
Chat group: Everyone has a dream.

A former resident of the earth is reborn as one of the best villains of Bleach, Tsukishima, after which he helps to kill Yahweh, then dies. The end. The end of his second life, because then he gets into the World of Fate, one of the most unfavorable worlds of the anime industry, where only suicide bombers and those chosen by Alaya have a chance to reach the source. Tsukishima had already developed a plan in which he would have to participate in the war for the Holy Grail, and then join the unfriendly collective of residents of the Association, but a surprise of fate decided to change his plans. [EXTRA EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!] (Administrator) has been added to the chat [Gender Equality Supporter] has been added to the chat [Illogical Exhibitionist] has been added to the chat [Best Rape Target] has been added to the chat [Pedobir's Wet Dream] has been added to the chat [Sadistic Dominatrix №1] has been added to the chat [Sweet Slime] has been added to the chat [Tragic Alabama Love] has been added to the chat And with these new opportunities, Tsukishima will have to change his plan. Everyone is tired of the usual MC in the place of the Protaganist, who, even having great strength or even Experience, especially life experience, cannot solve trivial problems, does not know how to empathize, lives under a rock, has never seen beautiful women, is either a scumbag, or a saint, or does not know how to defend his opinion, being a rag, or does it in a hyperbalized form. This is my attempt to make a more pleasant Protaganist. I am not a professional or an expert in any of the works, just an author for entertainment.

Denis_Abstract · Anime y Cómics
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21 Chs

Chapter 5 Or Deeper into the World of Fate

[2 OD awarded. The total score is 4 OD.]

This is the message that Zig heard after he woke up. And it was at least strange, if it was a game, then everything would be fine, however ... Although what is the point of looking for logic in the system chat?


EXTRA EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!: Guys, it looks like I have the most acceleration in the group. I just got a notification that I was awarded 2 AP. Got it after sleeping. I don't know how this mechanic will work for Saeko , since she doesn't need to sleep, but for the others it will most likely work the same way.

[Cute Slime Online]

Sweet Slime: Noted. How long has it been since you left the chat?

EXTRA EMOTIONAL DAMAGE !: 12 hours plus minus 10 minutes .

Sweet Slime: Okay, it's only been 3 hours for me, so you're about 4 times ahead of me.

This was good news for Saeko , as she wanted to have at least one sane conversation partner. The Great Sage simply answers questions, and it's not interesting to talk to him, although Saeko did this out of boredom.

Things were tough with the rest of the chat.

Kazuma is a NEET, Saeko basically does not understand such people. In her opinion, they are just freeloaders that need to be gotten rid of. This is the main reason why Saeko talks so limitedly to Kazuma , she simply finds him disgusting.

Esdeath is an extreme personality. Mikami simply doesn't know how to deal with her. She's simply afraid of her.

Alabama is in a confusing situation where it can't even maintain a dialogue.

Mio, Rias and Maria are just girls, Saeko has almost no common topics for discussion with them . Well, maybe the topics of guys, clothes and other purely girlish topics, however... Saeko did not understand much about fashion, sometimes she was into cosplay , but it was not even a hobby, but an attempt to escape from depression and loneliness.

Yes, Saeko understood perfectly well that her future as a person was completely bleak. A 37-year-old virgin with no close friends and no experience in communicating with the opposite sex was doomed to a lonely and unhappy life. She spent her entire youth studying and then pursuing a career. It just so happened that her colleagues at work were either much older than her or young professionals who came to fill vacancies. Saeko was never the life of the party, and therefore could not fit into the older group. And most of the young professionals were embarrassed by her, which prevented her from establishing friendly relations.

Saeko was being eaten away by loneliness from the inside.

This is one of the main reasons why she accepted her new world so easily, there was almost nothing holding her back in the past, her parents were dead, there were no prospects as such either. For her, it was not "death with the loss of everything", but "a new chance".

Mikami doesn't feel awkward talking to is Zig . Saeko roughly understands that he is somewhere in his 70s, but it is easy to find a common language with him. Despite his extreme, in every sense, youth, he is quite down-to-earth, calm and reasonable.

His only significant drawback is his harsh nature. He does not make any compromises, which he considers stupid. Although Saeko cannot bring herself to hate Zig for this , as it is a consequence of his personal experience with Aizen and Yhwach. Only determination and courage could help in the fight against them. Such emotional closeness and knowledge of his situation adds tolerance to his actions.


Mio is a good example of Zig's actions and character . All the kids in the chat were saying with one voice to be softer with Mio. To lie somewhere, to leave something unsaid somewhere, to miss a moment somewhere, the main thing is that Mio feels better. And looking back, Saeko understood that this would be a stupid decision, even cruel to Naruse . Mio has a severe lack of time, her future is literally at stake, she needs to work hard, but work. Work to the point of exhaustion in order to survive. There can be no talk of any compromises, because we are talking about banal survival. Mio herself should have realized this, and for this she should have learned the whole situation and received motivation.

