


Lorraine hopped beside Shin and said. "To think that you will be at the center of trouble right after you arrive. I wonder how Cloe can handle you all this time."

"Then there are those idiots – Arthur and Leonard. I can't imagine how she is holding out," she added before finally voicing out her real motive. "How about I transfer to your team and help her out? I'll make sure that she will be doing fine. After all, I am quite experienced in being a Commander of an Adventurer Team."

Shin gave her a bitter smile while shaking his head. "Don't bother. You deal with your side first and we will talk again about this later."

Lorraine pouted her lips and glared at him. "Hmph! How dare you guys leave me behind? Aren't we friends forever? How can you create your adventurer team without me?"

At this moment, Shin glanced at her with his 'True Sight' Skill and read through her basic information.


Player Name: Nala