
Choices with tears

20 year old ganbarou shuga wakes up 9 years in the past when he is being chased by the cops for armed robbery he's back in the past as a middle school student that's when there was a serial of kidnapps going on and one of the vitcims was his step brother who supposely was catching on who was responible for the kidnappings.

WanderingShonboi · Horror
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Choices with tears

It was all bound to happen

It's a Tuesday morning and ganbarou shuga came from work like usual he's been struggling for about a month both with food and finical problems and just the other day I got beat up by a bunch of middle school dequlients just for fun

ganbarou shuga threw a chair at the window and shouted he was just fed up with everything his face was red he sat down check his phone to see what time it is today was the day he'd been planning this for weeks a few miles where he lived there was a manishon and in the manshion there was the jewels in the master bed room worth more than a hundred thousand dollars he went outside got to his mortoycle hip on it drove to the manishon along the way he heard police sirens and amblueance sirens there wasn't so much traffic ganbarou shuga was wearing a black jacket gloves had a gun on him he arrived at the manishon it was emty he kicked the door down walk up to the master's bedroom found the hundred thousand dollar jewel in the dresser it was on a cloth he took it put it in his pocket ran downstairs ganbarou shuga heard screams from the other room he thought nothing of it. Hello's who's there which sounded like a female voice she saw that the master bed room was open immiediatly check to see if the jewel was taken ganbarou shuga dash out the door and went to his mortoclye called the police and let them know what happens a few minutes later while ganbarou shuga was on the road the police were on his tail ganbarou shuga thoughts at the moment where shit idk may change it im not going to get arrested not today I been through so much he made a quick turn went at full speed stop now an officer from the car said we will arrest you they were catching up ganbarou shuga thought about fishing he continue driving drove past a resturant went into a alley kept driving park his mortoycle somewhere on the street which was emty. where he was at was where most of the thugs were lurking he got off his mortoycle took hemlet off and put on his hoodie was careful to watch himself he continue walking the police then soon came. Everyone wonder what they wanted the police officers got out of there cars he's somewhere around and ask questions ganbarou shuga went to arparment complex jump a gate, I got to lose before I go back home huh and the guy im going to sell this jewel too is somewhere around here. While walking a little spotted me she said to her self this must be who the police is searching for. She shouted the guy is over here the police heard and immiedatly ran over ganbarou shuga was piss he sprint as fast as he could but some guys tackle him they were holding him down we got him the police officers were climbing over ganbarou shuga began shooting at the cops ganbarou shuga got all hysterical his eyes began to bleed he began running into a random direction towards a river jump into the river felt his insides were burning one cop began shooting another one told him to stop, he sank deep into the river and wakes in a couch be slowy gets up looks at his hands feels his body walks around enters a bathroom looks at the mirrior and is instantly shock falls down and screams he's about 12 years old