
Chapter 15

The water on the stove is boiling so he put it on a tray and gathered some snacks back upstairs. Cassidy was on edge after the phone call. She could not believe the type of person Nick had become and wondered what she ever see in him. She was so glad that she had lost her virginity to Max because she wouldn't have been able to live with herself if Max believed anything Nick had said and at that moment she realized that she still loved Max but how could she ever believe that he loved her? Cassidy came to a decision she would marry Max even if he didn't love her she just couldn't see yourself with anyone else.

Max walked into the bedroom carrying a tray with tea and cookies and set it on the dresser. He walked over to the bed to make sure Cassidy was okay after that rather nasty call from Nick. Nick called while you were downstairs. He threatened to tell you that he had had me first if I didn't give him money. You have to believe me that I didn't have anything to do with him like that! I know sweetheart Maxon remember I took your innocence earlier this evening. I also heard what he said because I listened. After you hung up he tried to tell me the same thing and I told him that I know you and you are not that type of person!

Cassidy collapsed with relief in Max's arms she knew she had some explaining to do but she didn't know quite where to start so she decided to start with her virginity! Max I believe I owe you an explanation about tonight! I know I should have told you but I didn't think you would notice but after what Nick said I'm glad you did notice. Cassie let's get one thing straight even if I wouldn't have noticed I don't give a shit what that idiot said. I know you and know that that is not how you are.

Why did you think it would matter to me if you were a virgin or not Cassidy? With everything that has happened between us I thought if you knew the truth that you would have walked away and found somebody with more experience the caste said. Sweetheart I wouldn't have done that I would have tried to make your first time a lot more memorable than what it was Max replied. Anything and everything with you is memorable, Cassidy said.

I was thinking about what dad had said about us getting married? Cassidy we don't have to do it! Like you said you have your own money and don't need his. I know Max but this is something I've been thinking about hard and long. I know what we had before we can never get back and no I don't want to get into all that but I can't see myself with anyone else and I can't bear seeing another woman on your arm so why not just get married? Cassidy are you sure this is what you want to do? Max this is what I want so how do you envision our wedding?

Do you want to have a big wedding or just go to the courthouse? Cassidy it's your wedding also so what do you want? Max could tell Cassidy was deep in thought and then she said let's just go to the courthouse! It's the simplest way we can go there later today to see what we need to do. Cassidy could say it was okay but in the back of his mind he was wondering why the sudden change of heart on the subject but he didn't ask.