where his brother was lying.

[Edmund] - Cough, cough... Adam... - Every word was painful, his throat wounded from the bleeding cough.

[Adam] - [Worried] Are you okay, brother?!

[Edmund] - With you by my side, I'll be fine... - He always responded with a smile, hiding his pain.

[Adam] - But you'll get better, the royal doctors came, they can save you.

Edmund stayed silent at his younger brother's response, thinking about how to tell him the truth. He looked at Adam, who watched him with bright eyes, biting his lips in frustration, knowing he wouldn't see him again and, above all, for leaving him alone.

He made a decision knowing the end was near.

[Edmund] - Adam... soon I will have to leave...

Adam was confused by his brother's words, asking where he would go and how long it would take to return, to which Edmund replied:

[Edmund] - I won't come back, where I'm going, there's no return. This is the last time we'll see each other...

Adam asked why he was saying that. Edmund could only clench his fist in frustration, but he knew he had to tell him the truth to leave in peace.

[Edmund] - I'm dying... Adam - His gaze was somber but hidden by his warm smile.

Adam froze upon hearing the word "death," especially coming from his brother's mouth, asking how and why he didn't understand.

Edmund recounted what happened in his last mission.

During the mission assigned by the king, Edmund was sent to stop the "Dragon of Disease," which had awakened from its hibernation and was causing death in the kingdom. Edmund was cursed while saving a child who was about to be devoured, being infected by the dragon's contaminated blood. Although all those sent perished, Edmund was saved by a comrade who arrived late to the mission, bringing him to the capital. The doctors tried to heal him, but they couldn't do anything against the blood curse.

[Adam] - But if you hadn't sacrificed yourself, you could have saved yourself...

Adam was interrupted by his brother, who gave him a gentle tap on the head.

[Adam] - Brother? - looking at his brother, seeking the reason why he was hit, seeing the cheerful face his brother always had when they played together.

[Edmund] - My sweet and foolish little brother, cough, cough, it's true that if I hadn't sacrificed myself, I could have saved myself, but that would have killed me with pain, knowing that innocent people would die without being able to do anything. Doing nothing, having the power to act, is the same as dying, but in life.

Adam curled up on the side of the bed, listening to his brother.

[Edmund] - Listen to me, Adam, what are nobles for? - he asked, an easy question to answer but with a profound meaning.

[Adam] - They are there to lead the people and make everyone live well.

[Edmund] - Yes, that's part of it. But besides guiding and making everyone live well, what else are nobles for?

[Adam] - ... - He didn't know what else to say, thinking about the true purpose of a noble.

Edmund stroked his brother's head while smiling at seeing Adam's confused face.

[Edmund] - It's to protect the lives of those they guide. Remember, they serve us, and we serve them. By being born with all this power and privilege, we have the duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves. That is the motto of the Lawrence family, remember that.

Although his life was strict, Edmund still held onto the ideals of their ancestors, unlike their father, blinded by ambition.

[Adam] - Protect those who cannot protect themselves... - Those words were etched in Adam's mind, marking him forever.

[Edmund] - Cough, cough, I don't have much time left, Adam... - His health deteriorated suddenly, death claiming him.

Upon hearing those words, Adam knew it was the last time he would see his brother.

[Edmund] - For one last time, would you...? - extending his hands to play one last time.

[Adam] - Yes, brother... - Through tears, Adam began to play with his brother. But before they could finish, Edmund's hand stopped. Adam looked at his brother, who had already passed, with a smile on his face, dying in peace next to the person he loved most.

The memory of this game and his brother's sacrifice deeply marked Adam, leaving him in a living hell under his father, hardening his heart and forging his character. Now, in the presence of little Neo, repeating that same gesture, Adam couldn't hold back the tears that flowed from his crimson eyes. The hand game that couldn't be finished brought back all those buried feelings, lighting his soul for a moment and giving him a spark of lost warmth.

Feeling that warmth in his heart again melted the cold surrounding him. Tearless tears fell as Neo stroked Adam's head with his small hand. Adam's tears fell gently on his face, not out of sadness, but joy. Adam smiled again, and a laugh escaped his mouth.

[Neo] - «Good, the act seems to have worked» Bua gu.

Adam was interrupted by a voice calling him. He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes, placing Neo in his stroller.

[Annet] - Oh, but if it isn't little Adam... - Annet stopped mid-sentence upon seeing Adam's expression.

[Adam] - Adam of the Lawrences greets the patriarchs of Leone - Adam raised his head, seeing the faces of Annet and Lucius.

[Adam] - Did something happen, my lady?

Annet was shocked to see Adam, as was Lucius. They stood with their mouths open. Adam still wondered what had happened.

[Adam] - Are you all right?

[Annet] - You... you.

[Adam] - Me?

[Annet] - You're smiling, haha, it's the first time I've seen you this happy.

[Adam] - Happy? Me?

[Annet] - Of course, just look at your smile.

[Adam] - Smile? - Adam touched his lips, feeling his smile. He couldn't hide it, despite trying to compose himself in front of the Leones.

[Adam] - Is that so? Haha. - After a long time, Adam smiled and laughed out loud.

Adam couldn't help but smile even more, leaving Lucius and Annet pale with fear as if they had seen a ghost.

[Annet] - I see you have Neo. Where is my father? I left him with him.

[Adam] - Lord Lydo left him in my care while he attends to some matters.

Meanwhile, Lydo...

[Lydo] - A bathroom! I've been looking for one for 10 minutes and can't find it. How big is this mansion! Ow, ow!

[Annet] - I see, thank you for looking after Neo.

[Adam] - Don't worry about it, I enjoyed the time I spent with Neo - he said with a smile on his face.

Annet just smiled at the scene. Adam is like a little brother to her, but more so for Lucius, who stood apart from the scene. His gaze seemed calm, with a certain sadness but also joy, something Annet noticed.

[Annet] - Adam, could you take care of Neo for a bit longer?

Adam, smiling, nodded.

[Adam] - Of course.

[Annet] - Good, I'll leave him in your care for a while longer.

[Adam] - Of course, see you later, Miss Annet and Lucius.

[Annet] - Yes, see you later.

[Lucius] - ... Yes... see you later, Adam - Lucius seemed downcast.

Lucius and Annet walked around the mansion, leaving Adam with Neo.

Annet accompanied her husband to another place to talk. She noticed something was wrong with Lucius, asking him what was happening. Lucius stayed silent before responding. His expression was cheerful, but sadness was reflected in his eyes.

[Annet] - What's wrong, honey? You've been like this for a while. Tell me what's going on, you know you can tell me - she said while gently holding Lucius' face.

[Lucius] - It's been a long time since I've seen him smile like that, not since that accident - Remembering the past, feeling the guilt and regret of a distant time.

Lucius clenched his hand in frustration at remembering that day. His voice began to tremble.

[Lucius] - I... I... if only... I had arrived on time... maybe... I... I could have... he wouldn't be dead.

[Lucius] - If I had arrived earlier... if... I had just arrived... I - Lucius couldn't continue, and his legs gave out, falling to his knees. His hands trembled at the memory of that day, his vision blurry.

[Lucius] - I could have saved them... that day if I hadn't been late, they... wouldn't be... dead.

Lucius was reliving that day, the day when purple flames consumed everything, when death reigned, the day known as "The Wrath of the Heavens."

The day he couldn't help any of his comrades, the day he could only return with one in his arms. The day Edmund, Adam's older brother, was cursed to death.

Lucius had blamed himself since that day. Every time he saw Adam, he saw the reflection of his friend he couldn't save by arriving late.