
Chapter 1♤

As if on cue, the sound of the electrical bell filled the school just as she walked through the front door of the school. And as always, the whole student body was watching her every move. She couldn't help but snicker at the routine; everyday was the same, she would walk in just in time for class and just in time to be the centre of attraction.

Talk about neutrons.

Everyone was staring, jocks, cheerleaders, choir members, ironically with their mouths open. It didn't help that she was too gorgeous for her own good either.

The echoing of her heels on the floor was interrupted by a girl that appeared in front of her, squealing. "Hey Skaii, I just wanted to say great show on Friday, I enjoyed it so much. You're my idol." All Skaii could think was 'this girl was way too happy', she was smiling so hard and it wasn't even nine yet. There's something wrong with someone like that in high school. She frowned.

Skaii remained silent, walking down the long hallway, but the girl strode foot to foot with her, still grinning so hard, her teeth might probably crack.

"I thought maybe, um we could be friends and you could teach me how to dance." She continued.

Skaii pushed through the crowded hallway, acknowledging persons who called out her name; occasionally and waving.

"It would be great if you do 'cause, I don't have any friends. I just transferred." Skaii abruptly stopped walking.

"Do you know me?" She spoke slowly as if it ached to form her words, then turned to face the girl.

"Of course, of course I do. Everyone knows you." The girl replied instantly, her smile widened as she spoke.

Skaii shook her head, amused by the girl in front of her. Then her eyes narrowed and her expression turned cold, "See what I meant was, if you know me, you'd know that you should get out of my face."

With that, she walked away from the girl, leaving her with a frown on her face and her hopes greeting the floor.

Skaii continued walking to her locker, without a single glance backwards.

When she arrived, she pulled out her AP BIO book and opened it. She scanned through the pages, searching for a piece of homework paper that her teacher gave to her. She had yet to look at it. She was just about to read it over when she felt someone behind her. She quickly pushed the paper in the locker and slammed it shut. She spun around to meet her unexpected visitor.

"Good morning darling Reeves." She sang, with a smile, but it was strained, the headmistress could see that. Miss Reeves scoffed at her attempt to look pleased to see her.

"I don't think what you're wearing is appropriate miss Holder." She looked at Skaii's knee length leather skirt and crop top up and down and shook her head.

"I could say the same about you, it is the twenty first century you know." She winced at the blouse the headmistress was wearing and then shook her head. "You can't possibly hold that little anyone's interest with khaki shirt and dress pants." Skaii continued to insult.

"Remember I am your headmistress young lady and you can be suspended for your disrespect. You are on strike two for the stunt you pulled last week." Reeves pointed a finger at her accusingly.

Skaii smirked, reliving what happened at last week's game. But it wasn't all her fault, but she could tell the headmistress wouldn't believe her.

"Tell me it didn't spice up the evening, the boys were failing miserably, we had to cheer them up." Her voice feigned innocence but her face told a different story.

"Cutting the middle of the game to take twelve of my basketball players to a happy place isn't spicing up anything. It made us look like we are producing hookers." She looked like she was about to blow at any minute, she fumed until her face was pink. "I am warning you Skaii." She said and stormed off.

"Drop by anytime." Skaii called after her. She was pretty sure the grunt the headmistress gave her was loud enough for the whole school to hear. Skaii was never one for antics or smut but when her girls suggested to do something, it's best if it's done. As she was about to take the paper up, but the locker closed, almost hitching her fingers in it.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I screeched in anguish and spun around to the culprits. Kelly and Melinda two of her head cheerleaders, were frozen in their spot, looking at her wide-eyed as she was.

"Are you stupid?" Skaii cursed the two girls again. Both of them began to open their mouth to say something but Skaii held up hand, cutting off anything they'd say.

"Don't answer that, just move it." She snapped and walked past them, forgetting all about what she was going to do before the girls interrupted her.


The last session was always the longest, thought Skaii as she tapped her pen on the desk.

She was seated at the back of the class, watching as it dragged on, occasionally sighing or doodling in her notebook. She could hardly wait to hear that annoying ring of the school bell.

