An unfortunate or fortunate? Soul died from mysterious meteor falling across earth yet before his consciousness could dissipate he was swept into Pokémon verse by the literal gods of that universe. What was the mysterious meteor? It’s cause? effect? What would happen now that the soul was before the very gods in a rather dubious state? Read on To satiate curiosity To soothe boredom To experience a fantastical adventure And discover the ever familiar yet unfamiliar world!
Currently Aeron and the mega medicham were walking in the direction of the central area of the poketown which is an open space where many fighting type Pokémons are fighting, baby pokemon are playing by the side and many are just talking among themselves.
"However it is plain as day that the one's battling are putting up a show. The kids are looking at me now and then.Others,the few I heard were talking about myself."
Seeing the poketown as they call it, during the walk here Aeron witnessed how the pokemon train,work and socialize among themselves.
Unlike how it was shown in the anime where although they were intelligent but they still were animals. However here they had built up their own civilization.
Pokémons are inherently different from humans. Based on those differences they have developed their own culture,traditions,laws etc.
"Wonderful isn't it? You will be the very first human to live in our poketown. I pray that you will be patient with them,apostle. I'm sure they will grow on you." Said the mega medicham as the four ghost Like hands behind him wiggled.
Mega medicham's telepathic voice in his head brought Aerons focus on the pokemon.
'So this is telepathy. I knew medicham was dual fighting type and psychic type.So it doesn't come as a surprise. Moreover it seems all my Pokémon knowledge from my previous world is not useless. However I should experiment later to note the changes and not rely on my knowledge too much.'
Suddenly it caught up to him what the Pokémon called him.
"Huh? I think you might have misunderstood something. I am no apostle."
Hearing Aerons reply the mega medicham stopped. Looking at him carefully he nodded his head a few seconds later as he continued walking.
" I apologize for assuming things. Your living quarters have been arranged along with anything that might be necessary. Although they might have done too much. I pray for your understanding.It is a great honor for us to be able to serve the god's blessed. If you have anything you might want please pray tell."
Being called a blessed one, Aeron didn't have any problem. Rather if it wasn't for the possible trouble that the title apostle would have brought he would have accepted it with open arms after all these titles will make his life here easy.
"Request? I do indeed have one. I plan to stay here for a few years for training. I want you to arrange the best training you can give me."
And so starts the grind.
Timeskip 1 year
Today is the day that will mark my stay here as one full year.
This year I had my absolute focus on grinding er.. training. Even so i must say that the pokemon here grew on me.
Usually my day starts at 4:00 am in the morning with training and ends at 2:00 am in the night with training.
Only 2 hours of sleep. I'm still alive thanks to my trait stat physiology. It makes me tireless until my stamina points reach 0 so if i just stop when my stamina points reach 1 I won't ever tire myself physically and the attributes of intelligence and soul power resist mental fatigue.
Since i wanted the best training gracham made sure to push me to my limit. So my gains were substantial.
Oh gracham is short form for grandpa medicham. Apparently that Pokémon is an old monster. So he is called grandpa by the young ones.
So I started with grandpa mega medicham though I didn't call him that twice since that's a mega ass size name and when the last line accidentally slipped past my lips, he made a ball out of me and had the baby pokemons play a game similar to football.
The important fact is that gracham is one of my masters who trains me. The pokemons of medicham line specializes in meditation and yoga.
Yoga is a body training art that focuses on breathing and body flexibility. So yeah when I said that he made a ball out of me, I meant it literally.
Anyway later I directly shortened his name to gracham for convenience sake and definitely not because I held a grudge against him.
As for how the next day practically every young one knew his new nickname, that's a dimension level mystery indeed.
Since I asked for the best training after we had a fierce debate, we decided on 8 pokemons to be my training master.
mega medicham. (Breathing,yoga,meditation,soft combat,concealment, sensory)
Machamp. (hardcore body training, combat techniques)
Hitmonchan. (hand combat mastery)
Hitmonlee. (leg combat mastery)
Hitmontop. (Momentum mastery,high speed combat)
Mankey. (parkour,wild combat mastery,acrobatics)
Hariyama. (balance combat mastery,force mastery)
Sneasel. (poison mastery, assassination mastery, hiding)
These 8 pokemon all trained me in their specialty and I acquired them all as skills. This whole year I grinded these skills like a madman.
