
quest function and first quest.

After a long day of playing with Mel and grinding skills Aeron laid in his bed as he organized all he knew about the gamer's system.

" Like someone from my past life said ' I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.' I too should check and study the gamer's system frequently to use it to its maximum efficiency "

Thinking so, Aeron first checked the system to see if something changed. Finding nothing different from the last time he checked it, he began recalling everything he knew about it.

Aside from the obvious name and age, talent is an indicator for one's capability in that field. From what I know the talent parameter in my status is the most accurate. In this world there is no definite way to appraise one's talent because talent is more intricate than I had first assumed.

Unlike me who is all rounder in the talent department others have many differences.

For example, let's consider aura talent. One can have a talent rank 5. His specialty is having a huge aura capacity. Then there is one who has rank 3 talent. However his talent is in aura manipulation. In this case the one with the rank 3 talent will be more talented in aura manipulation than the one with rank 5 talent. There are more intricacies so the talent measuring accuracy isn't 100% correct. However after discussing with the system A.l I found that my status evaluates everything and ranks one based on the overall evaluation.

"If someday i can appraise others status this would need some serious change because although it will let me know others' overall talent, in case of my enemies blindly trusting that will get me killed."

Talents are ranked from rank 1 to rank 10.

Rank 1 being the lowest and rank 10 being the highest possible talent that creature can have.

Then there are classes and subclasses.

" I can only take one class at a time and cant change it unless i max it out. As for sub classes I can take three at a time however sub classes can only be external activities that do not affect my growth. Like my herbalist class, it doesn't directly affect my growth but the medicine I can make thanks to this class is one of the factors for my speedy growth."

Furthermore, unlike the main class, the subclasses max out at level 50.so they don't provide a trait when maxed.

After that is level. There are 100 levels in tier 1.

For leveling up one only needs accumulation of attributes. There are no bottlenecks in the levels. Any person or pokemon can level from 1-100 with enough effort.

From tier 2 there are no levels but different ranks that need different approaches to cross. This information came from gracham. However he didn't elaborate on it nor did he say anything else in regards to tier 2 and ahead.

As for what tiers are? In simple terms of gracham, "tiers'' are an indicator of one's life level.

Afterwards come the attributes. Physique is the indicator of all basic body qualities. Such as skin resilience, muscle mass, sturdiness of tissues,tendons etc, bone and marrow density and such things.

Dexterity is the indicator of body flexibility, physical reaction, control over body, bodily movement speed etc.

Vitality is the indicator of the body's health, energy, organ efficiency, healing factor etc.

Moving on, intelligence is the indicator of mental. Increasing intelligence does not make one intelligent but merely gives one the capacity for it. Increasing intelligence gives one faster thought process, improved memory, higher comprehension, better mind-body coordination, increased sensory capabilities etc.

These four attributes together make up my physical condition. I once asked the system A.l what would happen if I grind one specific attribute. In response to my question the A.l replied that it is impossible. Because the attributes are intricately connected to each other and do not function independently.

Imagine what would happen if you had high dexterity and low physique. Your body would snap in two if you just bend over.

The attributes require delicate balance. So I grind all my attributes the same.

It is also the reason why my status has an attribute point column. Any treasure,herb or medicine that improves attributes will be turned into attribute points that I can distribute equally.

Lastly, spirit is a mysterious attribute that I do not know about completely.

It improves focus,willpower, is a major factor in elemental bending, increases regeneration of elemental points for me and pp(power points) for pokemon.

That is all for the attributes.

There is only skill points and traits left,

Skill points are earned by leveling up skills.

It can be used to immediately level up skills or advance already maxed out skills and generate variations of it.

One major fact about skill is that every skill starts at level 1. So I actually have to learn it from 0-1 on my own and only then will it form a skill in my system.

And at last traits are essentially the same as pokemon's ability. However it is expressed differently because unlike ability that can originate from body or energy my traits formed by gamer's system thus originates from my origin. So long as I exist they will be there.

Actually I had a very interesting conversation with the system A.l. Apparently the status function not only displays my status but it also integrates it on the gamer's system. Since gamers ' system is an extension of my origin, as long as my soul isn't deliberately destroyed I will reincarnate with no changes to my status whatsoever if I die.

That concludes everything about my status.

Lets see there are a few different things in meloetta's status. Let's check them too.

Name,age,gender etc are self explanatory.

The only thing to note about type is that the main type is almost unchangeable while the secondary type can be changed.

Genetic variation is also self explanatory. It indicates any different quality that the pokemon has from most others of its species.

The most notable of genetic variations are the royal variation,giant variation ,tiny variation,shiny variation, difference in main type variation etc.

