
Chosen For You

I'm Kade and I'm turning seventeen soon. On my birthday I get to take a personality test that determines whether I'll become a vampire, werewolf, or stay human. After that I get to meet other people which I've never done. I'm not sure why they keep us separated. I don't have a mother or a father. I know how a child is made though. Where are my parents? What happened? I don't know how I'm here. I wonder what it's like outside of all the white walls? I wonder why they keep us separated? I wonder who I truly am?

Zarksy · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 1

Kade's Pov:

The alarm rings at 7:00 am like always. 5 minutes later at 7:05 the lights turn on and Maddie comes into the room. She's a robot. She looks nothing like me she has a camera in place of her eyes and a speaker where her mouth should be. I guess you could call her the closest thing I have to a mother but she's not and never will be. "Good morning Kade. Today's schedule is the following: 8:00 am breakfast arrives - 8:30 am leave to go to testing - 12:00 pm return from testing - 12:05 pm lunch arrives - 12:35 pm break begins- 1:00 pm studying begins - 3:00 pm studying ends, leave and go to workout area - 3:05 begin workout - 4:30 pm finish workout, leave and go to water tanks - 6:00 return to room - 6:10 pm dinner arrives - 6:40 pm reading time begins - 8:30 pm prepare for bed - 8:45 lights out. Here are your clothes for today I will return shortly." She sets down a pile of white clothes and then leaves the room.

Every day is the same until you turn seventeen, that's when life actually starts. You take a test that decides whether you stay a human or become a vampire or werewolf. Then you get to meet other people. I've never seen another person in my entire life. I've always been confined to small white rooms all by myself. Well, not actually by myself there's a mirror where I think humans watch me from. I'm not 100% sure though. My seventeenth birthday is in 3 days.

I put on the fresh clean white clothes that Maddie left for me. I brush my teeth and hair. I sit on my bed and wait for breakfast. There's a long beep and then the door slides up and a cart rolls in with oatmeal, blueberries, and some milk. I eat it quickly.

After a while, there's another long beep and the door slides up again. I walk through and see an empty hallway as always. I walk to the only open door.  I walk in, sit down and pick up the pen that's floating in front of the chair. The room is all white with a white chair, a pen that floats till you grab it, and a pipe that goes through the ceiling. I wait for the countdown. 3 2 1 begin. A question appears in front of me and seconds later another one shows up. You have 5 seconds to answer or else you get shocked by the pipe and then you have to restart. The shock leaves a welt where it hits so you have to think quickly and answer even quicker. Testing finally ends. I'm pretty happy I only got hit once, I usually get hit 2 or 3 times.

I return to my room and wait for lunch to arrive. It comes I eat, the usual. During my free time, I draw with some paper that I saved from study time. Then a bunch of books and paper arrive. I have to go over all the material and take notes. If I do poorly or don't write enough I get dinner taken away. I finish and the cart leaves. The door stays open and I head down the hall to the door that's open. There's a bunch of weights and a mirror on the wall by the door. A voice tells me what to do and a hologram shows me how to do it if I haven't before. It was extremely tiring.

I leave and head to the water tank room. There's a mirror and a large metal tank that's open to reveal a platform in the center that I can stand on. I take off all my clothes and step on the platform. The tank closes and begins to fill with ice-cold water. I can't see in the tank it wraps around my neck so I can't see anything. As I stand there I can feel stuff get shot into the water. I have no idea what it is but it happens about every 15 minutes. After a few hours in the tank, the water begins to drain. Once it's drained I step out and grab a towel that came through a spot on the wall. I dry off, put my clothes on, and then return to my room.

Dinner arrives, it's a steak, green beans, and milk. I eat and then grab the storybook that was given to me for the week. I read until Maddie returns. She brings with her some white pajamas. I change and lay down and drift to sleep.

The next two days are the same. Finally, my birthday arrives.