
Chronicles of a revenant

The destiny tends to repeat itself over and over again, but with just the flap of a butterfly's wings, it can change the fate of everything. A new life, a new beginning for me, was a curse disguised as a blessing. I won't let the idiot hero lead us to Ragnarök. Although it will be a difficult journey, I will change the fate of this world, the fate of my family, my destiny.

Ryuck · Fantasía
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15 Chs

A Fresh Start - Chapter 1 Part 3

We stand before the door of the inner garden.Crack... "door opening"The light passing through the glass ceiling dazzled me for a few seconds before I saw the inside of the garden. I blinked, adjusting to the brightness of the surroundings. The garden unfolded before my eyes, full of colors and life. We entered through the large door.Walking slowly, Cesar strolled with me, occasionally stopping to hum a familiar tune.[Cesar] - Mmm hm, mmh, mmm.It was the same melody my mother sang to me at night when she cradled me in her arms until I fell asleep. Although, Cesar's version had a different quality, less gentle, more rustic.We approached some white roses surrounding a statue. Although I couldn't see the statue itself, the roses captured all my attention. Cesar stopped humming and, for the first time since we entered the garden, spoke.[Cesar] - Aren't they beautiful, young master? - he knelt before the roses, bringing me closer to them so I could see them up close.[Neo] - "Beautiful?" - I questioned myself internally, looking at the roses of a brilliant silver color.I didn't understand what "beautiful" meant. To me, they were just flowers. My perception, devoid of emotions, saw everything in a logical and simplistic way, a result of my previous life.---[Cesar's Perspective]My name is Cesar, and I have served the Leone household for many years. I was hired by the previous patriarch, an old friend of mine. I have seen a lot since I arrived here: I saw as the patriarch had a daughter whom I was entrusted to care for as a nanny, I saw her grow up and become a great warrior and a great woman, and become the next matriarch, it was like watching a daughter grow up. It was a joy given to me that I never had children.The birth of his son brought joy to the mansion, and I felt even more joy when I knew that I would be the one to care for the little one. To me, he is like a grandson, and I always try to take care of him as best I can. However, something worries me. Sometimes, when I look at the young master, his eyes seem empty, as if he doesn't understand the affection his parents give him or any other emotion.I fear that the young master may have been born with a curse in his lineage that prevents him from feeling or anything else. That's why I try to show him new things, hoping that someday he will start to feel or at least understand.Today I brought him to the inner garden of the mansion to see the flowers and show him something more.---[Cesar] - Do you know why they are beautiful, young master? - he asked, his tone suggesting that he wanted to teach me something profound.[Neo] - "I really don't know..." [Cesar] - For most people, they can be beautiful because of their color, aroma, and shape, but I consider them beautiful because of the meaning we give them, because of what they represent, someone's love for another person or rebirth. When you cut a rose, it grows back even stronger and more beautiful. How the flower is reborn from death is something beautiful to me, the process of that, if that is not beautiful, I don't know what is.Cesar's gaze was nostalgic, warm, and, at the same time, sad.[Cesar] - Sometimes we just have to see with our hearts the truth that is hidden from sight, what can be considered the true form of something - his voice was deep and calm."See with the heart," those words resonated in my mind. For someone like me, who doesn't understand beauty, they were enigmatic words. But for some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about them.[Cesar] - Young master, why don't we try to see with the heart? - he turned to me, looking me directly in the eyes.What did he mean by "see with the heart"?[Cesar] - "Maybe this will help the young master. Although I don't know if it will work, I don't even know if he understands me. But at least let's try." - he said to himself.Cesar smiled at me and said - Let's try, shall we? - then he turned me towards the roses and covered my eyes with his hand.[Cesar] - First, let's close our eyes and forget how they look.I didn't know what he was getting at, but I had no choice. Still, I doubted it would work.Cesar continued explaining how to see with the heart. First, forget the image seen by the eyes. Second, forget the surroundings. Third, feel the shape and texture with touch, creating a mental image.The difference between seeing and feeling was noticeable. Cesar took my hands and guided me over the petals, the stem, the leaves, the thorns, until the end.[Cesar] - Once you have the shape in your mind, focus on its texture, aroma...I was enveloped in the sensation of touch: the softness of the petals, the hardness of the stem, the tips of the thorns, the evocative aroma. I remembered the softness of my bed sheets, and little by little, I immersed myself in the feeling of falling asleep again.[Cesar] - Then you must... - Cesar stopped when he heard my snoring.Neo had fallen asleep, dreaming of his bed.[Cesar] - Young master, don't fall asleep! - he shook me gently - Ahh, "I thought we were making progress... well, it was to be expected."I woke up, groggy, with sleepy eyes. Cesar looked at me, with his usual warm and resigned gaze.Cesar sighed, struggling to get up.Crack![Cesar] - Ouch, my back! Sometimes I forget that I'm old... - he complained, biting his lip.After recovering, Cesar continued with his second goal of the day. He pointed to the roses we had seen before.[Cesar] - You know, young master, the silver roses that grow here are special. Do you know why?[Neo] - ... - I looked at him intently, as if asking "again".