
The Highest Bidder, Part Six

{September 11, 239 2E} 

Following the conversation Lianna had with the administrator, a few things changed immediately. 

As Lianna woke up the next day, while she was getting ready to go to her weekly course, she found an article that was almost a direct counterargument to the one that had generated so much newfound suspicion over Lianna and Enverna. 

"Have you seen this?" Enverna asked as she sat down next to Lianna on the couch, both women wearing their uniforms. 

"Yeah. Finally, a few people are starting to doubt the fucking narratives." 

The article Enverna was showing to Lianna right now was made by an amateur journalist working for the Shields of Saren guild. It addressed the rumors but noted that when Lianna and Enverna were taken into police custody for questioning, no evidence was found that could tie them to the murder directly, other than the fact that they were present when it happened.