
Chapter 1: Classic Horror

Iasonas was knocked against a row of theater seats, he hit his back at a bad angle, he gasped for air, he looked up toward a werewolf, he didn't know what was going on, he received a mysterious package, containing gloves, two weird devices and two small discs. Then shortly after putting in a generic werewolf movie, said werewolf jumped out of the screen.

Earlier that day.

Iasonas woke up on the couch in his living room, he couldn't remember what time he fell asleep, all he knew was when he was watching a horror movie marathon, he pulled his weary tired body off the couch, shuffled his way toward the kitchen getting a drink of water.

Iasonas was Half Greek and Half Japanese, his parents had a love of Horror Movies, which his father decided on the Greek name of Jason, after the famous horror movie killer, around the age of 6 he started watching any Horror Film he was allowed to, they were of course scary at first until he got used to them.

He had short blonde hair, green eyes, he was about 6'4", he had a well-built body and a fair age of 26. He lived in a small three-room apartment, that was located on top of a Movie Theater that he owned, most of the time he showed Horror Movies, but when requested he will show other kinds, it's not a hugely popular but he did earn a good amount of money, mostly due to the ticket prices aren't too pricey like other places.

He slipped on a fresh shirt, socks, then his shoes, he made his way downstairs, he had gotten a shipment of new drinks, popcorn kernel and candy. The delivery man had placed them into the side building which Iasonas uses for storage, he brought the new drinks and snacks in.

He put the soda into a cooler, the candy into a room temperature display case, then poured the popcorn kernel into the machine and turned it on. Iasonas has managed the Theater by himself since he was 22, after his father gave it to him.

The prior year was a bit crazy, a part of Japan got heavily destroyed due to some unknown destruction, it was pretty insane, Iasonas had a weird feeling in his chest for a few days, but it subsided.

He went to the front door, unlocked it, opened the door, took the package, he brought it to the snack table, placed it onto the counter, he pulled out a box cutter, before he opened it, he looked for a return address and found none.

He took the box cutter, opened the box finding, two gloves, two small discs and two small devices that could be some sort of a new DVD player. It was probably an early birthday present from his parents. He set them aside, going to the filming room, picking a couple of films to play, in the first room he put on some generic werewolf movie.

He heard the bell at the front door chime, he went out and was met with a tall, slender pale man, he walked up, ordered a ticket for theater 1, then went in. Iasonas looked at him weirdly, as more people came in to watch movies.

Iasonas went to the film room, starting up the first film, after a good amount of time went by, when the man became the werewolf, they looked at the screen and started moving toward it. Iasonas was a little surprised, thinking he mixed it with a different movie, until he shot up from his seat as he watched the werewolf cut through the screen, walking through the screen.

Iasonas escorted screaming people out of the theater, a man wearing a torn-up jacket, torn up under shirt, torn up jeans, worn out sneakers. He had a choppy haircut, a few cuts on his face, walked into the theater, walking by Iasonas and the people.

Iasonas walked up to him and spoke.

"Excuse me sir, but you can't be in here, can you please leave."

The man glared at him and spoke.

"Shut up Civ, you're in the way."

Iasonas backed away a bit, then got the rest of the people out, until he remembered he had more movies going on, in theater 2 he found a generic slayer cutting up the chairs, Iasonas stepped back, stepping on a bottle cracking it.

The slasher's head shot toward Iasonas, he started to make his way toward him, Iasonas made his way out of the room, in time to see the doors to Theater 3 burst open, while stepping through the door.

What the fuck is going on? Iasonas thought to himself. The werewolf could have been handled by animal control, but now Jason Voorhees and The Predator, this is horrible luck.

Iasonas turned around, running toward Theater 1, he heard a whistling sound, followed by sharp metal shooting through his left hip, he stifled a scream, gripping his left hip.

A loud explosion echoed out from Theater 1, Iasonas made his way in, the strange man and the werewolf were fighting. From the corner of his eye, Iasonas could see the tall slender man, sitting up right, watching the werewolf-less movie.

The werewolf sniffed the air, looking toward Iasonas, he lunged forward, slashing hard at Iasonas, which set himself falling into a row of seats, he hit a bad angle, as he gasped for lost air. Iasonas weakly got up, as he got hit again, as he sailed into the screen, hitting it.

As he slid down, his blood pooled out under him, the strange man grabbed a hold of the werewolf's head, jumping toward the screen as they went into the Film World. Iasonas watched, his vision started to fade, just then there were two loud sounds, like metal stabbing into an animal's body.

With the last remaining sight, Iasonas looked down, seeing a machete and a spear through his body.

May 6th 7:30 Iasonas Thireftis Deceased.

The Slender Man, stood up, as he watched the scene unfold, he made his way over to Iasonas' lifeless body, he pulled out a small vial, raising it up to absorb Iasonas' dead energy. He pulled his hand back, as a dark aura surrounded Iasonas' body, the machete and spear shot out of his body as his body slowly healed him.

