
Child of Fate

Getting killed in the most ridiculous way, follow the MC as he adventures in the new fantasy like world that he got reincarnated into. What is gonna do? Can he survive the attention of a being that existed since ages ago? Not to mention the Situation that he got himself into with being born as a Prince. Warning: I first of all want to say that English is not my mother language. Second this is my first book, but I would appreciate any constructive critics that you may have.

Icekid · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The meaning of my Innate Ability

[Advanced Appraisal]


Upon seeing the status screen of me my father seemed pretty surprised. Looks like the stats with which I started were pretty strong. Or maybe it is just my Innate Ability's.

The system asked me too if I wanted to show my father my hidden Ability's and titles. But I choose to not show them for now. It is not that I didn't trust my father but I am in a new world at the moment and in a pretty complicated situation at that, since the court is in a conflict of factions, so I didn't want to create an bigger scene than I already have.

I got to understand by the reaction of my family and the doctor that the affinity with every element was a pretty big deal. And if I show anymore of my Ability's I didn't know what would happen. Even though I got protected by fate from the schemes of others but that only works until I'm 15 and that is when the effect completely vanishes, but it will get weaker over time till then so I don't know how much protection I have at what point of time.

But my thoughts got interrupted by the voice of my mother

„So what did you get from you ability, dear husband?"

„See for yourself."

With these words, my father waved his hand.


Name: -

Age: < 1 Day

Gender: Male

Race: Dragonkin

Title:[Third Prince of the Sacred Beast Empire]

Level: 0

Class: -

Magic Core: Supreme Orange (Initial)


Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 5

Mind: 10

Innate Ability: [Legendary Dragon Arts]; [Advanced Appraisal]; [Minor Mana Body]

Skills: -

Seeing my status, even I got stunned as I got a new Innate Ability.

[Minor Mana Body]

Rank: Rare

Description: Due to absorbing absurd amounts of Mana into the body as an infant, the User got a special body that is more attuned with Mana.

Effect 1: Increases the affinity with the surrounding Mana by a bit

Effect 2: Increases the efficiently of using skills or techniques with Mana.

Note: Since this Body type was acquired artificial special requirements at to be met before body type can be evolved.

Wow so my constant training in my mother's womb got me a special innate ability. I wonder why I didn't get notified.

But then I remembered, I got notified but I ignored it as I enjoyed the pleasure. Now to think about it I got a few notifications from the system.

I should check them now while my parents and the doctor were still in shock.

‚System show me the previous notifications that I missed.'

I didn't know if it worked this way but I decided to try. And it seemed it worked as in the next moment I got a few messages.

‚Host has gained 1 point in Strength, Speed and Vitality'

‚Host has gained 1 point in Strength, Speed and Vitality'

‚ Host has reached the maximum value of Vitality for an infant.'

‚Host has gained 1 point in Strength and Speed'

‚Host has reached the maximum value of Strength and Speed for an infant'

‚As host has reached the max value of his stats, the assimilated Mana will be used for other purposes'

‚Due to accumulated Mana that got assimilated by your Body, Host gained Innate Ability [Minor Mana Body]'

‚[Child of Fate] had successfully denied the scheme of an individual with malicious intentions against you'

‚[Child of Fate] had successfully denied the ability of an seer that tried to divine your fate'

‚You gained 100.000 Exp for defeating your enemy's wits, in a situation deemed impossible for you to change anything'

‚The Exp you earned got reduced drastically since you relied on the protection granted to you by a supreme being and not your own wits.

‚You gained 20 Exp'

‚You unlocked the Leveling System'

‚You have currently (20/10) Exp of Level 0'

‚You can't Level up until you reach the age on 1 Year old'

‚Your Magic Core got promoted from Red to Orange'

‚Because of your passive effect your Magic Core is automatically Supreme Level'

Wow that was a lot of notifications. Like really a lot. I didn't really know what to make from them.

First of all my stat reached a cap for being an infant. That's something I didn't expect but wasn't so suprised either. I was just a newborn after all. So how could I be as strong as an adult?

Next was that with my new innate ability I gained after I couldn't get more stat points, also still surprising it was somehow reasonable.

Then the thing with his core. As I already heard it was kinda normal for talented dragonkin to possess that and the supreme grade seemed to come from my [Overwhelming Talent] and [Blessing of the Dragon God]. That was reasonable too.

But the next part was totally mind blowing.

So first of all, someone already tried to scheme against me, even as an unborn kid. That was truly ruthless. Then as that didn't work it seemed like the person didn't want to stop so the person, I presume is the empress didn't want to let it rest and tried to divine my future but that failed too. And then she seemed to have given up, at least for now.

Then I got Exp for defeating her in a battle of wit but it got reduced significantly for being done by my title. So one can gain Exp in this world by battling with your wits.

