
Chosen By The System

David Bowie, a man with a leg length discrepancy was hated by many, especially the people he called family. One day, a system was transferred to him mysterious. This system wasn’t the normal kind of system, it was a system that would either build him or destroy him. A dangerous system that requires David to make the right decision or there would be consequences. Every consequences led to a greater punishment being unlocked. Follow David’s story on how he got his revenge on people that treated him like nothing and how he conquered the destructive power of the system. “Reward: Activate Self Healing Consequence: Kill Gregory Reward: Save Gregory Consequence: Deny Self Healing.” Choose in 5...4...3...2....

mykel_moore · Ciudad
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5 Chs


The cab stopped at one of the finest hotels in Danwas City. And then the driver ran out of the car and opened the car door for David and then he bowed his head. The scent coming from David was very bad, yet the driver didn't show any contemptuous look or disdain rather he smiled gleefully.

This showed David that wealth could do anything for you, you could be the ugliest and smell like a pit but people would still flock around you because you're rich. This is why rich people often get away with anything that a poor man wouldn't.

"Come and pick me up later in the evening and then your balance would be ready," David told the driver and then he nodded his head with so much happiness.

"I can escort you into the hotel..." He walked behind David like a bodyguard

"You can leave," David told him and walked to the entrance of the hotel. The security guard looked at David as he walked toward him, he sized him up with disgust and contempt.

As he got closer, David knew his appearance didn't come off as though he could afford anything. And the security man might not allow him to go in.

"People like you are not allowed in here." The security man pointed out. His face was filled with red and contempt, and he scrunched his nose because David was smelling.

"Go away before I throw you out! There are no left overs for you." The security man added.

David felt offended at the minutes. He had always been insulted by people hence little word of insults got him annoyed quickly. He wanted to say a word but then someone walked out of the high-tech double doors.

It was someone he recognise very well.

It was his love interest, Caroline. She was very beautiful as always and had the same ginger hair that made him crazy. He spent most of his salary on impressing her and now she came out of the hotel with another man.

When Caroline saw him she couldn't believe her eyes. How come he was still alive? She thought that he was dead.

"Caroline..." David called and turned to her.

She stopped with the man beside her and then the ugly scent came to her nostrils, she almost vomited. She covered her nose and mouth.

"What are you doing here, David?" She asked, looking at him with disgust.

"Who is that man?" David asked looking at the rich man with contempt. He seemed to have forgotten that he was nothing but a pauper in the eyes of others because of the way he looked.

"That is none of your business, David. Did you come here to find me?" She raised her brows in realization and then folded her beautiful hands across her chest. Before David could answer her, she continued.

"David, I told you to stay away from me. Why do you think I would ever date you? You are very ugly and you don't have a penny. This man here is my boyfriend." Caroline held the hand of the man who looked at David with so much contempt.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me before I started to spend my money on you? That gown you are wearing, I bought it for you, and those shoes, I don't see you wearing what your man bought you." David rolled his eyes with contempt, seething. This was because he had gotten into an accident because of her.

"You seem to have forgotten that I stole because of you and then because of that, my boss sent thugs after me. I got into an accident running from them because you didn't pay up the money according to our plan. You caused my accident and now you have the nerves to run your mouth before me." David looked at her with spite.

He was willing to forget everything if she would just apologize but instead, she was showing off her man.

"Shut up, I told you I needed money and you gave me from your boss' money, how is that my fault? Well, you fell for my tricks, I used your money to buy designer bags and shoes. Now, it's your loss!" Caroline glared at him.

David's hands balled beside him, he was smoldering. If he could hit her, he would. The man beside Caroline was known as Gabriel Forbes, a Buiness tycoon, he was silent the entire time.

"Caroline, I'm disappointed in you for associating yourself with a dirty man like this. Look at him, he's not even worth your presence." Gabriel rolled his eyes disgustingly.

"Gabriel, I pitied him because he had no friends. I didn't know he would use it against me." Caroline rubbed her hand against his chest and talked softly. David remembered she talked like that with him whenever she needed money. He had no savings because of her because he wanted to take care of and satisfy her.

He looked at David with disdain, and then his lips formed a thin line before he snapped his fingers. At the same time, three huge men walked out of a black Lexus car. It was one of the most expensive Lexus cars and this showed that the man was very rich.

The burly men stopped in front of David, they looked scary but David wasn't very scared of them because he was still fuming. He didn't think that Caroline would treat him like this, her behavior caused him to remember the way people have treated him in the past. His heart was broken.

"Teach him a lesson!" Gabriel ordered and then rolled his eyes before walking away with Caroline who was holding his arms. As soon as Gabriel gave the order, the three burly men descended on David.

They beat him badly, punching and slapping his face. They tore his clothes without effort as the material was already weak. They punched his face countless times and blood oozed out of his nose and lips. His eyes were busted as well and he thought that he would loose his sight.

David tried to fight back but he was much weaker. He thought that he was going to die anytime soon because no one was coming to his rescue, everyone watched or hissed as he was being beaten.

"I am sure he is a thief, look at how miserable he looks." The passerby had said.

One of the men plodded his belly with his hard shoes, and blood spurted out of David's mouth like tap water. Another one punched his cheeks and five of his teeth fell out, accompanied with blood.

No one stopped them.

"If you want to kill him, please do it elsewhere!" A man in fine suit came out of the hotel. He looked at David with a disgusted face, he didn't care that the young man was between life and death, he only cared about the customers that were complaining about the noise and blood.

As long as you have no money, no one cares about you in places like this. They only care for themselves and selfish interests.

Then Gabriel who had been watching came out of his car and the manager welcomed him with a smile.

"Oh, Mr. Forbes, I didn't know it was you. You can carry on." Manager Keleb uttered with a lavish smile. Gabriel was one of the sponsors of the five-star hotel, they don't want to lose someone like him.

"He stole from me, I had to punish him." Gabriel lied with a smile on his face. To him, a poor man like David can be easily manipulated.

"What? I see. I can't believe he's making you look like a bad person when he was the one that stole from you." Manager Keleb went closer to David and slapped him on the head repeatedly.

"You bastard, I will call the police to take you away. Men like you are not needed in our society, thief!" Manager Keleb said the words loudly so that everyone can hear him. Some rich people pitied David so he wanted them to hear hence they can stop pitying him.

"I said it, he's a thief!" Another person uttered and walked away.

David felt humiliated. The next second, the police arrived and took him away after collecting a bunch of money from Gabriel. As the police man took David away, he looked at Caroline. She rolled her eyes at him and looked away.

She didn't feel bad or remorseful for what she did at all and this hurt him even more.

While watching her, the system suddenly sounded in his head again.


"David Bowis, you are not poor but rich. You cannot be treated like a poor man, you cannot be taken advantage of.

Activating Revenge scheme...

Free yourself or Kill Gabriel Forbes"

"Kill Gabriel Forbes!" David didn't think twice before answering the question. He stared at Gabriel's car with animosity as he picked the option.

However, a red cross sign showed on the screen of the system in front of him and a loud beeping sound sounded in his ears.

"Ahhh...." He screamed.

What is happening?!

The sound was very loud and it almost blocked out his ear drums.

"Ahhhhh...." David screamed out loudly in excruciating pain.