
Chemistry Of Love

What would you do if you happened to find yourself falling for your handsome and domineering boss who is hostile towards women? Xiuying, a natural jade beauty who appears to be the daughter of a billionaire, actually has love phobia. She loathes men because most of the men around her are always after her wealth and not her heart. This is the mentality that has been self-driven into her head ever since she was young. When she became a young woman and was about to take over her father's company, Xiuying made a deal with her father to work in another company for a year before taking over the company. Getting a job with her qualifications was easy, but what about the challenges and hardships she will face as a girl who was brought up in wealth? Furthermore, she slowly began to fall in love with her tyrant boss who has no idea about her background. Furthermore, her boss is the CEO of Zamzung cooperation, the competition of the company Xiuying is expected to take over in a year. What does fate have in store for Xiuying? === Add my novel to your library and follow the journey of Xiuying. PS: This is my first novel, please forgive any errors, I promise to keep improving as an author.

Her_Empire · Ciudad
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4 Chs

Chat With Zhou Mei

[At the cafeteria….]

They soon arrived at the cafeteria, Zhou Mei asks Xiuying what she will prefer to eat. After getting her reply she walks away to get the food along with her own.

Bringing the food, Zhou Mei drops the food on the table with the same teasing gaze but Xiuying doesn't even look at her and starts eating up her food like a glutton, causing Zhou Mei to look at her with a profound smile…

"Xiuying, gently. No one is collecting it from you." Zhou Mei says teasingly again.

Xiuying doesn't reply and continues to eat her food. When Zhou Mei realized that Xiuying isn't paying attention to her at all, she lets out a sigh and also sits down to have her lunch.

Seeing Zhou Mei settles down to eat her food, Xiuying looks at her with a very serious expression like a dog waiting for a treat.

"Sigh, Xiuying. I thought you would at least finish your food first." Zhou Mei says as she stops eating for a moment.

"No, I can't do that because I still have some work to do after lunch. Why don't we eat and talk at the same time? That way, we won't be wasting each other's time because I know you also have some work to do." Xiuying replies abruptly.

"Yes it's true, let's do that."

"So, answer my question first before I continue." Zhou Mei says, taking a mouthful of food.

"Well, about that? I don't think there's anything unusual since today is my first day but I think it's noisy and peaceful at the same time." Xiuying answers with a slight shrug.

Zhou Mei looks at her with satisfaction as if it's what she was expecting to hear from her.

"Yes, you are right, and wrong somehow. That peace you said is only because the boss is not around." Zhou Mei says, fixating her gaze on Xiuying to see any reaction.

Xiuying looks at her doubtfully as she doesn't seem to understand what she meant.

'Why is it like that just because the boss is not around?' Xiuying thinks inwardly and is about to ask Zhou Mei who in turn motioned her not to talk.

"You see Xiuying, I know what you want to ask so don't bother and let me tell you." Zhou Mei said.

"I know your question is 'why' and I will answer that.… It's because you have a cold-hearted boss who doesn't care about anything else other than work. He's the type of person that won't take even the slightest mistake from his workers. He hates anything that will disturb his work or tarnish his name. You see Xiuying, whenever he's around there won't be a single noise because he hates it, and everywhere is always quiet just like a graveyard." Zhou Mei laments frustratingly.

Zhou Mei looks at Xiuying to see if she's listening and to her satisfaction, her expression confirmed her thoughts.

"Do you know that the most surprising thing is that, he fired more than five workers a day, especially ladies!" Zhou Mei exclaims loudly, forgetting the fact that they are in the cafeteria.

Xiuying looks at her with amazement and pity, knowing fully well how it feels to work in absolute silence, not having anyone to talk to, and also working in a very quiet place.

"Zhou Mei it's alright, I also know how you feel but I think he's doing that to make sure everyone is serious with their work."

"I also know that Xiuying, and I don't blame him for doing that but we are all humans, and let me tell you this; can you believe he has stopped employing a female personal assistant? If not because of his sudden trip I don't think you will be here." Zhou Mei says bluntly.

Xiuying looks at her with surprise etched on her face.

"Why did he stop employing them?" She asks, looking puzzled and interested.

"It's because of their plan to get under his pants and be called boss ladies of course." Zhou Mei says with a small teasing laugh.

Xiuying looks at her and smiles after knowing the reason why he didn't employ them, but on another thought, she thinks of what will happen when he comes back.

'Will he fire me or what? This is harder than I thought.' Xiuying thinks inwardly.

Zhou Mei is about to continue before her phone suddenly rings. So, she gets up to take the call after taking an excuse from Xiuying…

Xiuying simply nods her head in return and doesn't even care about the interruption while still thinking of what her fate will be when her boss returns.

She is still in her thoughts before Zhou Mei comes back with an anxious look….

"Xiuying, I'm sorry I have to go now, it's very urgent. We'll talk later." Zhou Mei says in a hurry and rushes out without even waiting for Xiuying's reply.

Xiuying simply watches her as she hurriedly moves out...

'It's like it's really urgent as she said.'

Xiuying lets out a sigh and continues her lunch since she can't afford to waste it. At least not now that her dad had blocked all her access to money. She had learnt to manage the hard way.

She's almost through with her lunch before her phone rings vigorously. Seeing the caller ID, a smile appears on Xiuying's face.

"Hi, wifey." Xiuying says, picking up the call.

"How dare you wifey me? Xiuying, how dare you!?" The caller bellows.

Xiuying moves the phone away from her ear, not wanting to burst her eardrum, knowing fully well that the caller is annoyed by her remark.

"Mmm wifey, I know I am wrong but please don't be annoyed, I also don't…." Before Xiuying can complete her sentence, the caller interrupts her.

"Stop! just stop it there and don't you dare to continue because it sounds gay as fuck. If you don't want me to get angrier just tell me where you are so we can meet. Remember, no excuses." The caller replies, lowering her voice down.

Xiuying doesn't need anyone to tell her how angry her friend is but she can't let her know she's at 'work', at least not now when she's still mad at her.

"Cough…." Xiuying clears her throat…

"You know what wifey, I'm not around now but let's meet tonight at the same bar and time as usual." Xiuying says while taking a swift glance at her wristwatch. At the same time, she's praying inwardly that her friend won't question her further.

Maybe because of her anger, the caller simply replies with a single word.


Without further ado, Xiuying aborts the call…

"Phew…now I will have to think of what to tell her tonight." Xiuying mutters as she eats the last remains of her food. Once done, she hastily goes back to her office.