
Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Slowly making his way through the underground town admiring everything as he moved to try and find his way above ground John processed what he learnt from the pair, for starters the group of warriors had begun calling themselves the disabled destroyers, feeling it was fitting due to there various missing parts and instead having it as a sign of pride, how they could still keep fighting and marching forward regardless of their conditions but also made him feel that they were likely to be simple minded, possibly a side effect of being a warrior as they didn't require much thinking to fight in his opinion but he also learnt Ray would lead them even if she took a position at the back due to being a archer and was good at strategy and was probably the reason they remained alive and as strong as they were.

Honestly he felt that all this meant they were trustworthy, or so he hoped since he hadn't met or interacted with them yet, Saya though he truly felt was someone he could trust and not just because she was a sadist like him but rather due to the feeling he got from her.

The old man though seemed to give him a strange feeling, admittedly though he hadn't had good experiences thus far with old men, considering the last one was some kind of bug king and crawling skin but chose to trust Lesh on this one.

For the others though he was still unsure, according to the girls the builder kept himself locked up in his planning room and was working on amazing new plans for expansions and even defences well they were fresh in his mind, as for the mage pair, they would disappear at times but hadn't done anything worth worrying about though but it did cause John to have a off feeling about it, making a mental note to check on them and find out what was happening.

As for the remaining 3, the girls said the mineral vain maker called Smith had been practicing since joining and had very slowly gotten better, that there was a small patch a bit away that he had been working on constantly a few days after joining and that the tracker Nick had also been busy, it was due to him with the help of the disabled destroyers that they had the stoves and gas bottles and even the various pots, pans and other stuff in the kitchen.

It was a godly ability without a doubt when you had others to protect you though John mused to himself, a ability he would be using soon to help find tech items for Lacy such as computer parts and possibly even some generators or even a large projector and media to use on the computer, it should be a good recreational activity for everyone he mused, never really seeing soldiers and workers or fighters in media really having something like that as they where always to busy fighting to survive.

Something the girls told him did weigh heavy on him though, and he would be addressing it with Ash and Alice in a short while, the last guy, the alleged candle maker had been sneaking around, he had already received a warning after making remarks towards Ray, they said they also noticed other strange behaviour, from talking to himself to somehow being in multiple places at the same time and the girls even swore they once saw him break open are infront of him and disappear through this weird rainbow crack.

Lesh had made a note of keeping a eye on him but with everything going on it seems he didn't have much chance to do so, John wasn't complaining though, he doubted he would have had a place this nice and well put together if he was left to do it but it would be time now to confront this candle man and also the mages, first he would get Ash and Alice along with Elena and the old man, next would be having the disabled destroyers and Ray standing ready should things go south, he planned to first confront the mages after gathering the before mentioned group and get to the bottom of their actions, in the event they were innocent and where just training or planning something beneficial there abilities would no doubt be of great help in matters in regards to the candle man if things went bad.

Finding and gripping his phone John gave it a once over, hoping there would be some kind of message from Fae but finding nothing, sending a short one to her hoping she was okay, out of curiosity he discovered he still had his music, feeling happy for a small merical didn't last long though as soon he frowned due to a wave of growing unease in his gut, slowly making his way out of the underground he slipped the phone away in his cloths, the unease growing stronger and making him feel things would soon be going to hell faster than he could ever imagine.