However it's not like the only thing I did was training. Because of my training ethics and god blessed status I am somewhat of an idol for the young and celebrity among the mature whenever i took break cause of my stamina points reaching 1 there was always someone to spend my time with. It was like hitting two pidgey in one shot.
My attributes also increased significantly and there was great progress in advancing my gamer's system. My system looks like this now, status!
[Name: Aeron shine
Age: 6
Talent: Aura(rank10),psychic(10),
(All)basic elements(rank10)
Class: Martial artist lvl 46 (78%)
Rank: 0
Tier: 0
Hit points: 80
Stamina points: 80
Physique: 8
Dexterity: 8
Vitality: 8
Intelligence: 8
Spirit power: 9
Traits: Stat physiology, gamer's protection,
Skill tree.]
super space lvl 3 (23%)
Meditation lvl 8 (87%)
Yoga lvl 8 (65%)
Breathing lvl 10 (max)
Sensory lvl 7 (32%)
Concealment lvl 8 (54%)
Force mastery lvl 8(63%)
Soft combat lvl 8 (84%)
Wild combat lvl 8 (72%)
Close combat lvl8 (37%)
Balance combat lvl 8 (59%)
Body Maneuver lvl 8 (81%)
Poison mastery lvl 7 (97%)
Assassination mastery lvl 8 (76%)
Hiding lvl 8 (27%)
Hard body lvl 4 (37%)
Minor self healing lvl 6 (73%)
Fast metabolism lvl 3 (43%)
Resilient skin lvl 5 (15%)]
[skill points:133]
[Attribute points:none]
First of all, now The gamer's system has class features. This is the most significant change that took place in the last 1 year. Then there were a few minor changes that showed different information, however I've arranged it like this so that the information that is not immediately useful does not show.i even changed soul power to spirit power.For example race,height,weight,gender etc will only notify me if there are changes.The second most important change is that now if i focus hard on something it will show its description.the A.l never gave a definite description of the status. I had to discover everything along the way.let's check status description.
[Name: Aeron shine]
[Description: A human from another world who has been brought to this world and named Aeron shine by the 3 god pokemon Palkia,dialga and giratina.]
[Age: 6]
[Description: although strong for a human,the host is still a child.]
[Talent: Aura (rank10)]
[Description: highest level talent for Aura(life force) growth.]
[Talent: psychic (rank10)]
[Description: highest level talent for psychic(soul force) growth.]
[Talent:(Alll) basic elements (rank10)]
[Description: highest level talent for elemental force
(Rank goes from lowest 1 to highest 10)
[Class: an unique empowering feature to further host growth. A class boosts related activity by a certain amount.
Host can only level one class at a time. Every 10 level host can choose one from multiple class related skills. Once a class reaches max level(lvl100) it will award the host a related trait.]
[Trait: stat physiology]
[Description: status points is the representation of all the qualities of the host. Doing certain actions will earn bonus stats.status growth is free of all restrictions and upon reaching certain thresholds will award traits.]
[Trait: gamers protection]
[Description: for the best gaming experience gamers protection trait makes the host immune to mental and spiritual effects. Against spiritually stronger beings the trait camouflage's host spirit.]
[Trait: skill tree]
[Description: the trait skill tree keeps track of all of the hosts skills and promotes boosted growth.upon every level up host is awarded 1 skill point. Once a skill reaches maximum level(lvl10),it can be advanced further using skill points. Using skill points can level up skills and derive various additional skills from a max level skill. Host can only level 20 skills at once.]
Although I had my conclusions this description feature is convenient.furthermore it allowed me to know more about my abilities that i did not know before.
'It may seem like the class system is nerfed and it is nerfed but it was adapted according to my needs. The greatest boon is the skills that the class brings. It is not easy to gain skill and in the future when it's time to advance skills it will take a big number of skill points. So no grinding one skill to omnipotence. I have to be a master of all.'
Thus concludes my growth.
``Speaking of growth, it's been a year since the legendary trio gave me the pokemon egg."
Taking out the Pokémon egg from his space Aeron caresses it caringly.
'Although it took one year, the pokemon should come out anytime now.It has been glowing now and then infrequently for a month. Especially when I hum songs from my past life, the egg reacts to it. I wonder what pokemon will come out?'
"Come out quickly my first Pokémon, a whole world of adventure awaits us."Aeron said as he placed the egg in his bed.
Suddenly, like it heard Aeron the egg began to vibrate frequently and finally it released a sun like radiance as the egg began hatching.
Guess what Pokémon will come out?