
Your life your choice

We were young and stupid we didn't know what we were doing .we made a different choice and all of it was wrong but no one knows that we taking the wrong direction in life.

We started with smoking and we thought we smart but we forgot to do tha research the advantage and disadvantage of growing up while we smoking it's going to cost our lives more than anything .you know when you think you got it right while you wrong .

We used to Smoke weed and cigarettes and thought that the no dangerous on doing that but we were all wrong because some of us got addicted on that then we started to do something wrongly coz the weed was Wanted to be maintained so we were supposed to steal from people and some of them were dangerous but they didn't find us.but addictive did find us ,some of us were quite smoking while others were up grading the things they smoke and they joined real drugs where they started to destroy their future and also they joined the wrong crew and then they started to do terrifying things like killing innocent people in order to get what they wanted.