I wonder in what other ways you can gain Exp. I think by killing your opponent you should be able to gain Exp too right. Well at least I hope that this works, since I would really prefer this method more than battling with my wits. Even though I was never dumb but I also wasn't the sharpest spoon in the shed, so I would like to avoid a battle of wit, if possible.

And that I can't level up until I get 1 year old was also not that surprising. And should be normally not that inconvinient, since when would a baby gain the opportunity of gaining Exp if he had not such cheat skills like me.

Well that was already the end of my quiet time as the adults in the room came back to be.

„Wow what is with these stats? Even the most abnormal newborn had a maximum value of 3 in one of his stats, and that was only a single stat and not every single one like this monster here. I mean seriously? The worst attribute was 5 and the best was 10, just what kind of monster is he. Not to mention his already abnormal affinity for every element and his supreme Orange Magic Core."

The doctor had seen many newborns in his long career as a doctor, as in this day and age, death by giving birth to a child was still not that uncommon. And so most of the nobles layer an exorbitant price for the services of good doctors. Of course this was the first time helped with the process of giving birth personally, since he gained the title of Sacred doctor, but still it shouldn't be common for a baby to be this strong.

„Indeed my son is truly a monster. But with his talent it shouldn't be a problem for him to grow strong and protect himself later in times of need. And with his [Advanced Appraisal] he should be able to discover enemy's tat are too strong for him and run away"

His mother was only worried about his future and safety and so she was happy that her son was so strong and had an ability to discover enemy's that were stronger than him.

His father on the other hand was still silent and deep in thought. He of course was happy for his son to so talented. But at the same time he also knew the character of his first wife and worried she would do something to this talented child of his. He should speak with her later. But he didn't believe that would change anything as he looked at one ability of his son especially.

[Legendary Dragon Arts]

His wife and the Sacred Doctor didn't really know what kind of significance this ability held. Especially with the 5th form of (Dragon Transformation).

Every Prince that wants to climb the throne had to have this Ability as it signify that he had a very pure bloodline of the dragons in their veins. And an Dragonkin with the 5th form of this ability signify the purest bloodline that is possible in a dragonkin. Any purer than that and one would be a pure blood Dragon.

Only 1 other dragonkin ever had this form and that was the founding emperor of the Sacred Beast Empire.

Even he only got his [Legendary Dragon Arts] with the 4th Form by birth. And he was already hailed as a great genius with high purity of his bloodline. And his eldest son had currently only the [Epic Dragon Arts] which went as high as the 3rd Form.

Well he had to explain, the requirement of possessing [Legendary Dragon Arts] was established by the founding emperor and he didn't even doubt that each generation would have at least one person with such a hit level purity of dragon blood inside of them. But he miscalculated and from the 7th generation onwards it was becoming rarer and rarer. To such a degree that the emperor seat was even open for 2 successive generations. And the royal bloodline started to decline and got nearly overturned. That was until a great genius emerged that managed to artifacally strengthen the purity of ones bloodline through the use of a special plant. In the same generation that genius quelled the unrest of the people and solidified the power of the royal family and even mad it more powerful.

After this, there would be a battle for the crown prince between the people with the highest purity of the bloodline, to determine who's bloodline would be elevated and become emperor.

Of course there were some exceptional generations with geniuses that already had the required purity happened and there would be no battle. After all the plant to upgrade the bloodline was not easy to cultivate and there were some generations in which there were no plant successfully generated. In these cases there would be a special exception and the prince with the most power would be chosen as heir in fear for the weakening of the royal bloodline. The prince would have been expected to stay put and behave more peacefully until a new plant was cultivated and a new heir was chosen.

And then there were generations were a genius with the required purity were born too and if a plant were to successfully be cultivated the plant would have to be saved for the later generations.

His generation was of the second type. And it seemed this generation would see the same if the plant was to be born. That would further strengthen the power of the royal bloodline for further generations.

Not to mention, his sin had the purest bloodline possible so he should be able to give birth to a few generations more of heirs with enough purity.

But to his first wife all that didn't matter, since she was intensely jealous and ambitious. She would do anything for her son to be the next king.

The emperor feared that his wife would have already done her move, if the Sacred Doctor weren't by the side of his wife.

Thinking about all that his resolve to speak with her just further strengthened.

„Yes My son is indeed a little monster. But I think we should let him rest as he was just born"

With that my father handed me to my mother and left the room with the doctor after the doctor checked me one last time

Well I'm sorry if this got a bit confusing at the end, but I tried my best.

And i didn't announce the switch from first person PoV to third and I'm sorry if that confused some people too but I promise that the first person PoV will always be our MC

Icekidcreators' thoughts