
Chronicles of a revenant

The destiny tends to repeat itself over and over again, but with just the flap of a butterfly's wings, it can change the fate of everything. A new life, a new beginning for me, was a curse disguised as a blessing. I won't let the idiot hero lead us to Ragnarök. Although it will be a difficult journey, I will change the fate of this world, the fate of my family, my destiny.

Ryuck · Fantasía
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15 Chs

First step - chapter 2 part 4

The event is at its midpoint, people dancing to the rhythm of the song, synchronized in their dance steps, every movement in tune with the music. Gradually, the other guests began to join in, until all the guests, from the youngest to the oldest, started dancing.

The dance lasted almost 10 minutes. Once the dance ended, it was time for everyone to rest from the dancing. This part of the party is known as the break and the start of the conversation. Here is where relationships with different people at the party are formed.

Usually, the conversation begins with the reason for the celebration and why the party is being held. On this occasion, the reason is me, the hesitant one.

My grandfather carries me in his arms as we walk around the party, showing me off to the guests. Earlier, I was introduced only to guests connected to the family or close to it, but now I am being introduced to people who have no connections with the family, or in fact, people who want to form connections with me from this moment on.

Now, it is true that normally, in regular parties, only those close to the family would be invited, but this is not a regular party; it is a debut, and by the laws of the kingdom, all nobles of the realm except those from the palace are here to meet the new noble, especially if it is from an important house or clan.

Debuts are usually held for children, but not just one, rather multiple noble children debut in a single event held at the palace. However, there are exceptions, like this one. If you belong to one of the most influential families in the kingdom, such protocols can be skipped.

And obviously, the Leone family skipped it due to their influence and because they can...

In this case, all the nobles wouldn't miss the opportunity to connect with me. Even though I am just a baby in their eyes, they still believe they have a chance to form a bond with me.

A similar example would be:

Hello, it's been a while since I last saw you, young man from the... family.

Oh, hello, do I know you?

Of course you do, but you probably don't remember. I met you at your debut, you were just a little child.


If you don't mind, may I have a word with you?


This is because people tend to be friendlier with those they know and more susceptible to such individuals, even if they have only met once. It is a psychological tactic people use to get closer to their targets.

But all this is just convenience for them, as it is a good way to get close to the younger members of the nobility and establish a good relationship. It is also opportune, as they only use this tactic when they want to approach a young promise they want to use or form a beneficial relationship with.

However, if the young person is not talented, lacks influence, or has nothing to offer, they will not approach them, as the young person has nothing to give, and they will be ignored as if they never met. They would only come to the party out of mere formality. The truth is, people here would do anything for a chance like this.

In summary, this is a sort of request you make before getting to know the person. If useful, they will use it to their advantage; if not, they won't.

In this case, as I am the first child and future heir of the Leone family, besides my parents' fame and my grandfather's, I am a juicy fruit they are waiting to ripen to be able to consume.

Honestly, it is cunning and somewhat repulsive to people who understand this method, but it is quite beneficial for me, as I will be able to meet powerful and prestigious people I once read about in the novel. I am looking forward to meeting someone who will influence the story or participate in it.

How I will do it, I have no idea, as I am just a baby.

In the distance, I see a group of nobles approaching us. Even from here, I can see that glint in their eyes, the desire for power, a look I haven't seen since I was reborn in this world.

I still remember that look of greed from people wanting to take advantage of others, but that is a thing of the past.

I quickly glanced at the group of sycophants approaching, searching for someone who matched the descriptions in the novel, a character with a high rank or a position that would be useful for my plan. But right now, I only see garbage approaching me.

The nobles reached Neo's grandfather, who was enjoying the party's refreshments. The nobles, in sync, showed their respect to such a prominent figure in the kingdom, Lydo, the lord of war.

Congratulations, Lord Lydo, on the young lord.

Lydo, who was stuffing his face with the table's desserts, turned to see who was speaking to him. As he turned, the nobles lifted their heads.

[Josh] - It's a pleasure to mee… "Is his mouth full of cake?"

[Lydo] - Oh, thank you for coming to my grandson's debut, I am grateful from the bottom of my heart.

