
Chosen one is the Cursed one

Year 2030 of the earth , peaceful era was over, this is the Era of hunters now. After his first Awakening Jack become one of the top most hunter in his world he was known by many names for eg 'Dual wielder master', 'lone wolf' , 'A perfect strategist' 'one man army' And The hero That was the name he despise the most even though he dislike all of his nickname this name was just a Burden for him but no one can escape the fate of death even the hero can't After raiding the most dangerous dungeon [ level : Unranked ] he was on his last breath when he thought that his curse of choosen one is over the dungeon reward make his complexion pale . it was the book with the title 'The lone Survivor' . The book wasn't the reason but the voice of the system which tells him "you have passed the trial Chosen one, you will reincarnated in this book ( other world ) , your character has been already decided by ••••, you have to survive in that world and have to make sure that world doesn't met his demise by •••••, we wish you good luck " Jack pov " Shit , f*ck , f*ck , f*ck, f*ck ------ ∞ , here we go again " after calming himself down and accepting the book he get the book content in his mind and frowning he said "what kind of shitty author write this book?" and making up his mind with a little or no time he said " I will help out that world but " *in the cold tone * he said "I will find you whoever gave me this choosen one curse and the day I will find you , that will be the last day of your life and you will regret gaving me this curse " after remembering something with a bitter smile he said "In the end i couldn't find you my little brother and ...you too but i saved people like you both said to me " and then the hero of that world met his demise. P.S = this is my first novel so i don't have much experience and my English is very bad even worse than MTL translation lol , but i will try to improve it and please don't compare this trash /shit /waste/ junk to any other brilliant novel and I am writing this novel as a part time , so please don't expect me to release at a constant time , i will release the chapter when I am free . i have taken the idea of my novel from the novel's extra and the author's pov *the cover on the novel is obviously not mine and if you are the owner of this cover and want me to remove it, contact me on my email please. * Thankyou Hope you have a good day by the Author

itz_zer0 · Fantasía
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16 Chs



the old man stops talking with Elena and look toward Zephyr with confused expression

Zephyr speaks with an annoying look on his face

"Do i have to repeat myself? "

the assassin come from his shadow and brought two chairs, the old man sat on one chair and Elena on another chair and the assassin go back into the shadow

Zephyr watch this carefully like the villain in Power rangers shows when power rangers are introducing themselves one by one

' Look like Elena have known about that guard '

putting his hands together the old man speaks

" Why don't you explain the deal first? "

Zephyr carefully assessing him and pointing toward Elena father he speaks.

" i can treat him ".

hope appeared on Elena face, but a sigh escaped from the old man mouth and shaking his head he speaks

" Kid, you don't know but even saint herself can't treat him, we can only wait for his de-

looking towards Elena who has crying face he stops speaking and look toward Zephyr he continued

" So please get on your way "

looking towards old man, Zephyr laughs

" Haha Haha . you are funny, old man"

the old man eyebrow raises, and anger can be seen in his eyes.

" funny? "

the old man doesn't understand Zephyr words but by giving only fake hope to the daughter of that dying man, he was angry in his life after a long a time

because the stage where the Elena father is that the dark powers is merge with his most of his mana which is slowly eating him from inside

as light element user treats the person who is infected with dark powers by clashing the dark powers with light element power but at this point in time treating him only results in his painful death.

Zephyr don't care about his anger, and he continued with an emotionless expression

" i know that treating him by light element user only results in his painful death but what if i tell you

he stopped for a sec looking towards there expression with smirk on his face he continued

" That i have a way to treat him "

' There is a way in a book to treat him which is discovered by Leo when Amelia is greatly infected by dark powers but i don't have the time to look for that flower, so i have to use other way '

a shock appeared on old man face but still he wants to know more

" let's believe that you really have a way to treat him "

but bending forward and looking in the Zephyr emotionless eye with a serious expression he continued

" What is it you want? "

the old man lived in this world for too long, but he hasn't seen this type of expression on such young face, but he knows that nothing in this world is free that's why he asks that question

Zephyr has a wow expression on his inside but he already expected from this much from this old man because he knows the real identity of the person sitting in front of him.

with a grin on his face, he speaks

" Underground market, I need underground market"

when the last word escaped from Zephyr mouth with an unimaginable speed the assassin moves toward the Zephyr and the old man shout

" stop "

assassin dagger stopped at the Zephyr neck and at the same time Zephyr sword hung at the back of the assassin neck

Zephyr eyes still not waver despite all of this circumstances and he is looking toward old man without an expression on his face

old man had an astonished look on his face. he expects the child in front of him professional but not this much

the same can also said for the assassin who don't have a expression on his face but his eyes are shaking.

old man asked his guard to go back into his shadows and apologies to Zephyr.

and after with serious expression old man bend forward and narrowing his eyes, he continued the discussions

" Can you explain me, what do you mean by that?"

