
Chosen of Summer

[MATURE CONTENT] This story will be very gay…. Move along you’re not interested. It’s going going to be a dark journey, love interests will be everywhere. Not doing harem, but one night stands most definitely. Fantasy awaits! ps this is my first time writing, please me gentle with me. constructive criticism is nice but please don’t be mean to me. I’m a big softy >.

3crows_in_a_coat · Fantasía
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16 Chs

12 Fool’s Folly

"What plans did Runithar's guard captain have in mind?" Stratton had placed his hand on the massive thigh resting against him, circling his thumb in a spot that made the black wings rustle behind the pair.

A deep chuckle entered his ear as Boen nestled his face into the crook of Stratton's neck. "The fact you already figured out my rank! I applaud you. I had hoped you were, as my subordinates theorized, in the service of pleasuring a traveling lord. Selfishly I hoped I could be your liberation, not that many Elven lords are so lowley." He tisked, "you are radiant, I can imagine even good men stooping into the darkest depths to hold you close…"

"Well appreciate your intent, as misguided as it was," Stratton swung his leg over the man's lap, wrapped his thighs around Boen's waist and settled his full weight onto him. Boen happily held onto Stratton naked hips, gently pushing down so he could press himself against the solid curves of Stratton body. "I am in route to Bordaes, as I'm required to attend a university. So as much as I would enjoy staying in your… company, I have to complete my education." Stratton had emphasized the word company with sensually moving his body closer to Boen's chest, while applying friction to where the man's desire strained against the thin linen cloth.

"I don't think you understand" Beon had an ache within the pit of his stomach, "how much power you hold" Boen licked his dry lips, they tingled looking into Stratton's hazel eyes before him. "If I may be so bold…. I will spend the night here in your chambers, I will be your bed warmer, your lover. I can't keep you passed the dawn, I know, but one more night." Boen hairy chest rose and fell as his breaths deepened with his lust. His rough hands held and kneaded Stratton's round ass, pulling apart his thighs more so he could rub himself against the tender place he wished to bury his desires. His tone was deep and commanding, "you're going to be a good boy," Beon took his two fingers and made Stratton suck on them, "you're going to say "yes sir"," he pull out the two fingers and started probing the most intimate place he could. Stratton whimpered "yes sir" as he felt the full length of the digits massage the spot that made him squirm. "You're going to do everything I tell you to, you're going to beg, and you're going to let me take you even if exhaustion claims you," pulling out his hand he smacked Stratton's cheek hard enough to make a red hand print, "now undress me"

"Yes sir," Stratton moved to undo the man's pants with his teeth.

*animals! •_•*


Boen had stay passed dawn, he helped Stratton to gather the few things he had left to pack. To Stratton's surprise Boen had escorted him down to breakfast, much to the shock of his brother. It was after walking him to the dining hall that he kissed Stratton's hand one last time, before leaving through the front door.

" Who of the Foresaken gods was that?!" Avu had watched the interaction with his mouth on the floor. After all the Avi warrior was a man who would make other men nervous.

"Oh that is Boen, Captain of the Runithar Guardsmen… stop gawking, you'll catch a bug in your throat." Stratton had nonchalantly walked to the other side of the table and took to wolfing bite out of the breakfast prepared for him. Looking at his brother he rolled his eyes at the steam trying to exit his ears. Stratton pointed his fork at him, "be pissy all you want! It's my a-!"

"STOP!! Since when have you expressed such vulgarity?!?" He was both red and wide eyed, "are you not worried about-"

"Rumors? Ha! let them talk! I care not for politics, I have no intention of marrying into a royal house. I'm a far better mage and healer than any man could hope to marry. I have already been walked all over by an entitled, pretty, fuck face. I will do as I please and WHO I please."

*I know our brother is old fashioned but don't poke a ravenous slime* Stratton could almost feel Eversor's eye roll.

The guards in the room seemed bashful as many looked away, a few looked to the brown haired man trying their best to hide lustful expressions.

