
Chapter 14

Just as Cassidy climaxed he gave one last upward thrust and Spilled his hot wet seed inside her. They both collapsed from exhaustion. Caste laid there in silence due to not knowing what to say. Max got up and went into the bathroom and found some soaking salt in the cupboard and poured some into the tub of running water. In the bedroom cast me was wondering if she had disappointed him he didn't say anything he just got out of bed and went into the bathroom. At that very moment the bathroom door opened and maxed rolled over to the bed and gently lifted her up into his arms and walked toward the bathroom.

Max what are you doing! sweetheart I just took your virginity you need to soak in a warm bath to help ease any discomfort and to keep your muscles from getting extremely sore. Max are you going to join me? Not this time right now you need to soak and relax. I'll go to the kitchen and whip us up a snack. As Cassidy Soca Max walked into the bedroom and pulled his pants and then headed down to the kitchen.

Max found Sylvia standing in the kitchen. So max did you get Cassidy to listen to you? I'm trying Sylvia. I love your niece and I will not hurt her. I just need her to realize that I wanted nothing to do with her dad's game but it could take time to convince her of that! Max like I told you earlier today Cassidy is my only niece and I see her as my daughter so don't hurt her or disappoint her again if you know what's good for you. With that said Sylvia went up to her room.

Max was standing at the stove boiling water when he heard a sound outside the kitchen window. Max knew that Cassidy was upstairs in the tub and Sylvia just went to a room so he opened the back door and walked to the window where he discovered Footprints and he knew someone was out there watching inside the house. At that moment he heard the phone ringing inside so he hurried up and ran in but by that time caste it already answered it upstairs so he gently lifted the receiver to the kitchen phone to listen but he didn't like what he was hearing from the other end or even the person on the other end of the line.

Cassidy I know he is there. I saw him in the kitchen. Do you really think I'm going to let you get away with this either you get me the money I asked for or your little fiance won't like the outcome of what I do to you but that will be after I tell him that I have had you every way from Sunday! he might not care about what I do to you then. Nick you can't blackmail me like that Max would never believe you! He has known me longer than you have and he knows the type of person I am. If you call me again I will call the cops. With that said Cassie hung up the phone. Nick new Max was still on the line. So how does it feel to know that I have had your fiance before you? Nick you are so full of shut I know Cassie and she would never touch you like that so he'd my final warning leave her alone or you will pay Max slam the phone down.