
Chronicles of a revenant

The destiny tends to repeat itself over and over again, but with just the flap of a butterfly's wings, it can change the fate of everything. A new life, a new beginning for me, was a curse disguised as a blessing. I won't let the idiot hero lead us to Ragnarök. Although it will be a difficult journey, I will change the fate of this world, the fate of my family, my destiny.

Ryuck · Fantasía
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15 Chs

A fresh start - chapter 1 part 1

Tears stream down my cheeks, confused and lonely, as my mind drowns in an ocean of unanswered questions. What is happening here? Who are these people surrounding me with gestures filled with love and sadness?The light in the room, barely perceptible, barely allows me to make out the outlines of their faces. I find myself in a strange room, a blend of the familiarity of a hospital but older and more rustic.I feel the comforting warmth of arms holding me, soft hands embracing me tenderly. A young woman, with white hair and sky-blue eyes full of conflicting emotions, smiles at me through tears. Her skin, fair as snow, highlights the blush of her cheeks, tears and joy mingled together.Beside her, a man with golden hair and warm eyes gazes at me tenderly, his smile also marred by tears. Both envelop me in a love that transcends understanding.Their tears fall onto my face, warm like balm for the soul, but also heavy like the weight of an unresolved mystery. Why are they crying? Why do they embrace me this way?The woman lifts me carefully, surprising me with the delicate strength of her hands. But how is it possible...? Only then do I realize my transformation; I look down and see my baby body.Questions flood my mind, interrupted in an instant. The woman cradles me in her arms, nestling me against her chest with gentleness and utmost care.I can feel the beat of her heart, a steady and comforting rhythm that intoxicates me with its melody. Her caresses are like soft whispers of comfort, and her kiss on my forehead.The man beside her leans his forehead against hers, sharing a moment of intimacy and complicity that leaves me silent. They are like two souls reunited once more in an eternal embrace.And then, amidst this ocean of emotions, one of them speaks, his voice resonating within me like a distant echo:- My little Neo - he whispers tenderly as he looks at me.I feel confused by everything that is happening, by the unanswered questions crowding my mind, but weariness embraces me, and unable to resist, I slowly close my eyes, letting myself be carried away by the comfort of their warm arms.My thoughts fade into the mist of sleep, leaving only a confusing murmur of unanswered questions, falling into slumber.The woman, visibly exhausted but radiant with happiness, lies back on the bed with a sigh of relief. The man, with a sincere smile lighting up his tired eyes, approaches her and speaks to her tenderly:[Lucius] - You did a wonderful job, my dear. Now rest easy; I'll take care of putting our little one to sleep.She returns the smile, surrendering to exhaustion with a whispered gratitude.[Annet] - I leave him in your care, dear.With a genuine warmth that only a father can offer, he picks me up in his arms, enveloping me with reassuring security. He takes me to a room specially prepared for me, gently placing me on a cozy bed.That night was the first time I slept peacefully...I feel the breeze on my face. I slowly open my eyes and the first thing I see is a ceiling unfamiliar to me. It wasn't the ceiling of the prison I was already accustomed to seeing every time I woke up. This ceiling was new to me.I try to move but it's in vain; I've lost control of my body. I turn my gaze to my body, searching for the reason why I can't move. A white blanket covers me up to my neck. I observe my small body, letting out a sigh at the sight of myself.Remembering what happened to me and seeing it again, I knew it wasn't a dream. I try to look around, but I can't. I can only see what's in front of me. I find myself in a finely decorated white room. I see open windows; the wind blows along with the curtains of those windows.Little by little, I began to understand what was happening to me, about my new form and the place where I am, especially about what happened with that being proclaiming a god and my wish. I was reborn.I never believed in something after death or that I would go to heaven or hell or somewhere or just my being would disappear, I guess I was wrong.But, if I was reborn where I am, and more importantly, who were they...? remembering last night.It's then that I feel a small yawn beside me interrupting my thoughts. A sweet voice reaches me, cheerful and comforting.A thin and delicate hand like a woman's turns me gently to the side. A woman is lying next to me, her white hair covering part of her face, only one of her eyes is open, she seemed newly awake.[Annet] - You're awake, my child - she said with a cheerful smile.I wondered instantly who she was, but, I think I'm starting to know.She slowly gets up from the bed and sits on it. Then, she extends her hands towards me and lifts me, cradling me in her arms.Her demeanor resembles that of an angel, with her hair white as clouds and her eyes blue as the sky. The way her pupils narrow, almost like a feline's fangs. She is draped in a fine sleeping veil, which gives her a noble elegance.Gently, she smiled at me and planted a sweet kiss on my forehead.[Annet] - My child - her tone as she speaks is so sweet and full of emotions - I can finally hold you in my arms.I contemplated her as I heard her say those words, I knew in that instant that she is my mother, she was the only alternative after seeing my situation, but, the situation I am in reminded me of the past.The first time I saw my parents in the eyes, that look of repulsion, disgust... a past that left my memory, but, now the eyes I see are full of light.She caresses my face gently, watching me intently.Having said that now I can confirm that I have been reborn, but, from what I see the place and the clothes they wear, it does not seem to be my world or at least not the time.[Neo] - "Atchoo" «Hmm? I think I breathed dust» - I sneezed reflexively.[Annet] - Oh! Are you alright, little one? Are you okay? - she asked worriedly seeing me sneeze.