
Checkmate | Striving against Gods

Xuan Li, a monster abandoned by his parents, forgotten and lost, finally found his ray of hope: an old man who took him in and raised him. With his failing health, the elderly man told vivid stories about another world that Xuan Li had always disregarded as a mere myth. But after his suicide, Xuan Li found himself reincarnated into another world, the one that the old man had spoken about. Yet, Xuan Li found no meaning in his life. The reason he killed himself was because he didn’t want to live! So when he was reborn, Xuan Li was determined to kill himself once more! However... his body was immortal! ... Iris Black wanted nothing but to end the war. She yearned to personally slay the gods, the ones who started the war and caused her suffering. ... Shen Longwei’s heart was inked with hatred, filled with thirst for the blood of his so-called brother and the woman he once loved. And Fate smiled, giving him a chance to redo his mistakes. This time, he won’t be fooled. ... Three pieces intertwine to fulfil a fallen god's revenge and win the game. ———————— Authors Note:: Hey! This novel is made by a group of Authors! So unlike my other story, this will have a better upload schedule! Writers: Ultra, ChaoticLuck, NatsumeRikka

Ultra · Fantasía
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93 Chs

Welcome to the Ascension Academy...again?

The groups at first ignored Gu Hui and his group, thinking of them as minor annoyance. But, when Gu Hui kept repeating words as best for last and similar shit, the groups finally flipped.

Many of the groups wanted to approach Gu Hui and give him a piece of their minds yet they decided against that as Carter and Sapphire were watching and they didn't know the specifics of the exams. It might be about personalities and conduct for all they knew.

Li watched in wonder about the young master type that he only heard about through novels and news in his previous world. His grandfather's stories also included them and the way Gu Hui acted made him liken it to them.

'Even if I wanted to die I wouldn't let just any Tom, Dick, and Frump kill me. These young master types are one of the types that I won't try dying at the hand of,' Li scoffed seeing how stuck up Gu Hui acted.

Flav noticed Li looking at Gu Hui's group and warned him, "Xuan Li, even if you want to die, don't let trash do it for you. That bodyguard is alright but look at the others and how they act."

Li was about to retort but decided to carefully look first. He saw how the bodyguard stood at the side with an imposing and heroic face while Gu Hui had his four followers circularly surround him.

He listened in on their talks and found out what they were doing. One of the woman, the red haired one, stood closely to the fatty Gu Hui while rubbing her big chest on his hand, the other black haired one with cute pimples on her nose and taller than others her age coquettishly hung her arm around Gu Hui's neck while whispering in his ear.

Although Li couldn't hear what she said, Flav who was at the Qi Manifestation stage could and told him trying to imitate her, "Young Master Gu, you are so good in bed, me and Sarah can't get enough. How about we do it some more once we pass this foolish trial. Me and Sarah will warm you up re~al nice," Flav said while the woman ran her finger up and down Gu Hui's plumpness.

Xuan Li felt the shivers seeing how the women acted and how good Flav was at imitating the way she talked. He glanced at Flav and looked at him for a few seconds weirdly before putting some distance.

Focusing his eyes on the guys, Li saw how one of the guys who had a crooked nose pointed at the bodyguard in a mocking manner and unknown when Flav approached him again and retold him what was said, "Young Master, I don't understand why this trashy bodyguard is here. Your magnificent power and potential puts this thing to shame but they still sent him? Are they looking down at Young Master Gu Hui, the one who will conquer the Wyldes in the future!"

"What Filth said is true Young Master," Flav moved on to the other guy. "This thing can't compare to one billionth of Young Master but he still comes and says he's a bodyguard." Flav retold.

Li again looked at the way Flav was able to enact what happened in such a perfect way and gave him thumbs up, "have you ever thought of becoming a voice actor? You really have talent there," Li told him while rubbing his chin.

"Voice Actor? What?"

"If you kill me I-" before Li can continue Flav hit him with another fist on his head.

"We already agreed to wait till we entered the Academy, please stop. I lost interest. I don't want to know what a Voice Actor is anymore!" Flav almost flipped but held himself back and left Xuan Li alone.

"Sad. I wanted to help," Li muttered while rubbing his head where a small bump appeared.

Time passed while the groups did as they did before but this time with the addition of Gu Hui and his followers being loud. Luckily it didn't take much for the twenty minutes to pass but to the groups it felt like forever with Gu Hui and his groups' annoyance.


After the twenty minutes passed, Carter cleared his throat and amplified the sound by Qi catching everyone's attention.

