
Chapter 32: Unwanted Guests

Chapter 32: Unwanted Guests

"My master, we couldn't help but notice that something has been off about you. It reminds us of when you were emotionally hurt but also a bit physical. What has happened?" Elena asked, dragging Dave in his vine entanglement behind them as they made their way to the exit. Her vine connection to her tree was now a root in the ground trailing behind her, while Greeny was pulled close once more by John. Dave, though seemingly quiet for the time being, looked at John due to Elena's comment. He appeared generally confused about what was happening but was seemingly trying to plan and figure out his own next moves, with a constant gaze on Greeny. Alice, on the other hand, seemed to be bouncing around, acting like her old self. But if one looked closer, hints of concern were visible when her gaze fell on John.

"It's some kind of soul injury, according to the fairy. It would take special measures such as special plants or a long rest to recover. Right now, I'm using the chains you're seeing to force my body around, and it is rather unpleasant. The best I could describe it to you would be if you were slowly uprooted while having your roots themselves pulled in all directions at the same time. But I'll be okay. If possible, could I get some fresh Passion flower and some Kava root? Those could hopefully help me with my current pain," John tells her, getting a thoughtful look and a nod in return, seemingly wanting to say how she it seemed deeper than just that but instead choosing to remain silent and trust him as they always would back before they could communicate or interact, feeling even now he knew best but still visibly worried about there master.

As the group reached the exit two of the childlike sprites brought exactly what he had asked for, while one of his chains wrapped up Dave as Elena recalled her roots from him he gently took the flowers and roots with the best smile he could currently give well putting up a brave front, not wanting to cause them to worry any more about him.

"So, you're going to work special plant magic to make yourself better? I want to watch! Are you just going to eat the flower and root, or are you going to somehow blend them together? Oooh, or are you going to somehow pull out all the stuff from them, making them wither into dust as you get better?" Alice fired off, practically bouncing in excitement about what John had planned.

"I doubt it would work; he will probably just taint it as he works with it. Humans always do that," Greeny couldn't help but mutter.

"Well, I could always give you to Alice to play with, since you don't seem to have anything important or nice to say, maybe this time I won't stop her from doing as she wants with you like I did earlier," John says, a slight bite in his tone as he gives her a stern look.

"No! Please no! I'll be good," Greeny quickly says, seeing a wicked grin on Alice's face.

"You know, it's not good to threaten people; it just ends up making more enemies. And a soul injury? That shouldn't even be possible for people for at least a few months! How long has it been since the end of the world started for plants to have already changed and soul injuries to be possible?" Dave demanded while he was dragged in chains like Greeny, worry clear in his tone, hoping he hadn't ended up too far in the timeline.

"You don't get to demand things or answers, and I don't need your opinion on how I handle things. Besides, she deserves it; she's just as bad as those fake gods in regards to her attitude regarding humans. And it's the third day now if you're counting the night things changed. As for my injury, I honestly don't see why I should even bother telling you anything regarding it. I mean, what's it to you? Alice, can you pass Mr. Stabby Stick to me?" John snaps at him, visibly irritated and annoyed, his tone cold and hard as he winces slightly at the end, feeling his muscles strain and pull slightly harder once more, the pain growing a bit more along with a headache causing his vision to slightly swim. Visibly worried and far more subdued, Alice hands the scythe to him without question, her worry growing as he uses it to help hold himself up and walk.

"John, I really don't think you're okay. You need to take a rest and take it easy. Maybe we should take a chance and have Greeny try to find some kind of spirit herb thingies or those remedy stuff to help you. Compared to this morning, you're looking far worse," Alice finally says in a worried and far more lucid tone, showing yet another side to John he hadn't seen before.

