

Catastrophe breaks the thousands of years of foundation of entire humanity and bring them to extinction. It wasn't man made nor natural but something more bizzare from unknown milky-way, a meteorite of some destroyed plantery system as large as Urasia!, came forth and from the sky as if it's going to rip apart whole blue sky. Due to this unknown, countless countries along with its citizens were wiped out. When push came to shove, remaining humans joint created a last circle of society to face off the unknown. Past turning into dust, present crumbling in front of their eyes, future were uncertain. With the Crashed Meteorite from unknown milky-way, it brought, something, something like a parasite, which soon mixed in within the wind, turns into a disease which mutated many deformed some and what's remain gained some supernatural ability, but threat of the Unknown is still there. Wanna know more then stay tuned with me, cuz, I have a long way to go......

VelRiose · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

Apocalypse~Hope or not 2

Somewhere in Ocean a boy surprisingly swam out of the depths of the water to the surface. After getting his head out of the water, he looked around and saw the wreckage of the plane floating and frozen in the water and moved towards it. The boy 'Viruk' climbs up near an edge of the wreckage as the wreckage of the whole plane is gathered there. His hands and feets are cold and his left feet is swollen.

Viruk! started taking deep breaths, as he sat down, closed his eyes for about 10 minutes, opened them and looked around, being shirtless while climbing the wreckage of the plane, the shirt was torn by getting caught in the sharp iron rod that came out from some remains of front edge of plane. The body also started feeling cold. He saw a storm of waves coming at some distance, his throat dried up after swimming for hours but there is no water to drink, he thought he would look for something to eat and drink. He was limping on his left leg, he began to search for things to live for.

Tears dripping down from his eyes, "aaanaannaa...huuuuh...aaaanaannna...hhuhh, why this happened? a-all the people I know are gone. I- I ha-have had this I- Idea that plane crashed otherwise why would I ended up in deep down inside the O-Ocean. I knew this but I kept telling in my heart that everything and everyone of the peo-people I know m-must be fine."

Viruk! can't stop himself from shaking and weeping as he, "Ann AAA...aaaaaa...aaargaa! I am alone now. what sho-should I do? where should I go? will someone come to my rescue? I don't know wh-what is going on anymore!" he started sobbing right after seeing that huge wave. At that same moment, "Get away from me, y-you scoundrels. You son of beast! bastard! Nimpho! Asshole! H-Help me. If someone hear me then please help me."

Gomiliya! said above words angrily as she was caught in the midst of Fresh Human Meat Eaters.

As Gomiliya closes her eyes out of fear, Viruk! while limping had a metal piece in his right hand as he saw beforehand Gomiliya's situation came to her rescue. Viruk! held with both hands horizontally the piece of the door which was long from his shoulder to knee and covered half of his chest and rushed towards the girl with closed eyes.

"Shoo...shoo...shoo...shoo, don't worry I won't let them touch you. Are you okay. Did these bastard hurt you anywhere?" Viruk! gently asked her without looking back as he was started loosing his breath a lot cuz the door is too heavy to move. Because of another humans appearance flock of cannibals flew back making some distance to not get hurt by this new face.

Waving that metal door for sometime those cannibals flew above in the sky. Like a pack of hungry wolves these new breed of vicious, just flying back n forth to keep an eye on their prey. Once both of the humans are out of danger, Viruk! slammed the piece of the door down to one side, it shook the place a little bit, but it's okay, everything is fine. Now Viruk! stopped for a moment, turned around to see this damsel who looked shocked as well as puzzled.

Viruk:- "Can you move? Are your legs fine? Will you be able to walk or run?" He stared at Gomiliya! with concerned look.

Gomiliya:- "I-I'm not Okay! Please help me! I don't wanna die this early...in m-my life." She was already panicked from earlier attacks of those man eaters. Seeing another human being her heart that gave up hope, that boy sparked a new light of hope and the girl clutched the boy's outstretched left hand, weeping.

Viruk:- "Shhh...shh don't cry! Please don't cry! If anyone see you like this then they must think that I'm the one who hurt you." As Viruk! turned around and looked at Gomiliya! whose thick dark red blood was oozing from the scratch on her forehead with bruises on her neck. He took a wet handkerchief out of his right side pants pocket and, "Can I clean your face with my handkerchief, Miss!" Without waiting for her yes, Viruk! wiped the tears on her cheeks, then on her nose and lips. At last Viruk! gently wiped away the thick blood stains over her closed eyes and forehead.

For a moment Viruk! looked at her raised marshmallow and thought, "They must be C cup! No, No must be D cup or A. Arghhhhh I should have listened to those miscreants when they were playing guff buff. Otherwise I would have known something about girls, now what should I talk about, when we are the only one here. it's making me feel awkward. I don't know"

He sit down and wiped her tears, in this situation the left hand is holding her shoulder lightly bent down and cleaning the face with the right hand. Viruk! is sitting on the butt, the body above the butt is turned towards the girl and below the butt, the left leg is slightly bent, the right leg is adjacent to the body balancing whole structure.