[Josh] - Don't worry, for us, it is an honor to attend such an event, hahaha.

Neo observed each of them to see if any were worth it.

[Neo] - "If I am not mistaken, he is the baron of the... What was his family name again? Well, it doesn't matter, next."

[Lutier] - Josh is right, for us, it is an honor to attend your grandson's debut, Lord Lydo.

[Neo] - "This one isn't important either, next."

And so Neo kept categorizing all the people introduced to him, none of them catching his attention because none were relevant to the story.

Neo's face grew tired from the introductions and classifying the guests, but mainly from not finding anyone who caught his attention, even if only because they weren't relevant to the story. Their jobs or positions were irrelevant, or something he could benefit from. They added nothing to the story. They were useless as living beings.

Neo] - "I think that's it for today, so time to sleep." - That was it, there was no one of relevance, or so he thought.

A guest who arrived late to the debut made his appearance.

A young man with hair as red as fire and scarlet eyes was dressed in a fine dark silk suit with two feather designs embroidered on the sleeves, along with a reddish feathered shoulder pad like that of a phoenix on his right shoulder. His long, messy hair fell in loose strands around his face. He had a young face with an expression devoid of emotion and a cold look. The intricate floral embroidery on his suit, along with the silver chains and beads, added an air of aristocratic elegance.

He approached us, greeting us perfectly, bowing slightly forward, placing one foot back, and putting one arm behind his back with a clenched fist while the other arm stretched horizontally with the palm facing up.

People who saw him admired the young man's elegance and skill, even though his wonderful and elegant greeting did not change his expression at all, maintaining a blank look and a gaze devoid of light, as if he were an emotionless puppet.

[Adam] - Adam from the Glamhoth family shows his respect to the lord of the... "Is his face covered in cake?" war...

Lydo, after hearing the young man, patted him on the shoulder, asking him to stand up.

[Lydo] - Hoho! But if it isn't the young man from the Glamhoth family, come on, stand up. There is no need for such formalities with me, haha.

[Adam] - Mmm, sure, sir.

[Lydo] - I am glad to see you have grown so much. The last time I saw you, you were as tall as my knees. What brings you here?

[Adam] - ... "I can't stop looking at those cake remnants on his face."

Lydo tried to joke with Adam, but seeing that his expression did not change despite the joke, he quickly changed the subject.

[Lydo] - Mn? sorry, it was silly of me to ask something so obvious, hahaha. You see, I am old.

[Adam] - ..., ahem, I understand, but...

[Lydo] - But? - Adam discreetly approached Lydo's ear, telling him that his face was covered in cake.

[Lydo] - Oh, man, I didn't notice, haha, forgive me. "No wonder people were looking at me strangely" - While Lydo was wiping his face, Adam pulled out a package wrapped in decorative paper from his suit. Adam extended the package to Lydo.

[Lydo] - What is this?

[Adam] - It is a gift from the Duke of the Glamhoth family who couldn't attend. He asked me to deliver this gift to the new member of the Leone family along with this message.

[Adam] - On behalf of the Glamhoth family, congratulations to the young heir of the Leone family. I hope he grows healthy like his parents. That was my father the Duke's message to you.

[Lydo] - "A quick and direct message, I wouldn't expect much from that man after all" - He said to himself while a clear image of the stoic Duke was in his mind.

He is Adam Glamhoth. He is the future Duke of the Glamhoth family. Right now, he is nothing more than a puppet controlled by the Duke, his father, but after the Duke dies and Adam takes his place, he becomes one of the main and important characters in the story. His presence and actions were crucial to the development of the plot.

His position as a duke in the kingdom is one of the most advantageous so far, since the Glamhoth domains are located on the kingdom's coasts and control 75% of maritime transport.

Finally found someone useful. If I want to leave the continent, he's my ticket out of this place. But now the inconvenience is how to approach him.

[Neo] - "Whatever happens, I must approach him somehow, and this moment must be it since I won't know if I'll have another chance to interact with him." - Sending a telepathic signal to Lydo so he can do something.

[Lydo] - Ouch! (stomach pain) "I guess eating too many pastries wasn't a good idea." Sorry for the inconvenience, young Adam, but could you take Neo for a while?