"Fine! Do as you please, just… spare me the pain of meeting your… escapades." Avu sounded more defeated than annoyed.

"You have a deal!" Stratton smiled unphased by the awkward air, he continued to eat as tho nothing happened.


Their journey continued on foot, down narrow passageways and winding cliffs to reach the river docks, to Stratton's suprise Faisen was their guide through the canyon. The stoic man had given Stratton a smirk of recognition, tilting his head slightly but did not mentioning the night they had spent together. Much to Stratton's relief, Avu seemed agitated enough that the rugged raven haired man kept looking over to Stratton when providing guidance. Even helping the more than capable human over obstacles, like a princess in need. By the time they reached the docks Avu was dragging his sibling away from the gaze of the winged elf, Stratton caught his eyes as he was pulled off. Faisen gave him a wink and put two fingers in front of his mouth before sensually running his tongue across valley between them. Making Stratton blush, remembering the man's skill all to well. The warrior took flight with a mighty thrust of golden wings.

Turned back to see the auburn hair of his brother's head he couldn't help but chuckle.

*we're always going to be his precious little brother? Aren't we?* Eversor despaired, being under estimated made the cold white aura of Stratton other half flash aross his irises.

The flash was unnoticed, but Avu still felt a chill down his spine. Which he contributed to the pervy guard.

It only took an hour for the Muesrae guards to load the small vessel with the luggage both of roylas and servants, half of them would return to the estate. The other half would finish the journey and be stationed at Unvallex as personal guards. While Avu had personal maids, Stratton opted to take care of his own person. Much to the protest of the estates staff and his mother. So Stratton only would have two personal guards stationed with him, Fuast who was a Desmil or changeling; the demon race of Reinin's decent, god of deception. The second being Syncha she is a wood elf, or the elven house decending from Ysvir the green star of plenty. They were knights that Stratton had personally saved after catastrophic monster culls. Many of his father's knights had perished from the foresaken gods monsters. These two were saved from gruesome injuries.

Stratton was interrupted from his darker memories of blood and gore by Syncha putting her hand on his shoulder. She and Fuast guided him to his room aboard the ship. The boat was about the size of a steamboat from his previous incarnation, as the river rivaled even the great Mississippi Stratton wasn't suprised at the size. Much like a steam boat it was pushed forward with paddle wheels, however it was operated with mana instead of steam. A human invention.

Ducking into his quarters, the two guards followed. "Uhm my lord, due to the amount of people with us we have to share space…. I apologize!" Sychna bowed, she didn't expect an outburst but she didn't want to make the young lord displeased. Stratton looked over the bunk beds and laughed, "oh Avu you snake! Worry not you two! I see what Avune has put you up to. If we are sharing the space for the next three day, I impose a few rules, one no formalities!

Second, if you bow or say sorry for asking a question you have to run a lap around the deck. Third! No pranks, that applies to me and both of you as well." Stratton had turned to the other two with a big grin, "I think this is an excellent opportunity to get to know each other! After all I picked you two to watch my back, I'd like to actually know a thing or two about you!"

Stratton and turned and sat on the first bunk bed kicking off his boots, which seemed to magically untie themselves. Gesturing to the other bunk and them patting the spot next to him, "pick a spot, it's gonna be a long trip, let's make the most of it!"

Sychna and Fuast looked at each other before Fuast said in a whisper, "I can't sit next to him, I might faint"

She elbowed him, and hissed, "If I come in here and you are riding the young buck, I promise not to tell" she then jumped on the opposite bed lounging across the space. Giving Faust a evil wink, she got comfortable.

Resided to his fate, Faust sat as close to the corner of the mattress as possible. His blue skin showing a magenta hue on his cheek bones. "Gods I'm sharing a bed with him!" Faust's thought were quickly lost as the virbrant man next to him started rapid firing questions.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I am new to this, so doing my best ^.^

3crows_in_a_coatcreators' thoughts