"Welcome to the last trial of entering the Ascension Academy, if you pass it you will officially enter the Ascension Academy," Carter said, clapping his hands.

"Carter here is the examiner for the Cultivators while I am called Sapphire and shall test the Mage candidates," Sapphire introduced.

"Please make two lines with the Cultivators being on the right side and Mages on the left," Carter ordered.

"Mark, Filth, Sarah, let's go." Gu Hui ordered and took big strides standing first in the line.

Once he stood first in line as if it was some achievement Gu Hui looked at the remaining people of his group and ordered, "Tray, Yuu, what are you doing? Stand in line first. We are the best group here we should be first in line."

"Yes Young Master!" the two said in unison and followed his demand.

[What kind of childish and troublesome characters did we get involved with?] Sapphire transmitted while rubbing her brows.

[At least one of them is worth watching out for,] Carter looked at the bright side while stealthily pointing at the bodyguard. [This guy called Markis definitely one of the best ones here be it in temperament or strength. He's probably a made bodyguard but his potential is much more,] Carter kept praising making Sapphire raise her brow.

[It seems Flav isn't the only one you have your eyes on other than Li,] she scoffed. [Good for you. I also have my eyes on a few candidates and if they pass my test it would be even better.]

While the two talked mentally the groups quickly divided themselves into groups ignoring the blatant provocation and undermining that Gu Hui gave them.

"Mages follow me," Sapphire said and entered the room behind her.

"Step here Cultivators," Carter said and made them step on the Array that Flav unknowingly used when he got tested.

Sapphire wordlessly handed the papers and quills to the mages once she entered the room and explained the same thing that she did to Iris. This time however, she got asked to repeat and explain more in detail several times by Tray and Yuu, annoying her.

As the test commenced to the 25 groups, Sapphire and Carter stepped back and slumped on their chairs with annoyed and disgusted expressions.

"It seems you have met real pieces of… work. Ahem, yes real pieces of work," Flav commented seeing their faces while holding a laugh.

"They won't be done even after 3 hours I bet you," Carter said while putting his hand above his face.

"3? You give them too much credit! I don't think they will pass even after half a day," Sapphire seemed truly annoyed as she said with some grumble.

Gu Hui' group gave both Sapphire and Carter a hard time. The other groups only asked basic questions that they happily and patiently answered but Gu Hui's group bothered both of them with many stupid questions that involved basic knowledge.

Xuan Li, Dumdum, and Iris remained silent at their words, they didn't care whether these groups failed or passed or if they stayed here much longer. Well Iris and Dumdum didn't, but Li had some words to say and most of them were about dying.

Time passed as Sapphire and Carter voiced their complaints and compared the group with the rest and highlighted how great Li's group is compared to the newcomers.

Six hours after the test started, Mark, the bodyguard, came out surprising them. He had a calm state as if he didn't enter a place where his fantasy girls existed, but the deep red on his ears made Flav and Carter relieved. 'He's not a stone after all,' Carter felt a little happy for some reason.

After Mark, others exited the Array at different intervals. With the earliest being seven hours after him and the last being Gu Hui and his followers which took them 2 and a half days.

Luckily for the Cultivators, unlike Iris who was a 'genius,' the Mages who did the test didn't come out of the testing room until the time limit which was a day. This allowed some of the Cultivators to save face even if they didn't pass later.

Sapphire corrected the tests with a frown. It was a few hours before she finished and her frown only increased by then. 'At least these four are barely good enough,' she thought in lament at how great Iris was.

Carter started with disgust at Gu Hui and his followers. Their red faces and heavy breaths showed what they were doing inside the Array. They used the simulation of illusion that the Array made and did the opposite of the test letting their desires control them.

Sapphire also had an ugly face while she eyes Tray and Yuu. It seems that their test results were so unsatisfactory that Sapphire didn't want to touch it.

Their test results were horrible. Tray failed all questions but the first three which were the easiest and designed to be passed by Tier 1 Mages and Yuu weren't better.. She was able to pass 10 showing the most talent out of all of them even though the ten concerned the basics of the basics of Tier 1 and Tier 2 magecraft.

'Are these the kind of people we had to wait for?!!' was what the exhausted examiners thought while sighing.

"The ones that we will now name shall step forward." Carter announced seriously.

"Mark, Ivan, and Freya step forward."

"Sebastian, Michelle, Spyro," Sapphire announced the Mages, "step forward."

With a small smile finally arriving on their faces, they announced, "Welcome to the Ascension Academy."