
Chimera in Another World(Dropped feel free to use if you wish)

Kain knew he was special, it wasn't because he was born rich or became rich due to luck. It wasn't because he was an excellent martial artist or fighter of some sort. No, he was born with something unique something only he had. Anything he ate he absorbed their traits and any other abilities they had. Coming back from Africa after an illegal hunting trip his boat was caught up in a fierce lightning storm. As the ship rocked back and forth he could feel it slowly breaking apart. As a lighting bolt flashed before fully breaking the ship he closed his and grew angry. Angry knowing that he could never taste everything his world had to offer, never knowing how powerful he could've become if he had more time. As he opened his eyes however he was not greeted with death, no he saw trees and mountains with strange-looking birds flying overhead. Seeing this he couldn't help but feel overjoyed, overjoyed knowing that he had a whole new world of delicacies to enjoy, to gain more power, to become the strongest in existence.

Dr_Insane001 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Process and Hunting

Kain processed the information thoroughly and made sure it was all correct and didn't mix with his own memories. He couldn't help but shake with excitement and joy, discovering so many new things besides species and races. He discovered something that interested him greatly, mana the energy within this world all creatures used and developed around.

"Yes, so many interesting things, so many new species to devour, so many possible combinations to explore."

Kain began to laugh uncontrollably with his form shifting back to a more humanoid one with the armored bear skin still on. He put his foot over the knight's chest and shifted it to the green humanoid's size and shape crushing the body instantly.

"That should throw them off the trail, at least for a little bit don't want people interrupting my hunt."

Walking back to the forest he still sorted through the knight's memories, trying to gather as much information about his new world as possible. Sorting through them he found that this world was around the medieval age and had a bunch of different religions. Alongside a couple of different organizations, one was called the mercenary guild which specialized in wars and any other sentient race conflict. The next one was called the adventure's guild which was more about monster extermination and exploration. The final one he found interesting was the theocracy group, which dealt with evil cults and anything demonic.

Amongst the three, the one Kain found most interesting was the Adventure's guild.

"If I were to join the adventures guild I would be able to freely kill monsters and get some capital while I'm here."

"The only problem is the identification badges or whatever they're called."

As Kain shifted through the memories he came across one about the knight and his group entering a large walled city and presenting gold badges and being let inside. Kain however found no such badge on the knight's person which frustrated him greatly.

"For right now let's just eat some more."

Just like that Kain shifted his arms into gigantic hawk wings and his body began shifting with his legs becoming hawk legs with lion talons, and his entire upper body was a giant hawk as well. Taking off he flew through the air catching any new bird species he saw and devouring them in one gulp as he search for bigger creatures to devour.


As the caravan approached a gigantic city with large pristine buildings and a couple of knights riding griffons flying overhead. They were quickly stopped at the gate by a young-looking guard, probably in his mid-twenties.

"Woah, Woah, slow down their name and identification badge please."

The rider showed his name and badge, with the passengers following suit and they were quickly let inside. The turned his head slightly looking at the carriage window.

"Miss should we report this to the adventures guild or wait for the knights."

She spoke in a terrified tone, and anyone could easily tell she was traumatized beyond belief.

"G-G-G-Go to the Adventures guide put a 50,000 gold bounty on that t-t-thing or whatever price they need to go after it."

Quick flashes of Kain transformed flashed before her and she still felt the need to run, to run and hid away in a dark hole.

"Yes, madame."

The rider quickly took the reins and slowly rode through the city streets, taking care not to trample on any civilians. After twenty minutes of searching, they eventually came across a large wooden building with a large stone column acting as support. Stopping the rider looked back again, and with a nervous expression asked.

"Madame, who should we put the bounty under?"

"Put it under the Countess Elizabeth Rose Adamas"

Nodding the butler made sure the horses fully stopped and that they were tied to a nearby fence pole, taking an extra minute to make sure they were good and tight. Entering the guild he walked firm and with purpose knowing this needed to be done.


Kain after twenty minutes of searching had found only their creatures worth anything in his eyes. One he understood was called "Wyrms" which were large worms that were a bit smaller than the green humanoid and had a giant mouth full of sharp teeth for digging and eating. The second was a flying creature that was a Wyvern, which nearly resembled a large pterodactyl except with a more alligator-like head. The last one was a humanoid creature that was a troll with green skin that had large arms and small legs.

Charging at the Wyrm, he quickly transformed his body, adding wings to the back and transforming his arms into large green humanoid arms. Ripping the Wyrm out of the ground, he tore the head killing it with ease. He first began eating the head, which taste more like dirt than actual meat with a sour aftertaste. For the second one he started off by flying overhead, making sure to hide in dark clouds and once the opportunity came he flew down. Kain first ripped the wings off, eating a few bits of them as they both fell down. The Wyvern screeched and snapped at Kain, trying to get him off, and after Kain finished his snack he went straight for the Wyvern's head transforming his head into a lion and grabbing onto the throat. Eating it felt like eating raw wolf, it had a distinct metallic taste, with small hints of smoke that left an odd aftertaste.

Ending his day on the Troll he first landed on the ground, and quickly changed back to his human form. Kain stealthy approached the Troll, hiding behind a large white tree with emerald green branches. He saw the troll sitting down eating a semi-cooked three-eyed wolf next to a medium campfire. Seeing the Troll distracted he began shifting his body gaining the height of the green humanoid, shifting his arms into the Wyrm's mouth combined with shark teeth. His head also transformed into Wyrm head this time with alligator teeth instead of shark teeth.

Charging forward both his arms bite right into the Troll's shoulders taking huge chucks out of it. It roared out and began thrashing around trying to buck Kain off, even clawing at his head. Kain getting annoyed by the Troll's attacks dived straight for its neck and latched on. The troll backed up slamming Kain to a nearby tree, yet he held on eating bits of the Troll causing larger wounds to open up. Eventually, the troll slumped over and died and he began cleaning the body up devouring everything but the skeleton.


"Well that was hands down the weirdest experience I've ever had, and also the tastiest bits of raw meat as well."


Sniffing the air Kain smiled and transformed back into his regular human form getting rid of the troll skeleton.

"Well that was fast, looks like I might be able to enter a city soon enough after all."


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