
Child of Shadow and Light

Well what can I say... Project 16 later-Kinnie,a failed experiment in a lab...he looks like human but he is monster...well let's start journey of next new god...

Anisme_Otaku · Fantasía
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3 Chs




Some magicians and researchers are rushing here and there


one of those is saying,"hope this project-16 will pass".

But what is project-16...

Project 16 is a project to make a strogest organism who can protect its whole kingdom and also be the one to lead the whole kingdom...there were numerous trials but all those trials failed...

but what is the point in making this projects...actually there was an outbreak of demons...it was long fight the kindom lost its 60% of its population,70% of its wealth and it lost its connection to other kingdoms...

It is now 7 years till that outbreak...the kingdom has again recovered its wealth but the fear of the demons is still there...well there are many strong people who can protect kingdom...

but the risk is that all humans can not be trusted according to the new king(normally he is afraid because at that time knights the most trusted persons were controlled by demons)

Now he wants something more loyal than wodo(usually a dog but not really a dog)and far stronger than demons.


A messenger comes at kingdom...he goes to the king's official room...there is a man he looks like 45 y/o old man but he is at his thirties...two wodos is sitting beside his chair...the man is looking at that messenger with his eyes calmy ... the messenger greets that man... (Narrator-man I think you all are smart enough to know this majestic man is king)

That Messenger stands and says,"Your majesty project 16 is complete..."

The moment king hears that he stands;with him the two wodos also stands;he takes his big sword and walks...

The king sits at cart...straight he goes to research lab all resaerchers and magicians greets him... next he saw is a baby boy aged 1 year with half black hair and half white hair...the boy was looking weak and fragile...suddently the king shouted,"I said never use human body"... (Narrator-he is angry because he thought that they used a human body)

One of reaserchers says,"he is not a human your majesty;he is a new creature;he is born from shadow and light"

King understands what he is saying as there was time when dark magician and light magician were fighting when there owers collab a explosion happened and there was a egg...

The king says,"so you mean the egg is hatched"

"NO, your majesty we have to add countless demonic energy,dragon enery,elfen enery,spirit power,holy power, and we injected a wodo blood and the reason he shaped like this human i think it is because he is firstly born with humans magical power...

They opened that cuboidal glass where the boy was kept...

The boy opened his eyes but he's are white...his body started to look blackish he was like he was decaying...

The king takes a long *sigh*...this experiment was failed in seconds...

The king says,"this experiment was failed throw this decayed body at forest..."

The researchers were sad and the king was also very sad he said,"now you all can stop this project"

The king filled like its better to look after genius magicians and swordsman...his hope was shattered in minutes no not in minutes in seconds...

That day magicians throwed this body at forest...

After some hours some decay eating animals come and tried to eat him but they were vanished and also some surrounding trees were also vanished

the body of that baby looked freshed...some hours later another magical beast came to eat that body but the moment magic beast that came was also vanished

The truth was that the body needed some energy after birth but nobody gived that he cannot suck powers until he was touched by a living thing...this continued for few days predator come and then *whoosh* dissapeared...

A noble camed to that forest some wolf were gathered around but what they were surrounding they were surrounding the baby...the noble killed all those wolf with his swordsman...a blood dropped on him will it get sucked inside his body no he was like a normal baby with white hair...

The noble saw that baby...the noble hair was also white not white somewhat greyish...the noble man decided to adopt him he has a wife and two twin daughter almost same age as him but his daughter look somewhat older than him...but why is he deciding to adopt that baby boy... (Narrator-that was feeling of that noble man...he was just feeling he have to)

("ok lemme tell you that noble feelings he felt that theboy was cute)

To Be Continued>

Hope you enjoyed it...that is my first light noble ever...i know it is short but pls share this noble with all your friends i want your support...as a narrator I am grateful that you are reading this book...

~ありがとう ございます(Thank you)


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