Zephyr knew that this deal is in his hand now and he have to choose his words carefully

shrugging his shoulder Zephyr continued

" it's simple, old man or

with a smirk he continued

" Should I say Roy the former underground market leader "

old man already guessed the kid in front of him already knew his identity, that's why his expression doesn't change until Zephyr say next words

" Your so-called child abandons you, isn't it? "

Roy eyes open wide and lowering his head a tired sigh escape from his mouth


Zephyr knew the situation from the book that the Roy is the underground market leader who has control over the whole underground leader in the past, but he lost his wife in internal dispute

after that incident he adopted a 16-year child whose name is Vincent because he is the one who took back his wife dead body from the opponents

but with the time passes Vincent got more ambitious, as we know Underground market is the place which is neutral in both hero and villain society but to gain more power

Vincent makes contract with demon and want to make Underground market controls under the Villain society aka shadow world

' Now that I think about it, Roy wife's death is kind of suspicious and the 'him' that Elena talks about in future must be Vincent '

the reason zephyr came in the underground market for many reasons but the important one is to check the condition in the underground market

because he doesn't know the perfect date when fight between these two (Roy and Vincent faction) takes place, but he knew that the result ended with Roy's death and defeat

and this is called the first tragedy in the book which ignite the flame in world destruction because it disrupts the power balance between Hero society aka the Edge and the Villain society aka Shadow world

Zephyr speaks with a smirk on his face even though he knows that the Roy is feeling not so well after the betrayal but the revenge flame is necessary for now

" So why don't we know make underground market back to neutral "

Roy's eye start shaking, he has a fear, excitement and anxiety in his eyes, and he thought

'How does he know? no, how much does he know?'

before he could ask such a question Zephyr cut him with a grin on his face

" If you want to know more, especially about spies in your faction, why we don't make a deal first? "

Roy couldn't help but ask a question

" Are you a prophet? "

a frown appeared on Zephyr face

" Old man, did betrayal make you crazy enough to spout such nonsense? "


Roy laughs scared both Elena and Zephyr

'Damn, did this old man really have gone crazy, his laugh gave me chills'

after laughing for a bit and seeing the scared Expression on Elena, he patted her head to calm her down

' Well, it's understandable that i have laughed after a long time and it's the first time Elena sees me laugh'

Roy still can't accept the offer no matter how much tempting this offer is because he already suffers from trusting someone else and he can't accept an offer from someone whose identity is unknown.

knowing his circumstance or you can say trust issues, Zephyr throws another bait

" If you don't trust me, why don't we make the oath of sword? "

Roy's eyes open wide, and his eyes start shaking because it is one of the dangerous oaths in which when the user break this oath, the swords surrounded the heart penetrates it giving the worst pain as possible resulting in the scariest death as possible

but after looking at Elena innocent and helpless expression, he accepts the offer and after discussing with the deal he accepts it

"Hmm, you want us to support you and your company "

' The offer is quite good and it's not bad to make connection with him'

after making the oath of sword and making the deal in which party is not allowed to harm each other and the contract is for 5 years

after making the oath zephyr feels that the 5 to 6 swords are surrounding his heart after sensing that power his eyes shakes but he closes his eyes

' This power .... is same as Leo's existence power that I sensed the other day but there is a difference, I maybe in stalemate against the Leo's power now but I can defeat these swords power by making my aura level up because it is weaker than his power, now i wonder what the relation between this world system and Leo is ?'

opening his eyes, he continued

" let's start treating the Elena father first"

nodding his head, Roy looks toward Elena who has a happy face

Zephyr moves toward Elena's father who is growling in pain and put his hand on his chest and an aura which is darker than black, and which is consuming all the light around him

Elena, Roy and his assassin got scared and they got chills over their body, Roy hugs Elena, and at that all have the same question

'What kind of this aura is and why is this feeling too empty?'

already guessing their reaction without turning around zephyr speak in hoarse and colder voice

"It's a secret"

they couldn't help but gulp and nodded their head, it's felt like they are suppressing under some domination .

after some minute Zephyr moves away and stumbled his steps because he already exhausts his aura and the reason, he is standing totally because of will power

after the treatment, Elena's father stop growling in pain and lost consciousness

running toward her father, after listening her father breathing and heartbeat she relieves and with a thankful gaze she looks toward Zephyr

Roy gives the support to Zephyr and extending his hand, he gives aura recovering potion to Zephyr which he asks Roy to prepare previously

and after that Roy and Elena sincerely thanks Zephyr

he drinks the high aura recovery potion and feeling his aura which is half back

he sits on the chair again and closed his eyes for a moment

without wasting more time, he opened his eyes and continued

" let's review the manpower first and the difference between your and Vincent faction strength"

Roy explains the detail with a proud and a thankful expression on his face

after listening his detail, Zephyr nodded his head and snapping his finger for a while he speaks

" Long story short, you are saying majority of people are in your side and you have enough manpower and strength to attack, let's say power is divided into 6:4 but you are mainly worried about spies in your group"

" yes "

" i see "

Zephyr knew about the most spies in his faction and the reason for Roy death is spies too, the war between two is like a chess, no matter how many strong pawns you have under your command if the King dies, game over and that's what happen with the Roy in the book

Zephyr speaks after a while

" As i said i know about the most spies in your faction "

with a smirk he continued

" And why don't we use those pawns to spread false information "

after explaining the details of the plan

" Hmm, so you are saying we have to fool our friends first if we have to fool our enemies "

" yup "

after explaining the whole plan to Roy and he have a satisfied expression on his face

" it's passable, we will follow this plan"

' Such amazing plan with less minimum causality, thank God he is allied with us'

" And you need weapon, right? let me give you a recommendation letter "

Zephyr accepts the recommendation letter because he knew about that blacksmith and one of the demands he made in deal, even though Roy is surprised about his information, he starts to accept reality now

after leaving the place where he came from. Elena bid him goodbye, but he doesn't care which results in pouting her

Zephyr moves in a slum area taking many turns and he stand in front of an old and shabby house

but Zephyr knew that you would find the gold where you have the least expectations


Zephyr enters the house, or you can call workshop