An unfortunate or fortunate? Soul died from mysterious meteor falling across earth yet before his consciousness could dissipate he was swept into Pokémon verse by the literal gods of that universe. What was the mysterious meteor? It’s cause? effect? What would happen now that the soul was before the very gods in a rather dubious state? Read on To satiate curiosity To soothe boredom To experience a fantastical adventure And discover the ever familiar yet unfamiliar world!
On the first day of the territory war,
A few kilometers outside of the poketown, in a large open field two armies are standing facing each other while keeping a wide distance in between.
On the side of the town, Aeron and his pokemon were currently standing together with Mega medicham, Ralts parents, and other strong pokemons from their side.
" Why are we fighting so close to the town? Although I have never witnessed a tier 3 pokemons destructive prowess, however from what I heard from gracham won't it be dangerous if the fight goes toward the town?"
" Ah! I forgot It is your first time watching a formal battle. Just wait and watch, you'll be surprised."
Replied Gallade as the Mega pangoro from the opposition began to make his way to the middle of the empty field in between them.
At the same time, Mega Medicham too followed suit and began to approach the mega pangoro.
Seeing them approaching each other made Aeron curious about how the battle would be held.
After all, both Mega Medicham and Mega pangoro are the strongest combatants on both sides. Even if everyone comes together to erect a barrier around the battlefield it at least will exhaust otherwise cause casualties from both sides. The combatants naturally won't shackle themselves as both parties are equal in strength.
It reminds me of the saying from my past world,
"The gods fight and mortals suffer."
Although they are no gods, if they fight we will surely suffer.
However, from looking at everyone around they seem to be rather excited about the battle and not the least concerned.
Looking at gracham's back reminds me of the conversation we had last night.
Last night at Mega Medicham's house,
Currently, mega medicham and Aeron are sitting in the backyard drinking tea.
Seeing Aeron's grim face Medicham said,
"You seem anxious boy. Are you perhaps worried about tomorrow's battle?"
Breaking out of his inner conflict about the situation Aeron decided to confront medicham and try to change the inevitable.
After All, there is no need to risk it. Whether medicham wins or loses the next battles will still happen so tipping of Medicham can only be good and not bad.
"I am. Do you think you can win?"
"what will my thoughts change? What must happen will happen. I can only give my all to protect my home."
Saying so Mega medicham looked at the full moon hanging in the sky.
Looking at medicham Aeron thought,
"In these 4 years, he sure has grown on me. He has become like a grandfather that I never had."
Not knowing how to explain everything, Aeron decided to just wing it and be upfront about it.
" you will lose. I can't explain how I know it but you will lose tomorrow's battle. you have to believe me."
Looking deeply at Aeron's sincere eyes Medicham smiled softly as he said,
"I believe you. My chances of defeating the Mega pangoro were slim from the beginning. Unlike type disadvantage that can be overcome by training, type immunity is nigh impossible to overcome. The Mega pangoro being the chief of a fighting type pokemon tribe must have trained to overcome his weakness in fighting type. From the start, it was a disadvantageous fight."
"How can you smile after knowing this? The fate of all the pokemon from this town is at stake in this battle."
Said Aeron agitatedly as he didn't know about this. He still hopes to change the battle outcome.
"I as the chief can't back down and I have done everything in my power to prepare the best I can. I will do everything in my power to win the battle tomorrow. Everything else that we have no control over, why bother about it?"
"Although it is against the rule to kill the defending chief, moves have no eyes. So it might be our last conversation."
"Let me give you some advice my boy. The foresight of the future is an outrageous ability. Planning for the future and making an effort to shape the said future to your will is alright. However, forcing yourself to change the inevitable and focusing on the future so much that you forget about the present will only make you miserable. So calm yourself and accompany this old one. As for what will happen tomorrow, even if I lose I believe the town's pokemon and you will give your best to protect this town. Even after that if we lose then we can only accept our fate and move."
Back to the present.
Both combatants from opposite sides reached the middle of the field as they stood facing each other Keeping three meters distance between them.
The Mega pangoro was the first to speak among the two.
"Watch out if you don't want to die. For my tribe, for my honor, I will go all out without holding back."
"I too will give my all to protect my poketown. However, as a fellow chief, I can sympathize with you. You have my promise that if something happens to you during our battle I will not harm your tribe in your absence."
