
Chronicles of a revenant

The destiny tends to repeat itself over and over again, but with just the flap of a butterfly's wings, it can change the fate of everything. A new life, a new beginning for me, was a curse disguised as a blessing. I won't let the idiot hero lead us to Ragnarök. Although it will be a difficult journey, I will change the fate of this world, the fate of my family, my destiny.

Ryuck · Fantasía
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15 Chs

First Step - Chapter 2 Part 1

Let's recap. Though it was a harsh reality check, I reincarnated into the world of the novel I used to read in my previous life. I was born as the son of the Leone family, and currently, I'm just a baby.I spend my days sleeping, eating, and sleeping again. It's not like I can do much else with this baby body. Even though I have the novel's information, I can't cheat right now. I could acquire skills, items, mana cultivation styles, among other things, but I simply can't do it with this body, especially when I need to go to the bathroom.In this world, there's something called mana, the world's energy itself. It's the natural energy that flows and exists in this world and its living beings. Mana is employed by mages, warriors, and other professions and races.Mana flows through our bodies via our "Origin." The origin is our own existence, our soul, and core. It's described as a vortex that absorbs natural energy like an ocean being absorbed by a small vortex into the depths.With the right technique, people can cultivate mana by having their Origin absorb external mana and make it their own. Mages create mana circles around their Origin to absorb mana and thus create and use magic. These circles are like magnets that attract natural energy.For warriors, it's similar. They create mana points throughout their bodies, which aids them physically, making them stronger and faster. If they strengthen these mana points, they can manifest something called aura.Though aura manifests from mana, it's a different force. There are various types of aura, such as protection, intimidation, materialization, possession, and pure aura, but there are more yet to be discovered.Basically, aura and magic are created from mana.The "origin" is a mystery to everyone, especially what it consists of and why we have it. It's a power that stems from ourselves...But nothing comes for free. If someone overloads their Origin, they could lose their life, either by depleting their mana or failing in its circulation, which could lead to a fatal overload.In some cases, they don't die, but they become disabled. Although there are exceptions of people who survived an overload, they paid a high cost.That's why I can't cheat now, as I could overload my Origin and die in the attempt. I better leave that for when I'm older.The origin is like a battery that stores energy called mana. Besides magic and aura, there are other forces in this world...Recently, I received a blessing marked on my forehead, causing a great stir throughout the mansion. Although I fell asleep during the commotion.They say it has the shape of a diadem that shone silver, though now it's black because it's not activated.Now, with the blessing, also known as "God's blessings," it gives divine protection that provides special abilities or protection against evils.But... what I don't understand is why the Goddess gave me her blessing? I kept thinking about it, recalling the information I have.God's blessing is received through different forms and reasons. One of them is because such a person has unwavering faith and performs feats in the name of such divinity, but this form is very rare.The second form is by being chosen by the deity. The reasons for being chosen are because you share the same way of acting, point of view, or the same characteristics with the deity or simply because you're liked by such deity, which leads me to ask more questions.Why did the goddess give her blessing to me? I don't share any of her ideals nor do I have any kind of faith in her, and I highly doubt that I am liked by the goddess.My head was spinning, drawing conclusions and asking more questions at the same time. I let it go. There's no point in thinking about the reason; what matters is how to use the blessing and how advantageous it is for me...Although anyone would be happy to be reborn in the world of their favorite novel, I'm not. I just wanted a full and long life, but now my plans to live peacefully are thrown out the window.I don't even know what year it is or what moment in history. Every day I wonder if today everything will go to shit, when the main events of the story will begin or if they're already happening.My plan changed since I found out that I was reborn in this world. Now I want to leave the continent as soon as possible to at least have a better chance of survival. But in the current conditions, I can't do anything. I can only wait and see what the future holds.Although it's true that I haven't had any problems so far... or so I thought. Remembering this morning, what Cesar said."Today is a special day for you, young master."At that moment, I didn't pay attention to those words, but now I see they were important.So this is what Cesar meant by special.I was in my parents' arms in front of a large door when they opened it.[Spokesman] - Welcome the youngest of the Leone family on this day of his debut - said a servant as soon as he saw us enter.The room was filled with nobles and servants, all applauding our entrance. It was decorated with red roses, carpets of the finest fabric, the floor shining like freshly polished gold, and the ceiling with lamps that looked like floating crystals. The windows closed with curtains matching the roses, and everyone present was well-dressed. Everything was luxurious at first sight.A debut is when a member of a noble family is introduced to others at a party. It serves as recognition that you're noble, and wherever you go, you'll be recognized as such.Furthermore, the debut serves as an opportunity to establish connections. The debutante meets other nobles and forms friendships for the future.This would be a great opportunity for me, but the debut is held when one is a child, and I'm just a baby. What do they expect me to do if I can't even speak?Now I understand why Cesar was agitated when mentioning that "it's an important day," and especially when scolding my parents.- Ahh - all I could do was sigh at that moment.