English classes could be boring till it hurt on a Friday. Fridays were the most nerve-racking day of the week in high-school.

It was the day students anticipated at the start of the week and it was the day that was the longest. The minutes would seem like hours and the hours would be endless, like now.

Suddenly her phone began to vibrate. It was a text message.

My house at ten?


She couldn't help the smile that crept up on her face. Her mood was lifted with just one text, and that could only come from one person of two persons. Her father or her brother Ian, it was the latter. She quickly replied.

You bet. I miss you and dad :(


We miss you too.


"Skaii, put away the phone please." Mr. Smith called from the front of the class.

Hey Ian, I have to go. Text you later okay? Love you .


"It's not like the class is any fun." She looked up at the clock that was at the front of the class. "Oh look, the most interesting class in the universe has tragically come to an end." She sarcastically retorted while she stood.

"See you on Monday Mr. Smith, I learnt a lot today." She trotted past him.

As soon as Skaii took her things from her locker, she headed to the gym.

The team was already there, some of them were warming up for the evening, some of them, to Skaii's irritation, were on their cell phones.

"Alright guys bag it." She pointed to the trash bag that was seating on the front row, almost filled with phones, sneakers and other things that she took from them.

One girl stood and stomped over to the bag and dropped her phone in. The others were sitting stubbornly on the floor.

"You know the rules, now bag it. And don't make me come out there."

They reluctantly pushed off the floor and stomped over to the bag.

"Alright, twenty push-ups and sit-ups." She called after them, she earned a few grunts and scoffs but she was used to their attitude. So she shrugged them off. "The rest of you stop exercising and come over here."

She walked to her seat in front of the remaining squad and slumped down. "Tomorrow's our last game for the season, you know that. So I trust that you know the routine by now."

A boy rose his hand slowly.

"Yes Jake?" Skaii acknowledged.

"It's kinda hard to get it if a certain person keeps staring at you." He grinned.

"Yeah, I'm gorgeous, we've already established that." She flipped her hair and smiled, causing some girls to roll their eyes.

"Now, if that certain person was you, I wouldn't have a problem. But please tell your friend to stop checking me out." She turned to the boy beside Jake and smile.

"Sam stop checking Skaii out." Everyone started laughing while Jake was trying to ignore the stares that Sam sent his way. Skaii shook her head.

"Enough chit chat, run the routine from hollaback girl." She ordered.

They walked to the center of the gym and took their positions in an X. Skaii switched on the music, and as soon as Gwen started singing they began dancing.

A few times I've been around that track

So it's not gonna just happen like that

'Cause I ain't no hollaback girl

I ain't no hollaback girl.

I heard that you were talking shit

And you didn't that I would hear it

People hear you talking like that

Getting everybody fired up

So I'm ready to attack,

Gonna lead the pack.

Skaii Sat watching the routine she spent nights building. It was great, she smiled smugly at them.

A girl fell out of line and missed the last move. She switched off the music.

"Everyone, stop." She called out, they paused pondering what fault they had. "Look, it is a toe touch in the X. Okay, the X formation first, then you fall into windows." She was staring at the girl, until she shook her head. The music began again and they picked up where they left off.

Gonna make you fall, gonna sock it to you

That's right, I'm the last one standing

Another one bites the dust.

Five girls ran to the front while the rest stayed at the back. They back flipped into a prep and bounced to the rhythm, waiting for their cue, Then launched into a pike toss. They landed in a cradle and the team scattered in windows formation to do their motion technique. Their smile never faded. Skaii always reminded them that in practice, you perform like millions were watching. They didn't forget that.

A few times I've been around that track

So it's not gonna just happen like that

'Cause I ain't no hollaback girl

I ain't no hollaback girl

The routine climaxed from their motion technique to a sequence of jumps and came to a dynamic end with a two and a half pyramid.

"Wow, good job guys." Skaii cheered while she stood and walked over to them.

"Does this mean we can rest?" Jake asked, fake wheezing and fanning himself with his hands.

"You're acting like you just ran a marathon. From the top, without the music." She announced and pulled her pants off and went to join them.

"Oh come on, this is torture." Tyler groaned from the back, while he looked at Skaii's body.