Hearing medicham's promise relaxed the mega pangoro as fighting intent blazed in his eyes.
"I give you the same promise. Now let us battle!"
Ending the conversation there both parties lifted their hands to their chests as they chanted at the same time.
" o~ great god of space 'Palkia'. We pray that you Separate the space around us and protect the world from scars due to our conflict."
Upon chanting the rather simple incantation the space around the duo changed as only vast nothingness could be seen.
"O~ great god of reality 'Giratina'. We pray that you design a glorious battlefield upon the nothingness."
Chanting in the name of Giratina made the empty space into rocky terrain.
Why rocky terrain? Because according to rules the defender gets to choose the terrain and mega medicham chooses rocky terrain.
"O~ great god of time 'Dialga'. We pray that the spectators may perceive our glorious battle."
There was no immediate effect after chanting in the name of Dialga however it can be understood from their chant what the effect may be.
Aeron was astonished to see the miracle happening in front of him as he looked at the side at gallade as he questioned,
" Did you mean to say that the fields of the official battles are set by the Pokemon gods? Rather I'm more surprised at the fact that God's response to such prayers."
Looking at Aeron's surprised face gallade smirked as he said,
"The Trio gods of time, space, and reality bestow upon us their miracle, and set up a battlefield as long as you have faith in them."
"O~ great creator of all 'Arceus'. We pray that you bless us."
At the moment the duo on the battlefield says their final prayer as they start the battle.
Without waiting for Mega medicham to act Mega pangoro takes the bamboo staff into his mouth as he raises his arm and speeds toward medicham using the move bullet paunch.
Seeing pangoro approaching Mega medicham uses psychic force to compress and throw the boulders around the field at pangoro hoping to obstruct him.
Although psychic powers don't work on pangoro, boulders thrown by psychic can surely affect him.
Giving a mighty warcry pangoro leaped at the boulders using momentum as he shifted his move from bullet punch to arm thrust as he crushes the boulders one by one.
It was a brilliant decision to not avoid the boulders and destroy them as that would diminish the advantage medicham had on the field.
There was a limit to the number of boulders even in rocky terrain. Mega medicham can compress boulders to make it effective, however, he can't make boulders out of pebbles since that's the ground type's specialty.
Medicham too knew he can't win just by throwing rocks neither did he have such an idea.
Throwing a lot of boulders at Mega pangoro at once mega medicham used his psychic to contain all fluctuation as he prepared the move focus blast and used psychic forces to conceal it as a boulder and threw it at pangoro.
Now for all the benefits that dark typing brings against psychic types, there is one disadvantage.
That is, dark-type pokemons have a very poor sense of psychic energies.
Although casting any illusion on pangoro is impossible, bending the natural elements using psychic force can deceive the dark type's senses.
So before pangoro could realize he punched straight at the focus blast as it exploded in his face throwing him bodily back a few tens of meters.
Not one to miss the chance Mega medicham directly teleported in pangoro's path and used sky uppercut to blast him in the air.
Mega pangoro while suffering attacks one after the other shows great resilience as he gathers a large dark pulse in between his palms and fires a shower of little dark missiles around Mega medicham's vicinity as the move tore through the ground creating a big area of effect showing proof of his mastery of the said move and his raw power.
Now as much as medicham just wanted to teleport away he couldn't. The little dark pulses, although low in damage compared to one concentrated beam, cover a large range creating a dark energy field that restricts teleport.
Forced to defend, medicham showed incredible fighting mastery as he used force palm, double kick, and triple kick to parry all the little Dark-type missiles using fighting-type energy.
However, that gave pangoro a chance to use a devastating move as he used dynamic punch along with the added momentum from his fall to attack medicham.
This whole time medicham used the move calm mind that had an enhancement effect on his mental prowess to take notice of every single detail so he didn't miss pangoro attacking him.
Now he could evade that however, it is impossible to come out of the aftermath unscathed.
That move had the power to level small Mountains and despite fighting-type moves having a small range of effect, it still will level at least 500-700meters around.
So Mega medicham decided to confront it head-on and showing his exceptional mastery of the move prepared the move focus punch in a few moments as two devastating powers collided head-on destroying the surrounding kilometers of the terrain their state unknown.