"No chance in hell; the flying rat girl would probably just pull a runner or poison me or worse. Normally I would say I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her, but I'm pretty sure I could throw her decently far, so just no. I'm not going to trust her. I'll be fine, Alice; I just need some painkillers to help with the headache and two remedies from these herbs to help with my muscles," John says, failing to hide the amount of pain he is currently feeling, letting a grunt slip through and a wobble in his step as they enter the kitchen. He practically collapses onto a chair and leans forward on the scythe for support.

"How bad is it? I've had my fair share of soul attacks, so I know a bit about them. Let me help and prove myself to you. Let me show you that you can trust me," Dave says in a friendly way, only for the chains to tighten slightly.

"You, be quiet. I will get through this myself," John grinds out through gritted teeth, his breathing haggard now.

"He pushed himself further; his soul, from what I could see, had small cuts all over, and his left arm was gone from above the elbow. Now, after pushing himself, instead of recovering and resting, it looks like it's slowly fraying. To put it in a way you humans would understand, it looks shredded and is still being torn apart. But there's something else, some kind of red and black seems to be mixing in and coming from the par—" Before Greeny could finish her sentence, the chains seemed to pull extra tight around her and smack her to the ground.

"I told you, if you can't say anything good, keep that damn mouth shut!" John grunts out, his voice taking on a darker tone that sends shivers down everyone's spine. His head lulls forward with only the scythe managing to keep him supported and from falling forward off the chair. Alice rushes right to his side and tries to help hold him up. His chains, though, seem to be slithering around his form now, acting on their own but not rejecting her. However, the ones around both Greeny and Dave pin them both to the ground as if gravity increased a few folds.

"John! Come on, you can't just die or something. We have too much fun stuff we need to do! What about all the fights to come? What about the plant babies of yours? They would be lost without you! Oh, and what about making the god people pay? Wasn't that your goal or whatever?" Alice says, trying her best to rouse him and keep him with them.

"Well, that's an interesting remark. I'm sure there laughing their asses off, or their equivalent of one, at that remark, girly," a slick, oily voice seems to say, carrying with it an amused and condescending tone. Turning to the voice and pointing her knife at it, Alice couldn't help but widen her eyes at the strange sight that greeted her. In front of her, by the door, was a tall humanoid figure. His skin was a dark crimson, his eyes looking like deep black shattered mirrors. His hair was sleek and combed back, resembling grey ash with flecks of red and orange mixed in. He had two large curled horns upon his head, a cheeky smile tugging on his lips. His figure was covered by a rather clean white suit with a deep red tie and even a black handkerchief in his pocket.

"And now the Devil himself has come! God damn it, John, I knew you were interesting, but this is something else entirely! How did you even manage this?" Alice asks him, her wide eyes looking between John and the red figure by the door. Her madness had chosen that time to re-emerge in order to try and help her cope and understand the current situation, with the first thing to come to mind.

"Not the devil; too red. And he or Lucifer would have tried to kill me on sight or strangle me. Story for another time, but he's not demonic. No brimstone smell and no demonic aura; he's something else," John barely manages to groan out, his breath growing more ragged. He lifts his head with a lot of difficulty to catch a glimpse of the figure before lowering it again and clenching his eyes shut. The headache seemingly growing tenfold just from that simple action.

"He's right, little girl. I'm not some kind of demonic entity. Well, I can be if I want to be, especially to those who manage to cross me, which is actually why I am here. I want you to answer something for me since it seems you're the only one capable of doing so currently," the red figure says, stepping in and scanning the room and taking in the sight of the state of everyone there. From Greeny and Dave chained and pulled to the floor to John in his haggard state, Alice being the only one who seemed fine and in good condition he slowly turned his focus to her seeing as she was the only one in decent shape and form out of everyone there. The cracks in his appearance seemed to flow and change constantly as he looked around before settling on her, a white dot forming in the centre of each eye. "Now tell me, where you one of the people responsible for the destruction of the Giga Tanteract last night?" He asks, giving her a hard stare, his tone frosty and cold enough that the rooms temperature seemed to drop with every word along with practically dripping anger.