
Child of Shadow and Light

Well what can I say... Project 16 later-Kinnie,a failed experiment in a lab...he looks like human but he is monster...well let's start journey of next new god...

Anisme_Otaku · Fantasía
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3 Chs

CH-2.5 New Member in our family(View of Sophies[Noble's wife])


I am outside watering some plants as it was my hobby...

Then I hear some horse neighing...I already know who is coming it was my dear husband who just come here from hunting...I rushed towards him to greet him but I see something in his hands...

There was a baby in his hands...

I asked him that whose baby it is??

He said that he just adopted this baby boy...

I just heared it and i grew angry i don't know why he adopted him we already have two daughters and he adopted...what was the need??

But i controlled my anger and asked him why he had adopted him...

He smiled and said nothing...except of saying anything he gived that baby to me...

I also said nothing but looked at that baby...the baby was sleeping...he looked cute...his hair was purely white like an angel...his looks were so cute...his characteristic are like a noble child...and I knew why he had adopted him??

But while I was holding him I felt a connection...

A connection I can't know





I know my writing skills are bad...comment this newbie...I am trying to improve my writing


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