
Children of chastity

Hope you enjoy your stay.(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ Super slow update btw :33 Still no romance though:)))

Novatsw · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigration 1

I have always dreamt of being a professional script writer after junior high. It is just exhilarating to see, create, and visualize a whole different world that I can control with the tip of my pen.

The idea of being a god controlling the story and fate of different NPCs and characters doesn't fall under my scope of interest, but i like placing myself in other roles and fully emerging in the mind of those I created, experiencing all of their up and down with all the twist and turn of fate.

My dream sprout from a seedling only grows larger and larger as time passes. My family disregarded my calling and kicked me out of the house.

After getting a kick out, I still worked hard and tirelessly year after year to push myself through the limit and received a scholarship for a renowned private university in the state for two years.

Living in a family with a low household income, I started working part-time at late hours to afford the intuition after the scholarship ended in case I couldn't get my hand on a second scholarship. I was going to give it my all to get to my goal.

"All our dreams can come true if we dare to pursue them."

"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness."

"If you can dream it, you can do it."

"Hard work pays off if you're patient enough to see it through the"

What a load of bullsh** !!!

The scholarship that I aimed for was taken away by another student that used their parent's connection to secure the spot for it.

Different professors who teach my class also brought up the topic to me. The people who snatched the scholarship from my hand never even reached the top 100 with their test scores and stole other people's chances of succeeding.

They were even mocking the other students who failed the test on the school website without facing any consequences for it.

All of the students could only keep silent for the fear of expulsion because a few people have tried doing so which resulted in them getting kicked out, fired, or even charged for a crime they didn't commit.

Money and power are scary things.

Saying that I was devastated at that point is an understatement. I struggle to get any shut-eye for days before I can sort out my anger. The school advisor could only help out by giving me a suggestion for places to find reasonably paying jobs to cover the intuition fee for the next few years.


The door creaked as I entered the small two-by-two apartment at midnight, closing the door behind me. My tired body could barely drag itself on foot to the lonely mattress in the corner with a dirty blanket messily over it.

I plopped down tiredly on the stiff surface, looking at the white ceiling as a frosty breath escaped my nose, blurring the world for a moment.

'Taking on four jobs for the sake of my future is a fair price to pay.'- I mentally cheered.

I take out the phone in my pocket, tapping on the broken screen of the old device, ignoring the rumble in my stomach for food. The screen glows brightly in the dark empty room.

Several notifications popped up as I held back the tired sigh from work-related texts can be seen. I slowly scroll through the jumble of unimportant messages and answer them one by one.

*Ding* A notice popped up, blocking the top half of the screen. The multiple cracks at the upper half make it difficult to see the notification.

~ Internetstory: The story "Flower of Eden" has been updated Vol.10 Chapter 23. Come and read the latest update (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) ~

Reading web-novel is a habit that started when I discovered the Internet and its bountiful materials for creation. I couldn't stop reading but now I don't even have much time to eat much less take out time to relax.

"Flower of Eden" is the series that I have picked up lately to relieve some stress during the break period of classes. It is a story with detailed world-building and an engaging storyline.

I have only gotten through over half of the updated chapters up to the beginning of Vol 6 until now. Upon reflex, I push on it as the blinding white screen turns into the familiar homepage with a dark background.

- I guess... one chapter won't hurt

Every thought of reality got shoved to the side, placing my full attention on the novel. To refresh the story plot in my memory, I go back a few chapters to see how far have the story progressed.

One chapter turns into two, two turn into ten. The number only increase as my hand kept scrolling when I decided to reread from the beginning because many details in Vol 6 are related to past references, hints, and hidden plots from the first three volumes. By the time I got back to Vol 6, my sleepiness has won over.

The phone fell out of my hand and landed on the mattress with a light bounce as my vision gradually grew blurry. Darkness consume my sight as my mind fell into a deep slumber.


Strangely enough, I awoke to see a dark space all around me. My body suddenly felt hot, and a burning sensation spread from my core, numbing my mind. The abrupt fever rage violently burned me alive. I could feel the sweat trickling down my forehead down the mattress below. A pained groan escaped my lip as I tried to move my body.

A soft hand touched my forehead as chilling energy flowed into my body, slowly but steadily repressing the scorching heat.

" She should be fine after drinking the medication "- my body slowly cooled down as I listened to the calming voice that seemed to belong to the hand on my head.

Did the apartment manager find me and take me to the hospital? But this voice doesn't seem like hers, could it be the doctor? I tried to pry my eyes but my eyelid have never felt so heavy.

"Thank you %∆¢#¶£, I am forever indebted to you "- A hoarse voice rang from a second figure at the bedside, placing their hand on mine. The first mysterious voice pulled up the thin sheet to cover my body.

They sat down on the mattress next to me, dipping it slightly, and stayed silent for a moment. The two figures didn't make me feel alarmed at all. Their presence felt strangely comforting. The hand on my head patted softly, putting me into a deep slumber.


The girl slowly sits up from her bed, stretching her body before letting out a moan of satisfaction. She has never felt so refreshed waking up from her sleep.

It must be a good sign of fortune. She pats down on her messy hair, small fingers making it hard to-

An ominous feeling washes over her, she quickly rubs her blurry eyes to get a clearer look at the surrounding. The strange haze slowly cleared out of her vision.

The sight is heaven and earth compared to the usual broken-down apartment that can barely contain three grown adults let alone daily necessities.

'Where in the hell is this place?!'

Her mind was running miles trying to make sense of this situation, questions rapidly being thrown around in her mind, trying to recall what she was doing the night before.

This is going to be a huge problem.

------------------End Chapter 1--------------------

Sorry i couldn't make more time to write another chapter as i currently have 6 different projects running .

I will try my best to make time for it whenever I have free schedule.

I don't have anyone to help prove read this at the moment so i apologize if it have to much mistake. I kinda rush this chapter so i will make time in the future to rewrite it.

Thank you for reading ,hope you have a lovely day (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) .

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Novatswcreators' thoughts