[Adam] - I don't thi...

Adam was interrupted by Lydo, who took out a stroller from a "storage ring" and handed it to Neo, saying:

[Lydo] - Neo, this is your gift from me. And thank you very much, young Adam, this old man will remember it! - He ran off as fast as his old and muscular legs would allow.

Neo was amazed that it actually worked, while he was in the stroller held by Adam.

[Neo] - "... I don't know what that was, but it works for me."

Meanwhile, Lydo...

[Lydo] - A bath, a bath! Where is it?

Neo and Adam's gazes met.

[Adam] - Well, how are you, little one?

[Neo] - ...

[Adam] - Well, you must be fine, right?

[Neo] - ...

Adam's discomfort was palpable.

[Adam] - How about we get some fresh air? - We walked out to the gardens in front of the hall. The moon rose from the mountains, the fresh air and the scent of flowers filled the air. Adam sat down on one of the garden seats around the water fountain in the center of the garden.

[Adam] - I think I can breathe easy here. - He sat, looking out at the garden.

[Neo] - "Quick, think of something. You need to establish a bond with him, but how do I do it with this baby body?"

Neo remembered something from the novel, though he wasn't sure if it would be useful. He extended his hands, brought them together, and then apart repeatedly, as if expecting something more than just a gesture. Moonlight reached Neo's stroller, showing his gestures. Adam, noticing what was happening, changed his expression from serious to surprised and confused at Neo's actions, who kept repeating the same movement.

[Adam] - How... how do you know this? - His tone was trembling.

Adam's voice trembled slightly, his eyes shining with a mix of pain and joy. Surprise and confusion on his face were evident, as if Neo's actions had unearthed something deep in his memory.

[Adam] - Do you... do you want to play with me?

Neo recalled something from the novel, a simple yet meaningful gesture, though he wasn't sure if it would be useful at that moment. He extended his tiny hands, brought them together, and then apart repeatedly, as if reenacting a long-forgotten ritual. His movements were slow and deliberate, each action imbued with innocent hope.

Adam's expression shifted from seriousness to a mix of surprise and confusion. He watched Neo, who kept repeating the gesture with silent determination.

[Adam] - How... how do you know this?

Adam's voice trembled slightly, and tears glistened in his eyes. Neo's actions seemed to have unearthed deeply buried memories in his mind, memories that were both a balm and an open wound.

Adam extended a trembling hand toward Neo, who gently took it, repeating the gesture once more. This simple act sparked something extraordinary: a smile appeared on Adam's face, a smile that seemed to tear through the layers of ice around him. Adam, known as the "Cold Flare" for his mastery of flame magic and his icy personality, showed an expression of genuine connection and warmth.

They high-fived, a simple children's game that in that moment held deep meaning. The simple hand game evoked memories in Adam, memories that began with joy but ended in sadness. After a while, Adam stopped moving his hands and held Neo's between his own. Neo, puzzled by the interruption, felt a tear roll down his cheek. He looked up and met Adam's gaze, filled with sadness and nostalgia.

Adam squinted his eyes, shining with tears threatening to fall. His smile trembled, as if he were on the verge of tears, but there was also a spark of joy in them, like a glimmer in the darkness. For a moment, the bright light in Adam's eyes was returned, as if that void filled with darkness were being filled again.

Adam lifted Neo from his stroller, holding him up. Moonlight reflected off Neo, who moved closer to Adam's face. Adam looked away, perhaps to hide his tears, but Neo, with his tiny hands, gently stroked Adam's face, forcing him to look at him.

Adam's crimson eyes were filled with tears shining under the moonlight. His cheeks flushed, his lips trembling, his breath ragged, and a sense of regret in his heart alongside an overwhelming sense of powerlessness. He lowered his gaze, as all the memories returned along with a pain and loneliness from the past. Neo raised his hand to Adam's head, who remained silent. Neo stroked Adam's head.

Adam began to cry unabashedly, as if everything he had held inside had been expelled. This time, instead of tears of sadness, they were tears of joy and peace, erasing all the helplessness, pain, and sadness.

The reason Adam reacted this way was a mystery, except to Neo, who was the only one who knew the truth behind those tears.