
Chronicles of a revenant

The destiny tends to repeat itself over and over again, but with just the flap of a butterfly's wings, it can change the fate of everything. A new life, a new beginning for me, was a curse disguised as a blessing. I won't let the idiot hero lead us to Ragnarök. Although it will be a difficult journey, I will change the fate of this world, the fate of my family, my destiny.

Ryuck · Fantasía
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15 Chs

First Step - Chapter 2 Part 2

I was born in the kingdom of Mythrandor, into the Leone family, a family of marquises responsible for defense and diplomacy on the kingdom's borders. The Leone clan is known as the shield of the realm, as all born into the Leone family are exceptional warriors who have defended and continue to defend the kingdom to this day. In every battle, in every war, you would always see the Leone banner rise against the enemies.It has been recounted since the time of the first King of Mythrandor that the Leone were always formidable warriors. When they entered combat, they seemed to transform into beasts that devoured their enemies. That impression is what everyone always has when they see a Leone fight, thanks to their unique features: a pair of pupils that resembled a lion's fangs, and their teeth that stand out a bit when they shout in the midst of battle, lion teeth devouring their enemies.Although the Leone gained fame as great warriors in battle, their true nature is rather peaceful. They are somewhat proud of their clan, but they are known for being the most loving clan. They do not fight out of hatred or anger, but to protect those they love, which makes them powerful warriors by wanting to protect others. They do not fight for honor or that rubbish ideal of noble warriors. Despite being a warlike clan, they are peaceful, even when they fight for the patriarchal position among the different branches of the Leone.Unlike other clans that belittle each other among their different branches, the Leone maintain harmony between the main and secondary branches, although they are quite competitive among themselves. There is no hatred or disdain in the clan.That's why they are known as the clan that loves more than any other.I am Annet, daughter of the patriarch of the Leone clan. I strove to live up to my clan. My childhood was the same as all children born into the Leone family, with training from an early age to form the best warriors in the realm. Despite the tough training, I became a great warrior, fighting in numerous battles and wars.In one of those wars, I earned the title of Silver Lion because of my appearance and my hair, white as silver, although it wasn't that color before. I suffered an overload in my origin, almost draining my mana and my life, but I survived the overload and one of the side effects was that my hair was dyed that silver color.Although I survived the overload of my origin, I was injured and almost killed in the middle of the battlefield, but I was saved by Lucius, an eight-circle mage and childhood friend. Since I knew him, he was shy and feminine compared to me, who acted more like a man.But as we grew up, he became more masculine, and his way of being made me fall madly in love with him, especially for the pastries he made for me. Of course, I fell in love with him and not his pastries, hehehe.I was thinking of proposing to him when the war ended. I didn't expect that he also planned it that way, and when the war ended, on the battlefield, I ran to him. He also ran towards me, and in sync, we proposed marriage to each other at the same time.[Lucius] - I want to marry you![Annet] - I want to marry you!Our gazes met, and for a moment I could see myself reflected in his eyes that shone with a fleeting light. My heart started to beat rapidly upon hearing the words that I also said. We realized what was happening, and we were already holding hands, never stopping looking into each other's eyes as we put the ring on each other's finger.[Lucius] - I accept![Annet] - I accept!We said in synchrony, and even though I was covered in blood, he kissed me and hugged me tightly. I also hugged him tightly.[Lucius] - Annet! You could use a little less force, you're... you're suffocating me.[Annet] - Oh, sorry, I got carried away - I let go immediately, covering my face quickly out of embarrassment.[Lucius] - Hahaha, I told you to use less force, not to let go of me - he said with a smile. He took my hand, lowering it from my embarrassed face, hugging me again.[Lucius] - Let's stay like this a little longer.[Annet] - Yes, I won't let go of you again - I said, hugging him again like he did, but more gently.After that, we got married, and I became the matriarch of the Leone. Much later, as a result of our love, I became pregnant. Upon hearing the news, Lucius couldn't stop hugging me and trying to relax me, taking away my work and indulging me with whatever food I craved. Everyone in the family was filled with happiness. My mother began to teach Lucius how to care for a baby, but now that I think about it, shouldn't she teach me? Mmm, I thought about it for a while as to why.While my father kept celebrating and boasting to his friends, the whole clan sent me and the baby gifts. My father and Lucius always argued over the baby's name.[Lucius] - If it's a girl, her name will be Mia, and if it's a boy, his name will be Ed.[Lydo] - Ha! My grandson will not have a weak name. If it's a girl, we will call her Alessandra, and if it's a boy, it will be Lyon.[Lucius] - What are you talking about, old man? How dare you say my names are weak, huh? - taking his cane.[Lydo] - Let's see if you have the guts to do it - drawing his sword, ready to fight.[Lucius] - Alright, whoever wins gets to name the baby. How about that?[Lydo] - Agreed.So they fought for a whole day without giving in. In the end, I named the baby.When my son was born, I still couldn't believe it. Seeing him for the first time, he was so small that all my instincts told me to protect him. As soon as I held him in my arms, the love I felt in that moment was overwhelming. Lucius was just like me. That day was the most beautiful of my entire life.Every day when I wake up, I stay looking at him while he sleeps peacefully. When he's awake, I hold him in my arms, and when I'm not with him, I always think about how he is, if he's already asleep, if he's awake, or if something's wrong. Although it's normal for me to think like that, since I'm his mother.And for that very reason, as I am his mother, it's okay to celebrate every little thing my son does. Even if he just wakes up, sleeps, or breathes, he deserves to be celebrated, even though César doesn't let me do it. Remembering how terrifying he is.But that doesn't stop me from celebrating other things, like his birthday. Although I have to wait a year for that, I already want to do it, so I thought of something else I could celebrate for my son, and the only thing that[Annet] - His debut.[Lucius] - Debut? - Lucius asked, confused by my words.[Annet] - Yes, that's it. At least we can throw a party for Neo, since César won't let us have parties for him, saying we shouldn't go wild with celebrations - I said firmly.[Lucius] - It's... It's a great idea! - he exclaimed with excitement, holding me by the shoulders.[Annet] - Alright, I'll handle the invitations.[Lucius] - I'll take care of the rest.Both lovebirds got to work on their plan. Meanwhile, César...[César] - Ah, I felt a shiver. I don't know why, but I know something's wrong - César's instincts were never wrong.