
~Chapter 6~

"Now back to what I was saying I was the one who killed you're parents!" He started laughing maniacally while she sat there being dumbstruck " You what?" Silence fell upon them as Shigaraki had finally stopped his laughing, but not long after, the sounds of swords being clung against one another was heard but not far from where they had hidden themselves from the world "Right we need to get out of here before the find us!" Shigaraki looked towards (Y/n), just as (Y/n) was about to scream a rag got put over her mouth and once again she saw nothing but blackness.

All the time she was in the darkness all she felt was herself falling into an endless pit of nothingness. Till eventually she closed her eyes, she felt nothing. She opened her eyes to only be greeted by a bright lit room. She sat up from from the position she was in and looked around and once again saw nothing. She looked at her hands and saw that they were chained, she starts to panic as she cannot remember as to why she was in this situation. "Calm down now child..." she frantically looked around looking for the figure this voice belonged to. "Stop looking you will not find me!"

Questions started to cloud her mind and she shouted out the first one that came to mind but with a bit of a cracked voice "W-why am I here???"

"No questions are to be asked now, we dont have alot of time, now you need to get out of this situation or you'll die within a couple of hours. These people... they are planning on killing you!" (Y/n) didn't respond as she had not known what to say. "What are you going to do, anything but silence will help you... ahhhhhh I see you're too scared oh come on, you're father and mother were never like this..." (Y/n) froze and held in her breath at the mention of her perents "Oops did I strike a nerve? I'm sorry... haha!" (Y/n) finally let the breath out she had been holding and spoke "The hell are you talking about!?" The voice just laughed as her voice faded "think of something you're running out of time~~". Her vision become blurry and she was once again met by darkness.

King Bakugou~

"Where the fuck is she?!" He started to throw things. He's servants trying to calm him down tells him to breath which on infuriated him more. "No we need to find her I have made my decision bring her to me now!" His servants quickly jump to his command and left the king. Bakugou transformed into his human form and went inside of this small tower of sorts. As he entered the door he saw a chair in the middle of the room covered in blood and a piece of fabric he froze at the thought that had popped into his head but shrugged it off. He made his way towards the chair and took ahold of the piece of fabric. "Its below me to do this but I need to find her!"

He took a sniff of the fabric and dropped it as soon as he figured out what the intoxicating smell was, other then the smell of chloroform he smelt (Y/n)'s scent. "Fuck she's putting me through a lot of shit, she will have to owe me for saving her ass! Fucking stupid human girl!" With that said he used his senses to track her down.

An hour had passed since Bakugou had left the tower in his human form and smelt (Y/n)'s scent become stronger. "I will have to stay in my human form so that the bastards won't be able to hear me!" He carried on his way getting closer and closer to the scent till he eventually spotted a abandoned shack. "What do you mean she wont wake up it's been atleast over two or more hours?" Bakugou got quiet and hid behind a bush over hearing two males conversation just where he was.

"I don't know I tried waking her up but sh-" Shugaraki entrusted Dabi "Fine I guess I'll just have to do it myself now won't I?" Shigaraki pushed into Dabi's shoulder only to be grabbed on the arm roughly "if you hurt her I swear-"

"You'll what? Kill me... haha... like to see you try!" Dabi let go of his arm and Shigaraki made his way inside the shack, Dabi soon following. Bakugou got closer to the shack only to hear screaming from (Y/n). "Ahhhh stop, ahhhhhh!" Her screaming became louder with every scream. Bakugou wanted to barge in but he was scared that he might make them kill her. "Shigaraki that's enough now leave her alone!" Dabi shouted as he tried pushing him away from her. "Awww come on I was only having fun~" he coaxed at Dabi but he only tried to keep him from getting near (y/n). Bakugou was at the point of breaking hearing how the male with a scratched voice was enjoying seeing her in pain.

Without any hesitation he barged into the house and saw her lying on the ground surrounded in a pool of her own blood, barely conscious. Upon hearing the door burst open she turns her head toward it and sees Bakugou and immediately smiles. Bakugou immediately turned his head towards to two males and ran towards them. "I will kill you!" He screamed at the top of his lungs charging at them with explosions coming from his hands. No one has been able to see his true power he had except those he was now going to destroy or should we say 'kill'. After lunging at the two he tries landing a punch, but as fate would have it they disappeared into a purple portal leaving Bakugou to fall, he quickly got up and looked behind him to see (y/n) still lying there unconscious.

He hurried over to her and picked her up in a bridal style position and ran off to his kingdom. "Please be okay dammit!" A few moments later after his servants found him and took him to the castle on their backs to get them to the castle quicker. "Sire what happened?"

Bakugou didn't answer as he was stuck looking at the face of the human lost in worry. "Sire? What happened?" Bakugou looked away from her and answered his servant. "I do not know I heard her screaming and I went to where the screaming came from and two fucking assholes were there hurting her and she... she... was surrounded in blood and she... bloody hell smiled. How the hell can she smile in a time like this?!" The servant just kept quiet and concentrated on getting his king and the human to the castle.

An hour after arriving at the castle~

"Right, sire she will be okay she just needs rest. You need to watch her she's not yet stable enough to get up and walk about." Bakugou looked at the healer with bewilderment "wait is that all?"

"Well yes other than that she is suffering from a head injury and will be asleep for at least the next week or so. But even so we need to keep her in bed after she wakes up until I see her fit to walk about!" Bakugous heart began to throb and he did not understand why, but this was certainly a new feeling he's never felt before. Everyone left her side except for Bakugou he sat next to her looking at her face now free from her own blood. He caressed her cheek with his hand and his thumb rubbed softly on the surface. He pulled his hand away from her face and placed her hands in his. "Please wake up soon, dumb human girl!"