
Chilling in Tales of Demons and Gods

MC is reincarnated in Tales of Demons and Gods and he had all powerful system cultivation manuals,daily spins,artifacts,spirits and bloodlines.So with it he easily became the Heavenly God Emperor.But there is an issue it was 2000 years before the canon.So he was chilling and interefering is certain plot points and messing with Nie li.

Roh594 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

The thirteen families from various empires escaped from the demon beasts Ye Yan and Wutong were one of the leaders of the group.

They were at Demigod realm at the time, but this powerful realm caused the demon god to focus on them and ordered his demon best horde to kill them..

The battle was long with more and more demon beast coming there way, but Ye Yan, Wutong and other legend rank experts fought them off, while protecting the civilians.

It was a tough fight, and all of them were panting and tired. Ye Yan, looking at the rushing horde, muttered to his sister, "I will use my battle spirit, but if that fails, you have to use the teacher's painting."

Ye Wutong nodded, and Ye Yan got ready for the incoming horde.

With him at the center, a powerful blast rolled out in all directions!

This caused the remaining legend experts to look at Ye Yan in fear and awe. As they saw a humanoid figure form behind him, it was huge - a tall and muscular man. His face was usually completely apathetic and devoid of any emotion, with olden-blonde hair as well as light blue irises and black pupils. He donned an ornamental patterned golden choker and dark blue clothing with a golden border that covered the entire upper half of his body, revealing his abdomen and chest. Around his biceps, he wore a pair of golden rings.

He had a large spear-like weapon with three sharp prongs at its end. The tip of the trident was silver in color, and a blue and purple fin-like covering could be found near the tip and the bottom. The handle of the trident was dark blue.

The pressure exerted by this figure was huge, but Wutong protected them with her own soul force and power.

Chen Yan, the founder of the Divine family, spoke up, "What is that thing?"

Wutong explained, "That is a battle spirit. Only a select few have the ability to bring it out."

Someone questioned, "Who taught you this?"

Wutong simply answered, "Our teacher. He is the creator of this ability. He is a thousand times more powerful and has a battle spirit stronger than my brother."

Chen Yan said, "So that's why you guys broke through the legend rank so quickly."

Wutong simply nodded. Meanwhile, one of the leaders was Shen Li, the founder of the Sacred Family. He had plans to force Ye Yan to tell him about this ability. But upon hearing about an all-powerful figure behind them, he decided to step back. However, he questioned, "Why didn't he use this ability before?"

Wutong frowned and answered, "It is not an easy skill to use."

Chen Yan nodded, understanding that this skill probably had counter-effects and likely caused immense exhaustion since he was seeing the effects on Ye Yan now.

All of them helped in any way they could, being support for Ye Yan, but they could only do so much. Wutong was the greatest help with her ability in alchemy and her strong demon spirit called Suicune.

While they looked back at the demon beast horse, many weaker demon beasts were stunned and fell to the ground because they did not retreat in time, and some even died on the spot, with blood gushing out of their seven orifices.

It was shocking to witness, but it was not over as the more powerful ones rushed at Ye Yan, who was considered the threat.

All of them helped anyway they could by being support for Ye Yan, but they could only do so much.Wutong was the greatest help with her ability in alchemy and strong demon spirit called Suicune.

While they look back at the demon beast horse many weaker demon beasts were stunned and fell to the ground because they did not retreat in time, and some even died on the spot with blood gushing out of their seven orifices.

That was shocking to witness, but it was not over as the more powerful ones rushed at Ye Yan, whom to considered the threat.

Seeing this Ye Yan leaps into the air above with his battle spirit, unleashing an endless barrage of trident thrusts onto them from above akin to lightning in a thunderstorm. He unleashes them at such fast speeds that countless afterimages are created.

It was like raging sea that killed multiple powerful demon beasts at the same time.

But Ye Yan was exhausted and panting, his body trembling from overusing the battle spirit. As he looked ahead, he saw multiple powerful legend rank beasts blocking their path. Desperation fueled his voice as he yelled, "Use the painting!"

Confusion washed over the faces of his companions, but Wutong, quick on her feet, swiftly retrieved the painting and opened it. As the others watched in anticipation, a surge of energy emanated from the artwork, engulfing them all. Suddenly, a magnificent creature emerged from the painting—an awe-inspiring dragon-like monster that commanded respect and awe.

It was a large, green, serpentine demon beast that also resembles a missile. It has red-tipped, rudder-like wings on its shoulders and down its body, and similarly patterned fins on the tip of its tail. Yellow ring-like symbols run across the length of it's body and it has an additional yellow ring on top of its head.The Demon beast had two limbs with three-clawed hands, and two long, flat, horn-like structures on its head, with two shorter horns along its jawline. It has small, yellow eyes with black pupils, prominent pink gums, and two discernible fangs in its upper jaw.

It was colossal in size, its presence evoking thoughts of a deity incarnate.

The sheer might of the "Dragon God" filled the air, causing the legendary beasts to recoil in fear. The ground trembled beneath their feet as the Dragon God let out a deafening roar, a sound that reverberated through their very souls.It sent shivers down the spines of even the highest-ranked demon hordes.

Ye Yan, Wutong, Chen Yan, and Shen Li all looked upon the demon beast in both awe and fear, as they could feel the immense pressure and power emanating from it.

The civilians, including Ye Yan, Chen Yan, and Shen Li, watched the entire spectacle in complete awe. After a brief moment of silence, Chen Yan spoke up, "What kind of dragon is that?"

Ye Yan recollected his master's teachings, "His name is Rayquaza, and he is considered one of the Beast Gods of weather."

The crowd was left stunned, and many wondered to themselves, "Who is this teacher he speaks of? To command such a powerful Beast God is unheard of."

A sense of dread washed over Shen Li as she thought to herself, "Thank goodness I did not pursue them earlier, or else the Shen Family would have surely been destroyed."

Rayquaza hovered above the demon hordes as they remained completely still, frozen in fear and awe.