Next is potential, it indicates growth speed, higher attribute limit in each level, higher growth limit and many more intricate things that i don't want to go over.

I don't have a potential column because, A restricted gamer is not a gamer at all!

Potential goes from white - gray - yellow - orange - red - green - blue - purple - black.

Furthermore every color aside from white has three ranks like, shallow gray - gray - deep gray .

Well yes, meloetta has maximum potential and yes I know, Mel is the best in the world.

Moving on, Level,talent and abilities are the same as my status.

The only other thing which is affinities are their affinity with elements.

Affinity is an important part because it is the foundation for pokemon moves. Besides, according to one's affinity one can connect with said element and bend it according to one's will.

Affinities also play a great role in changing pokemons second type. Because if a pokemon doesn't have the specific affinity, they cant change their second type to that specific type.

Everyone has all the elemental affinities albeit in very minute amounts that it does not matter in humans case however in pokemons case though they cannot make a move out of the element that they do not have affinity to, they can use moves of other non-conflicting elements from their moveset.

Lastly, Pokemon moves. They are energy abilities. Every Pokémon move requires pp (power point) to take effect. Furthermore they are not ratteta's that pop out of nowhere. Pokémon have to make their own moves depending on their affinity, however in ancient times some genius pokemon invented the bloodline system.

Where they imprint moves that pass on to later generations. This bloodline system gives Pokémon a natural moveset that they can learn from.If a pokemon becomes sufficiently strong they can access the bloodline system and imprint their own moves there. That's why pokemons natural moveset never outdated.

Furthermore, Pokemon moves have 5 levels of mastery. They are as following,

1)novice (at this level of mastery the pokemon can barely use the move. There is a chance that the move will fail and harm the pokemon internally.)

2)Beginner (at this level of mastery the pokemon can only use the set effect of the move. No chance of failure. Low efficiency.)

3)advance (at this level of mastery the pokemon can use the move at full efficiency and use it outside of its set effect allowing the pokemon to invent various variations of the move.)

4)master (at this level the pokemon has fully mastered the move making it an instinct. Greatly reducing casting time making most moves instantaneous. Greatly reduces pp usage. Grants greater freedom in using the move. Allowing passive usage of the move. Can be combined with other moves to use combo moves.)

5)ascended ( the move will break free of all restrictions and return to origin.)

The reason even after 2 years in real time and 180 years in super space, meloetta still has only five moves is that we are trying to at least reach master level in all of her moves.

Having lots of moves might be handy but mastering 1 move is better.

Because at novice level the move will hurt the user and at beginner level it will take too much pp. Having lots of moves at advance level is just a dream if even after having max potential and super space Mel only reached master level on 2.

Although she played more than training.


"That is everything for now. Let's indulge a little in the joy of sleep."

"Good night Mel."

" Me~ Mel~" mumbles meloetta in deep sleep.


Next morning,

Today we are taking a break from training because Mel was complaining about always training and wanted to have some fun.

And I didn't reject her either. She is still a baby pokemon, it is ok for her to play around a little.

So today we decided to tour around the poketown. Even after three years of staying here I didn't see everything there is to see in this town.

Not because the town is too big but all my focus was on training, grinding and cramming.

So I have never looked around. I guess I will have to thank Mel for this. And I know just the thing she will appreciate.

" Here mel, have my new creation 'super tasty herbal muffins'!"

" mel ~ meloetta~ "

As we were walking around the outskirts with mel sitting on my shoulder and munching on muffins we saw a Ralts getting pushed down on the road by other baby pokemons.

Sensing through aura that they harbor no ill intention toward the Ralts we decided to hide and see the situation.

"Ra.. ra.. ralts!" ( why wouldn't you take me to play with you all. You even pushed me down when all I wanted was to be friends with you!)

Cried the ralts as she sobbed on her tiny arms.

" ma.. makuhita…" (we don't play with fragile things like you. Even if you evolve someday you will still be a pathetic weakling who is nothing without your psychic powers!)

Saying so the makuhita took a turn and went away as all the other baby pokemons followed him leaving the ralts crying.

Watching all this and understanding them through psychic Aeron couldn't help but wanting to somehow make that pure soul happy.

"[ congratulations for the advancement of the gamers system. New function 'Quest, have been generated.]"

[ quest: help the poor soul.

Description : the baby ralts wants to play but no one wants to play with her. Help the ralts and make her happy!

Reward: increase affection and a kiss on the cheek from ralts.

Failure consequences: ralts will be depressed and become a neet.]

" seems like the gamer's system is really a part of me." Smiling to himself Aeron turned to meloetta as he said "let's play!"