
Chosen Heroes

Felix was going to be reincarnated as a hero. He had to work with the other reincarnated heroes to slay the Demon King, pretty simple right? Just one tiny problem....The Heroes he's supposed to work with are trying to kill him....

CaptainCrimson · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: Mana

Felix's consciousness was shrouded in an all-encompassing darkness, a velvety abyss that seemed to stretch on forever. It was a void, a space devoid of light, sound, or form. He couldn't see, hear, or move, and the profound stillness was both eerie and comforting. It was a stark contrast to the tumultuous journey that had brought him to this point, to the moment when he faced the enigmatic God of Life.

But there was something else—something more immediate and tangible. It was a warmth that gently wrapped around him, cradling him in an almost maternal embrace. It was a sensation that he had never experienced before in his previous life, a tender, comforting presence that was at once familiar and utterly foreign.

It was as if he was cocooned in a protective cocoon, shielded from the harsh realities of the world outside. This warmth was his sanctuary, a refuge from the cold, unforgiving void that had initially greeted him.

Felix's awakening mind began to piece together the fragments of his newfound reality. He couldn't see, and he couldn't move, but he could think. And as his thoughts coalesced, the pieces of the puzzle began to fit together.

The warmth that enveloped him, he realized, was the womb of his new life. It was the vessel that would nurture him, sustain him, and bring him into the world. But it wasn't just any womb; it was his mother's womb—or at least, the biological mother of this life.

The notion was both exciting and bewildering. In his past life, he had experienced the world from a different perspective, had known different faces and different voices. Now, he was presented with the prospect of a new beginning, a fresh start, and the opportunity to navigate the intricacies of a world he had yet to explore.

'Alright, back to sleep. I think I'm still in the womb, after all. Gotta rest up for the grand entrance into this new world.'

'Oh right, I don't need sleep.' Felix thought

'But wait, the God of Life's parting words... He instructed me to create my mana core as soon as I was born? Could I do that now instead?!'

'How do I even sense mana? I can't see or move in here. Does mana even exist inside this...stomach?'

'Well, I've got some time...nine months? In this cozy cocoon to figure things out. Let's see if there's anything I can do.'

'Maybe it's like trying to feel the warmth of the sun on your skin or the gentle touch of a breeze. Concentrate, Felix, concentrate!'

'Nope, nothing. I don't even know what I'm doing. How do you sense something like mana?'

'Maybe it's just not possible in here. Maybe I need to be out in the world to really understand it.'

'But what if its possible, what if I can form my core before I am even born?'

'I can't afford to miss out on such an advantage. I'll keep utilizing [Magus Mind] even if it seems impossible right now.'

'I should have asked the God of Life to be more specific, I haven't been in contact with this "mana" before, after all.'

'Wait! How do I even contact him?!' 

'Bah! I have to focus! Felix calm down!'

As time flowed in the quiet confines of the womb, Felix's consciousness delved deeper into the warm embrace that surrounded him. The minutes stretched into hours, and hours into days, though he had no means to measure them. In his concentrated state, he endeavored to attune himself to the enigmatic energies of this strange world.

With each passing moment, Felix's focus intensified thanks to [Indomitable Mind], and his determination grew. He yearned to connect with the very essence of life that enveloped him. It was as if he sought to pluck the threads of mana from the fabric of existence, but in this tranquil space, the threads remained elusive.

As his concentration deepened, he could almost sense the ebb and flow of energies, like a gentle river that meandered through the darkness. He felt a resonance, a connection, an inkling that he was on the cusp of something extraordinary.

The invisible sweat on his brow, though a mere manifestation of his mental effort, emphasized his persistence. He imagined it glistening like tiny pearls on his non-existent skin, a testament to his unwavering dedication. The silent determination within him drove him onward, as if he were a lone explorer in the depths of a hidden realm.

Felix's world had shrunk to this warm cocoon of life, his singular focus, his newfound purpose. With each passing moment, he was learning, adapting, and evolving within the confined expanse of his prenatal existence. 

As the endless expanse of time ticked on, Felix's relentless focus on the mysterious energies began to bear fruit. He sensed a subtle change in the environment, a presence that had eluded him for so long. The air in the womb seemed to quiver with a newfound vitality, and it wasn't long before he could perceive minuscule particles dancing through this hidden realm.

'Are those mana particles?' Felix guessed, clearly excited

These ethereal particles meandered aimlessly, resembling a delicate snowfall that refused to descend to the ground. Their movements were so slow that the passage of time felt almost irrelevant. Felix watched in awe as they wove intricate patterns in the void around him, creating an enchanting spectacle of life's magic.

The particles, unlike earthly snowflakes, held an elusive quality. They seemed almost sentient, driven by some unseen force. It felt as it....each one radiated a faint, otherworldly glow, casting a gentle, ever-shifting light in the otherwise dark void. He imagined them to be somewhat similar to the white particles released by the God of Life!

As they floated by, Felix attempted to reach out to them, to connect with this newfound presence.