[Cesar] - Hehe... don't look at me like that. The reason these silver roses are special is because they are the symbol of the Goddess "Selnaria" - he pointed upwards.Looking up, I saw a statue of a woman holding a shield and a spear, dressed in a tunic held by a brooch on her right shoulder. On the shield was a symbol of the moon, and the spear was carved with war drawings. The expression on her face was one of peace, but her eyes seemed to see you and soothe the soul.The statue, made of white marble, seemed almost divine.[Cesar] - The Goddess "Selnaria" is the guardian deity of the Leone family - he said fervently.Goddess "Selnaria" is a deity worshiped in the Leone family, apart from its churches and parishioners, the Leone family believes in this deity for reasons that go back to the first patriarch and founder of the Leone.The goddess "Selnaria" is the goddess of the moon and war, guiding in the darkest night with her moonlight and protecting all those blessed who travel through darkness, goddess of war and peace.From Neo's point of view, thinking that there was a being superior to him or in itself superior to everything else was stupidity. If there was such a perfect or superior being, it was irrational. But, after having known and lived an experience that transcends various aspects like reincarnation or meeting someone capable of distorting reality, it became clear the existence of those called gods in Neo's mind.So being the son of a family believing in a divinity and having known a divine being left Neo thinking, trying to understand something he couldn't.Neo after seeing the statue didn't react differently, he always remained calm, but when he looked into the eyes of the statue of that god, it was as if the statue returned his gaze.---Cesar continued explaining to me the devotion of the Leone family to the Goddess "Selnaria" until he got to the point of why he had brought me here.[Cesar] - Young master, I brought you here to receive the blessing of the goddess - he said hopefully.Cesar said to Neo, although the reason was to receive a blessing for Neo it's not like it will work, and despite that Neo wondered if he would receive something like a blessing, although he thought to himself that it would be useful if he received something like that, since a blessing equals a type of protection and having that when your life is in danger is quite good.Cesar knelt before the statue of Selnaria, holding Neo in his arms. With reverence, he began to recite a prayer in a low voice, his words filled with faith and devotion.[Cesar] - Oh, great goddess Selnaria, guardian of the Leone family, I humbly beseech you to bless this child with your grace and protection. May your light illuminate his path and may your strength accompany him in the challenges he faces.As Cesar continued his prayer, the garden remained in a deep, almost mystical silence. Suddenly, the statue of Selnaria began to resonate softly, as if responding to his prayers. A silver light emanated from the statue, enveloping it in an ethereal glow.[Cesar] - Hey! Is it really answered! - exclaimed Cesar, surprised by the tangible response to his prayer.The silver light focused on a spiritual figure that emerged from the statue, a representation of the goddess herself. With a delicate movement, the figure bowed and kissed Neo's forehead, leaving a luminous mark that shone brightly.[Neo] - "What just happened?" - Neo wondered, feeling a strange warmth on his forehead.Cesar, with tears of joy in his eyes, couldn't contain his emotion. He quickly got up, holding Neo carefully but with obvious enthusiasm.[Cesar] - The goddess has blessed him! The young master has received Selnaria's blessing! - he shouted, his words full of fervor and joy.Without wasting a second, Cesar ran towards the mansion, carrying Neo in his arms. He crossed the garden and crossed the gates with an energy that didn't seem to match his age.[Neo] - "Hmp, at this rate I think I'm going to vomit" - he resisted doing it despite the dizziness he felt.[Cesar] - Matriarch! Master Lucius! You have to see this! - he shouted as he advanced through the corridors, his steps resonating with strength.The servants and other members of the family looked at him with curiosity and surprise as he passed by at full speed. Finally, he reached the main hall where Neo's parents were gathered.- Despite his age, he moves well - said one of those present watching how Cesar moves.[Cesar] - The goddess Selnaria has blessed the young master! - he announced, almost breathless, but with a radiant smile.Annet and Lucius looked at each other, first with surprise and then with joy. They approached Cesar and his son, looking at the luminous mark on Neo's forehead.[Lucius] - Cesar, are you sure about what you're saying? - Lucius asked, incredulous but hopeful.[Cesar] - Of course, Master Lucius! I saw it with my own eyes! - Cesar affirmed, his voice full of conviction.Annet took Neo in her arms, looking at the mark with astonishment and reverence.[Annet] - Hehe, it was to be expected from my little Neo! - she whispered, her eyes filled with joy.Suddenly, Neo, who had been quietly observing everything, let out a small yawn and snuggled against his mother.[Neo] - "It's too much to think about, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep"[Cesar] - We must have a party to celebrate this! - Cesar exclaimed, euphoric.Annet and Lucius looked at each other and then at Cesar with a mischievous smile.[Annet] - Didn't you say we should refrain from having parties for anything our son does?[Lucius] - Yes, Cesar, and especially that you punished us by making us kneel for a couple of hours last time, huh? - he added, trying to contain a laugh.Cesar became visibly nervous, scratching his head and avoiding eye contact.[Cesar] - Um, well, that doesn't matter now. What matters is the goddess's blessing, right? - he quickly responded, trying to change the subject.The tension in the room broke with a soft laughter as everyone watched the little Neo, who had already fallen asleep in his mother's arms, completely unaware of the miracle that had just occurred and the commotion it had caused.Let me sleep.