
Chill Life To The Top

War had enveloped the entire world,Many countries had faced total destruction. Rosé a Lieutenant Colonel was sent on a mission by one of his Superiors where he was ambushed by the enemy soldiers,In a bloody battle he lost his life,He was reincarnated in a new world. A world which had different races living together,A world where magic reigns supreme ,A world where all kinds of different Monsters and creatures exist ,A world that has a Strange and mysterious Tower full of mysteries,Follow Rosé’s relaxed journey in this new World . {I’m writing this for my satisfaction so do not expect much and please excuse my grammar as I do not read a lot of books or novel, so I have no clue on how to write one to begin with.} {In process of rewriting the chapters!}

Rosee_Iamm · Fantasía
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45 Chs


They all sat down on the couch ,Rosé spoke "So how are things progressing in the Demi Kingdom?",Diablo replied "With the successful completion of the Bridge,the trade and economy of the Kingdom has been stabilised ,The development and broadening of the roads are also progressing smoothly and shall be completed within 2 months,"Rosé smiles and says "Wonderful,with this we have dealt with all the urgent matters and all that Remains is to continue the steady developmen of all the roads and infrastructure throughout the Empire ",They all nod in agreement.

Alisha then speaks "Baby, Juno messaged me that she is going to come over for a few days",Rosé smiles and says "That's great,I've been meaning to throw a small party anyways so it's great timing",Lucifer speaks "A party now that's exciting,I'm going to beat everyone in poker this time."Rosé laughs and says "Dream on Lucifer".

Lucifer pouts and says "Oh come on,I know I'm bad at gambling but you shouldn't be so blunt about it",Rosé laughs and the winks and says "Don't worry I'll help you out in a few rounds",Lucifer face lights up with a smile and says "That's a promise?",Rosé laughs amd assures him, they then continue talking and joking .

After sometime,Rosalia had walked into the Office,Alisha went and hugged her while the others bowed and greeted her ,She walked over and sat in his lap ,Rosé wrapped his arms around her waist and continued scrolling through the news feed on [UniTube].

He came across a steamer know as 'Miley' she shared exclusive news on her stream about all the things occurring in the Universal floor,She had a good 20 million subscribers and a gold membership, The stream title for today was 'A new Guild established in city E!!",Rosé smiled and opened the stream.

*On Stream *

Miley spoke "Welcome everyone,I have some Firey news for you'll today,My informants from city E have informed me about a new small territory appearing near city E and a new guild is being established there known as the "The Rose guild",There are speculations that this guild belongs to the new world 'E-1' that has recently joined us ,The guild has 6 high ranking members who are rumoured to be at Rank SSS (Lv-1000) and above and over 20 Rank SSS at Lvl 900+."

*Mileys Chat Panel*

*Watching :2 million ~^*

snakes:That can't be true , 6 members above the lvl 1000,unreal.

shrimp:City E ,Is this new guild challenging the Blessed Association.

theavengers:Are they recruiting,I want to join,My Rank is A.

spiralshape:Who is the leader of the guild and what is his rank ?.

*Back on stream*

Miley speaks "Clam down everyone,I will share everything I know with you'll ,Shrimp to answer your question,we have not got enough information to know thier motives yet and I wouldn't like to make a wrong assumption,Next to answer spiralshape's question ,about the leader of the guild we have no information there but I have gotten word from one of my informants who managed to talk to one of the higher rank members of the guild,He told me that the guild leader will be entering the floor in 2 months .We also know that the two people who are leading the guild for now are closely related to the leader and have achieved 17 magic circles ,I do not know what that means but from what I gathered is that they are extremely mysterious and strong .

*The chat panel *

animaltracks: If they are from the world that just joined the Universal floor,How were they able to already purchase a small territory that cost 20 billion,This information dose not make sense.

bee :Right ,Only the top guilds,Have been able to purchase a small territory ,But they do have multiple territories so idk .

alligator:It seems you'll are forgetting that you can exchange Gold for USC .

spiritedaway:Hmmm ,There is not much information about anything as of right now .

icecream:Things will get clearer when the Leader makes his appearance.

ran:Guys I'm in city E mall right now and I have spotted 6 heavenly beauties who are surrounded by body guards wearing black suits and have a Black Rose emblem on ,They are at the Grandeur Mall right now.

dolphin:I saw them too ,I wanted to talk to them but was to afraid to even get close to them because of the dense aura the bodyguards were releasing.

clover: Same :(

*On stream *

Miley speaks "Anyways guys that's all the information I have got for now ,I will be back once I collect more,Thank you for joining me today,Goodbye".

Rosé laughs and speaks "It's Seems aunt Mazie and Rosanna have gone shopping,I'm glad they are enjoying themselves ",Rosalía speaks "Hoo ,The store owners are going to have the best day of their life ,once those Two start shopping they cannot stop ",Rosé smiles "That's true ,The fashion there is much different from what we have here and it seems they have taken a liking to the fashion there".After spending a few hours with them and reading through the progress reports about the development of the Empire he along with the pets head back to his bedroom.

In his room he opened up a portal to the Underworld dimension,He walked in along with his pets ,This time his goal was to check on his undead and have the pets run wild and hunt.The portal took them to the entrance of the Darkness realm where the Monster spawning construct was built, he was greeted by his undead soilders who were kneeling in front of the portal,Rosé looked at them and smiled as all 3105 of his Necromancy Knights had achieved Metamorphosis Rank and were making steady progress towards the Calamity -Rank .

Rosé had only Flex stay back and dispersed all the others ,They then walked through the Giant enchanted Entrance which lead them into the enclosed Darkness realm,As soon as they entered Rosé felt the Mana signals of over 10 million monsters who were lurking around the realm ,They walked deeper into the realm and spotted a pack 16 Shadow wolfs who were all at the Metamorphosis Rank and were releasing there immense blood lust toward them ,The bloodlust the pack was emitting had the pets shaking ,Rosé looked at them and thought "Hmm Max,Buster and Luna (The Demonic Golden Bears) are all at Rank S,Ghost is at Rank A and Ness and Zex are at Rank B ,They won't be able to be able to fight against them as of yet ,Let's help them rank up now"He then put a Up arcane barrier around them and looked at the blood crazed wolves and snapped his fingers,The Arcane mana in the body of the 16 wolves started rampaging, tearing thier bodies form inside eventually exploding ,Leaving nothing but the Arcane cores.With just a slight movement of his finger the cores floated and landed infront of the Pets,Rosé then converted the Arcane mana in the core into pure mana as only people who have undergone metamorphosis were able to absorb and use Arcane mana,Rosé looked at them and spoke"Eat up now,Soon you'll won't need my help and will be able to hunt yourself",They all let out a roar and chowed down on the core,Rosé chuckles at their behaviour ,He then took out a cigarette and smoked it while he waited for them to finish eating and absorbing the cores.Rosé continued hunting and providing them with cores ,After a few hours Ghost ,Ness and Zex had reached Rank S while Max ,Buster and Luna hand reached Rank SS,With this they head back to his bedroom ,Rosé lay on the the bed and fell alseep after few minutes of scrolling through [UniTube] and putting up 100 bottles of wine and whiskey for sale on the Universal store.