Color started to return to his face, the Slender Man put the vial away, clasping his hands together, then opened them, now holding the box containing the gloves, small devices and discs. He kneeled down, sliding the gloves onto Iasonas' hands, attaching the small devices to the top of the gloves.

The man took the discs, throwing them into Jason Voorhees and The Predator, they were absorbed into the discs as they flew back to the man, he placed them onto Iasonas with a note. He stood up, walking out of the building, as police arrived at the scene, finding Iasonas unconscious.

An unknown amount of time as Iasonas woke up, he looked around seeing he was in the back of an ambulance, he took hold of his chest, finding a blood-stained shirt, but no wounds. He sat up, getting out, the street was surrounded by police cars, civilians looking at what was going on, while smoke rose out of the building, then he finally noticed the gloves and devices on his hands.

He looked through his pockets, he pulled out a note reading it over.

Enjoy your second life, I was not the one who gave it to you, I will let you learn the reason why for your return. You will find that the Friki Discs have been imprinted with two powerful Hunters, which should help you. You are able to enter the Film World, fight and kill all 13 Warriors, to gain the ultimate wish from my master.

Iasonas leaned against the ambulance holding his head feeling dizzy, so much doesn't make sense, this feels like a weird hero movie.

PS: During the scuffle I decided to throw a few people into the Film World, they can't escape unless you defeat the monster of the Film. Have Fun.

Iasonas' eyes widened, he crumpled the paper, throwing it onto the ground, running into the Theater, Police Officers shouted for him to stop. They couldn't stop him, he was on a mission, what was he doing, he was no hero, all he is doing is thanks to adrenaline.

He jumped onto the stage then ran through the screen, a blinding white light, was then met with a new scene. He was now inside of the movie; he was now in London.

Iasonas was in awe, it felt like he was actually in London, he saw Big Ben in the distance, everything was so old, Iasonas walked through the streets, looking at the old timey building. Everything was so beautiful, until a loud explosion came, Iasonas watched in utter shock, as he watched Big Ben topple to the ground.

He ran other to the toppled building, his eyes went wide, he saw the strange man, fighting what once was a Werewolf, but it was now a monstrous being, 10-inch claws, thick blade like fur, 5-inch fangs, crimson red eyes, it was no longer a natural being of this film.

The man was panting heavily injured, he held a red dagger, he leaned up looking toward Iasonas.

"You got to be kidding me, he was also a Gladiator." The man said.

The man brought his dagger to his arm, cutting his skin, from his shoulder to his elbow, then brought the dagger to his mouth.

"Transform." He said, licking the blood.

The dagger lifted into the air, spinning around, it became 10 individual daggers, they aimed toward the man's chest, shooting forward stabbing him. His head leaned back, then moved his hand toward the daggers, the handles latched to his fingers, he pulled his arms back, as blood shot from his chest, two figures appeared on both sides of him.

"Ultimate Slashers" A voice called out.

Iasonas squinted, noticing the two were Freed Kruger and Edward Scissorhands, the two men, conjoined around the man, as the blood covered the man, his body was covered by black and red leather. His head was covered by more blood, with black marks under his eyes, with black marks, at different points, with red dryer blood, around the black marks.

The man pulled a Fedora out, putting it onto his head.

"Kamen Rider Slasher at your service." The man said, bowing.

He ran forward and started to fight the Monstrous Werewolf.

Iasonas was snapped back into reality, remembering that there were the people that he came to save, just then a loud scream roared out, as Iasonas made his way toward the screaming. As he rounded a corner, he saw people who had clothes from his time, cowering from creatures that resembled 4-foot Gremlins, he ran over punching one in the face. He told the people the location on where he entered, but stayed safe, as they couldn't escape yet, they ran away.

Iasonas felt energy in his fists, as he pummeled the Gremlins, they kept coming, after what felt like forever, Iasonas was panting, the Gremlins converged forming some sort of ultimate Gremlin, they resembled the Monstrous Werewolf, but there were three this time.

Iasonas looked at his hands, then punched his hands together, pulled them apart as a ball of blood surrounded him.

"Henshin." Iasonas yelled.

Two men appeared next to him, he looked at both of them, they were Jason Voorhees and The Predator.

"Ultimate Hunters" A Voice said.

They took out both their melee weapons, turning to slash at Iasonas, as they did, their bodied conjoined with Iasonas, the ball of blood, came back, hitting Iasonas, the blood covered his body, the dripped away, showing a black net like under body, with steel toed hiking boots, dark brown armor over jacket, two machetes on his hips, one modern, while the other rigged with saw like edges. The blood dripped away from his head, revealing a hockey mask like head, with two pipes sticking out from his mask, connected to his back, two exhausted holes near his neck, alone with a laser beam near his right eye.

"What should I call this form?" Iasonas said. "How about Teras, the Greek word for monster."

Iasonas pulled out his machetes, charging at the three Ultimate Gremlins.