
Chosen Child

Battle of the Gods?? but why? I never signed up for this. And now to make my life which was already hell because of the accident worse, I displayed light powers which belongs to the strongest deity GIRDER MIGLAMOUS. Now thousands of Gods want to challenge me so they can steal the top spot, with my first battle in Nirvana, I will prove to them that it will not be easy.

Screen_Gaming · Fantasía
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8 Chs


Excruciating pain, fear, anguish, regret, and emptiness was all I felt as I laid on the bed, dying slowly. As I could feel death itself wrapping its arms around me in a cold, yet warm embrace, I had intervals when I zoned in and out. I would regain consciousness at certain times. Within those intervals, I could hear what was going on around me.

I could hear my parents as they talked about me being placed under a witch's curse. Quite frankly, I do not believe in those old wives' tales about witches or curses, but I knew the devil was real. And he was, he would not align himself with a human since he despised our kind from the dawn of time.

My Mom would often sit beside my bed, holding my hands and screaming her lungs out when no one was around. I really wish I could hold her hands and look her in the eye and tell her that I was alright, and she does not have to worry about me so much. Alright? who am I kidding, I. Am. Not. Alright. I mean, since the accident, I can't move my legs. My left eye feels like mush. Every joint in my body is broken, with a few fractured bones and a broken nose too. My eardrums keep ringing. I can't tell if it's the right ear or the left, but one of them is busted. This pain is worse than death itself.

But I don't want to die. NO! I will not die. I don't want to be remembered as the kid in our neighborhood that dies from being crushed to death by a truck. Betty Freeman, the conspiracy theorist at school, would probably place a mark on the road, creating a scene and probably come up with a plausible theatrical scene that she would display to anyone who cared enough to listen to her. Even though I was being stupid, jumping in front of a truck just to save a cat, that was the most impulsive decision I have ever made in my life. Not that I've lived that long anyway.

Presumably, Mom and Dad would have had the driver thrown in jail. if I die, he would get the blame. I was at fault too. I jumped in front of his truck. I let myself get hit. I won't die till I'm able to say that to either Mom or Dad, till I tell them I was at fault too. I refuse to die.

Everything feels warm. No, it feels hot, like I'm directly under the sun! what's happening? Has one of my nurses decided to take me outside? but why? I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, like all the strength I lacked earlier was returning to my body. I would say this is the most pleasure I have ever felt as all my pain evaporated into thin air. And soon, my agony turned to ease as I struggled to open my eyes, which have been shut all this while. I think I might as well be blind.

I forced my eyelids open and saw a very bright, blinding amber-colored light. As my auditory nerves picked up a torturous high-pitched sound, I quickly placed my palms onto my ears to try and shut it. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw silhouettes of a human's form. At the same time, the sound became clearer, soon I could hear and see strange people. I heard voices which seemed like they were a thousand at the very least. They were all laughing, in my field of vision were kids I had never seen before, "princess, how was your little nap!" a voice yelled out to me, which was followed by a tremendous amount of laughter.

I looked at the direction the voice came from, I could not believe my eyes. It was a man whose skin was purple in color. Surely, it was either paint or dye, or rather a mixture of both. He was sitting in between others who all looked different, like they were cosplayers putting on different costumes of their favorite characters. It looks like I'm in a stadium with thousands of fans watching me. I could feel their eyes watching every corner of my body. For a moment, it disgusted me.

My legs felt like they were strong enough for me to stand up. I tried standing up, but I just couldn't muster the strength to do so. I felt I needed help to raise myself up. At this point, the other kids were staring at me too. It was embarrassing. I feel like this is my worst nightmare. There was a kid who looked about my age that caught my eye. He stood at the edge of the stadium, looking like he was not bothered about the state I was in. So, I glared at him intently, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he'd get the psychic energy I was sending across to him. I kept screaming in my mind. 'Please help me!' over and over again.

After saying it over a hundred times, he started walking towards me. 'Yay! He must have gotten my message' I thought, as he stopped abruptly and tapped another kid by the shoulder, whispering something into his ear. The lad he tapped came running towards me. He was light-skinned, skinny, and had those circular glasses on, you know, the kind that nerds wear. He wore a green suspender, which looked really out of place with his short pants, which were blue. Anyway, he was ugly, and that's it.

He gave me his hand for support. At first glance, his palm had calluses all over it, and his arm was all bruised up. he gave me the most beautiful and fallacious smile I'd ever seen. I was not inclined to take the hand he offered, but then again, I needed help. So, without hesitation, I held onto his rough bumpy palm. He held unto my waist with his other hand and lifted me up. "Princess has a boyfriend!" the same voice from earlier yelled again, I glared at the purple man, making a pouting face before rolling my eyes slowly, catching a good second glimpse of the stadium.

It all looked too otherworldly, the way the seats were arranged and decorated made it look like it was a coliseum, rather than a sports stadium. I finally realized; I was dreaming. There's no other way to comprehend how fast I had healed, I can't open my eyes in the real world or even stand up, so this must be a dream.

A huge horn, a really huge horn was floating in midair, following a young beautiful dark-skinned woman, who seemed to be in her early thirties at most. She was wearing a green, long flowing mermaid styled dress, with each pattern on her beautifully styled dress having a poignant effect as she walked. My God, her hair was decorated in the most stunning way possible, having adornments on it made of Gold and a portion of silver, she walked majestically on the series of steps leading to a platformed stage, when she was at the center of the stage, she raised her arm up and the large horn that accompanied her to the stage, blew a loud vociferous sound that stirred up my insides.

"Apologies children", The beautiful woman said as the air went cold and everyone was dead silent listening to what she had to say. "My name is INOKOSAZANA and you all shall address me as Goddess INOKOSAZANA, if you still have not realized it yet we are all beings supreme in nature, we are everlasting, we are immortals, we are divinity, we are deity to some and to some unrecognizable beings, we do not indulge in the pleasure of beings who blame their flaws on their flesh, we are perfect. Children of all races and of all species, I welcome you, to NIRVANA". She said with an alluring smile.