[Neo] - «Of course I'm fine, it was just a simple sneeze, why is she getting so worked up?» - I wondered to myself.My mother's voice awakened the man who was still asleep in the bed. A man with blond hair and golden eyes with skin as white as snow.If I remember correctly, he is the same man from last night, seeing him sleeping in the same bed as my mother he is my father who woke up.Still asleep, he halfway got up from the bed and asked with yawns: - What's going on? Why all the commotion? - he asked, yawning with his eyes half-closed.My mother, agitated, called my father, worried about me. He, still drowsy, got up completely and approached our side of the bed. His golden eyes,filled with concern, rested on me.[Neo] - «There's no need to make such a fuss, it's just a sneeze.» - I tried to say it, but I couldn't, only incomprehensible babbling came out and it was barely audible.[Lucius] - Neo, how are you feeling? - he asked, placing a hand on my forehead; in his palm appeared a circular symbol, emanating a green aura. But what...It's the first time I've seen something like this, my father closed his eyes as he followed his hand on my forehead with that strange symbol, he opened his eyes and said that there was nothing wrong with me.Comforting my mother, saying that nothing was wrong with me and that it must have been because of the cold in the morning when I woke up just now. They are both worried about me, their expressions, their care, those eyes that see me with a warm light.I still don't fully understand why they do it, it's just something I don't understand anyway it's something I'll have to get used to now that I've been reborn and I'm starting from scratch.I stayed evaluating my situation, observing who are now my parents in this life....Days went by and I was able to gather information about the world where I was born. At first, I thought I had been born in the same world, but that belief was shattered from the first day when I saw my father use a strange power. What he showed that day was a magical healing rune that scanned me physically to see if there was anything wrong.As for how this information is, I already knew it before but I never thought I'd see it... - Ah! - I let out a tired sigh. In the end, it turned out to be a cliché, I never thought I would reincarnate in a fantasy world where something like magic existed or something like that, but I reincarnated in a world of that style, but the most cliché thing that could happen was to be reborn in the world of the novel I was reading.It was popular in my other life the theme of reincarnation in another world or transmigration, to summarize it would be the journey to another world.Someone in my situation would be happy, excited? I don't know, but I'm not, maybe because of my lack of emotions or simply because I know the world where I was reincarnated.Which leads me to why reincarnate in this world, two possibilities come to mind of the reason why I came to this world.One, it would be that this so-called God scrutinizing me saw something related to the novel and, seeing how chaotic his personality was, sent me here to be reborn.Two, when I asked for my wish and saw my life flash before my eyes, remembering all the hours I spent reading the novel caused, to say it in some way, something unconscious in me, at the moment of asking for my wish.Anyway, it doesn't matter the reason why I ended up being reborn in the world of the novel I was reading.Setting that aside, according to the information I've been able to gather, I was born into the Leone family, being the son of the matriarch of the family, Annet, leader of the influential Leone family of the kingdom of "Mythrandor," located in the southeast of the continent.My mother, Annet, is known as the silver lioness, a title earned in the war of the red fire rain, although that's another story. As matriarch of the Leone family, she takes care of the territories bordering between the kingdom of "Mythrandor" and the kingdom of "Dalius," apart from leading the family.My father is an 8-circle magician. Although before he was one of the most prominent magicians in the kingdom, now he is simply a househusband, according to the information from the novel.The Leone family is considered one of the strongest and most influential in the kingdom, known as the kingdom's wall due to the strong warriors born in this family. Additionally, all born into the Leone family have notable physical traits, such as pupils that resemble fangs and slightly more pronounced teeth, giving them a fiercer appearance.That's all the information I have for now, although I don't know whether to call it good or bad luck to have been reborn into this family... what I'm saying is, it's absolutely bad luck everything, the world and the family where I was reborn.Of course, looking at it logically, after all I know what will happen in the world, what will happen to this family in the near or distant future, but it will happen, I don't know when but I know one thing, that it will not be something good.I reflected on the situation I was in and on the truth of this world and its fate, although it was only a couple of days since I was reborn I still couldn't believe that I had been reborn in another world especially that that world where I was reborn was the world of the novel I was reading.What will I do now that I have been reborn, how will I live, what will I do knowing that I know what will happen in the future, my plan before being reborn was to live a long peaceful life... I guess it was just a plan without a future.I came to a single conclusion since I no longer had the alternative to change my wish or the world where I would be reborn, this family, this kingdom, the continent itself will go to shit and I will not be there when it happens, now what matters is surviving in this world.In a single conclusion I arrived, that I must leave this place as soon as possible, so at least I can live a little longer.I already have a goal in this life, to live as peacefully as possible and have a long life if lucky.It's not the best goal for everyone, but it's my goal, I don't want to be like those cliché stories where the protagonist saves the world or whatever, I just want to live longer than anyone else and live my life in peace.That's my goal in this life.