Gomiliya:- "Its okay now! I-I can do the rest by m-myself." She took out the handkerchief from Viruk's hand. Seeing Viruk! glancing at her Mountain peak she blushed and turned to her left all of a sudden, "Aiyyaa...aaaah...hhh" she screamed aloud with pain. She has forgotten that every bones in her body crying out loud that give us a rest.

Viruk:- "W-What happen to you? Have I hurt you accidentally? So-Sorry! I'm extremely sorry for this. Show me where did you get hurt. I-I have found some medicine. Maybe able to ease your pain a little. L-Let me see." Viruk! got frightened and shivered too as he spoke to her. His slim brown brows joint as sweat dripping off of his forehead to his eyes following nose to down to his chin.

Gomiliya:- "Aaahh...Aaahh...oohhhoh" she started breathing fast then slowly got control of her breath and calmed herself then continues "haah..haaah...aaah! No! This isn't your fault. Aahhaa..."


Gomiliya:- "I forgot that I have fractured bones all over my body and t-turned around like a little girl." Still blushing, "I'm fine by the way. Thanks for asking before. A-And thanks for rescuing me from those cannibals." Took a deep breath, "Sorry you have to see my embarrassing side."

Viruk Interupted in middle,

Viruk:- "That wasn't embarrassing. I hate to say this but before meeting you, I lost hope. I was about to give up on this life, but your melodious scream gave me hope." He said last sentence in a flirtatious way. He doesn't know what he was saying, just spoke his mind.

Gomiliya:- "I'm glad for you coming to save me although stranger as we are, we h-have not introduced ourselves. Let me say first, Hello! I am Gomiliya Dizu. I was with 'Chosen Ones' team. Actually I'm there Head teacher and also responsible for their well being or I was atleast. Huh! these tears won't stop." As she finishes balls of thick tears fell from her eyes.

Viruk! helped Gomiliya to stand up by holding her left hand in his right hand and her right hand in his left hand. She was in pain and trying to get up. Due to the flowing waves, the wreckage of the plane started shaking so much that Gomiliya! lost her balance while standing, started staggering and almost fell, but Viruk! my boy caught her in his manly arms. She was still in her sobbing mode, so she didn't realised what just happen a moment ago, but felt a warmth in that nerve wracking chilling ambience.

While Gomiliya and Viruk were waging their battle, at a distance, people with withered faces and hopeless eyes saw that dreadful scene in their last moments. The pained scream of Gomiliya and the echo of Viruk's courageous enthusiasm informed every particle that it is not too late. A ray of hope knocked in that darkness and one by one people joined the Caravan.


In Present Somewhere in Ocean an island spawn out of nowhere some months ago. Only part of the island is above the water with a small beach where some strange creatures resting with some wet clothes barely covering their bodies. The island itself not much big to be seen by naked eyes but people can get lost in the thick spooky woods.

The islands right side have a beach where all 17 survivors are taking their breath cuz from last few days they all have seen a lot which a normal person can't see in their entire life. And if a normal person have seen something gory, dreadful like these survivors have, then they should have cut themselves up in limbs.

Two days ago Viruk and Gomiliya met Charlie! Vendi! Crisp! Mei! and Joan! as they all followed that loud ruckus when Viruk rescued Gomiliya. As seeing new faces they all felt happy as they talked eachother, others were still nervous so Viruk took the lead,

Viruk:- "Ahha...ahha, so why don't we introduce ourselves first as we all are in same situation. This way we will know each other best. First, I'm Viruk Glear and I'm African American descent. 19 n half year's now and rest is in front of you all. And bythe way this beautiful charming woman sitting beside me is Gomiliya and she was with 'Chosen Ones'." Gomiliya blushed for a moment and the next moment,

Gomiliya:- "Hi! everyone I know it's late and as my s-savior introduced me, I'm Gomiliya Dizu and was part of s-student safety but as you can see I don't know whether I survive tomorrow or not. I can't guarantee of my own safety how can I...", as she remembered the faces of her friends and students she got emotional. She closed her eyes with her dominant right hand and wiped the tears and gazed at the golden stars of the night. Viruk patted Gomiliya's back lightly and then rubbed her shoulder a little until she looked back at Viruk and gave a small smile.

Gomiliya:- "I'm fine. Thanks! Hey! what happened? why the long face? Nothing happen to me. I don't want to be a bother. So please continue."

Viruk:- "Ok! Ok! this isn't fair. We both have introduced ourselves now it's your time. Come on man now! uhmm! let's start from Joan! Okay! Joan! Joan! Joan!" as everyone clapped for Joan who was playing with water alone looked back to see all this cheering for him. He got puzzled but then he also heard Introduction of latter's, so he went ahead and joined the circle.

Joan:- "Auuu...uhuh...uhu!" Cleared his Throat, "I'm Joan! Nice to meet you all. There is nothing important about me which I can tell you about, Just an average Delivery man. I'm a school graduate. Didn't have much luck or should I say chance to go to a college." Joan was panicked a little but controlled his body cuz he isn't use to talking with people.