Zig was cruel and manipulative , but Saeko can't bring herself to blame him for that. If you just imagine Zig being with Ichigo throughout Bleach , the situation there would have been much worse.

In the entire chat, Zig was one of the few who acted like an adult. Judging by the description, Maria, Mio, and Rias live in roughly the same worlds. There are some small differences here and there, but they are not critical. But having most of the information, Maria chose to hide it from Mio.

And this is already dangerous.

And from the looks of it, Mio had every chance of dying before Zolgir's second arrival . If Zig had kept quiet about the Hero Clan, Mio might have considered running away. Considering that she would be alone against a trained squad, her chances of survival were slim.

And it is precisely such a reasonable and knowledgeable interlocutor that Saeko needs . Without communication, Saeko gradually begins to go crazy, this is natural for human psychology. Without normal alternatives, all that Saeko can do is rely on Zig in matters of her own survival. After all , judging by Zig's description , her world could be even more dangerous than the world of Rias and Mio.


[Best Rape Target Online]

Best Rape Target: I've only had 3 hours too. That means my acceleration with Saeko is about the same. After we get AP, we can check if we get a fixed AP value in one day, and if not, what it depends on. If this continues, then in 3 months in my world, a year will pass in yours. You'll get 730 AP, just for the year you've lived. That's enough to visit three worlds there and back.

And judging by the rather friendly and sweet communication with Zig , Mio also understood Zig's position in the previous conversation. Perhaps Mio spent all these 3 hours thinking about her situation and possible future. Saeko was glad, because Mio had matured.

EXTRA EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!: I understand, but this way I will quickly fall behind you in points, so I will try to get the most out of these trips.

And that would be bad for everyone. Zig is one of the strongest, if not the strongest fighter in the chat, but he is the most knowledgeable, which is crucial. If everyone quickly becomes stronger, then Zig will simply fall behind them and turn from an assistant to a consultant. Of course, Saeko wants to have enough strength and ability to solve her own problems, but ... If her world is a fiction novel, then the action there must be fast. Therefore, most of the time, Saeko may simply not have the necessary strength. In this case, Saeko was happy to have a strong assistant with an ability like "Book of the End" with incredible combat experience.

Sweet Slime: That's the right attitude! By the way, the others must have less acceleration, since they don't respond.

EXTRA EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!: Maybe, maybe not, since they could be sleeping. There's no point in guessing, so ... I wish you luck.

Sweet Slime: Likewise!

Best Rape Target: Thanks! Same to you!

[Best Rape Target Offline]

[ Sweet Slime Offline ]


After leaving the chat, Zig finally got out of bed and began to do his morning routine. After the shower, Zig looked in the mirror. In the mirror was a boy of 6 years old with rich green eyes that could be compared to real emeralds, and blond hair, like molten gold. Zig knew that he was very handsome, but this was the result of constant selection among magicians. The first two years, it was very unusual for Siegmund to see the perfect shota instead of a gray-haired Japanese man with cunning eyes. However, Sieg quickly adapted to this.

Next on his schedule was a warm-up, not particularly difficult, more aimed at stretching. And unexpectedly for himself, Zig realized that he didn't really have any plans.

And no, he has long-term plans, each more grandiose than the other, but there was none for the "here and now". One of Zig's goals is to obtain 3 True Magic. Before the chat appeared, Zig planned to study alchemy smoothly and steadily with his family until the beginning of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

This is one of the main starting points of the plan, because depending on the progress of the war and the needs at that moment, Zig could "make" very different "wishes". Of course, Zig understands that the Grail is corrupted, but someone must "zero" or "restart" the Grail itself. And even if he wishes for something material, like the magic chains on which all the spells of the age of gods are recorded, the template of the "demigod" or the Divine Spirit. Zig can change the "corrupted" structure with the Book of the End. Zig has already come up with a method in his head by which he will make a wish. The method is not very long, about 20 pages. The next part of the plan was cooperation with the Clock Tower.

Right now?

The first step is to prove himself a "genius" at the level of Avicebron , Paracelsus or Leonardo da Vinci, only in alchemy, thereby quickly gaining credit for trust, since Sigmund has long been asked about the theoretical part. Next comes helping Alabama and Mio. However, the key part of the plan is traveling to the world of Saeko . At best, Zig can save 1800 AP by not buying the Great Sage skill. However, his True Goal is the Lord of Wisdom Raphael, and later Manas . As you might guess, Zig seeks to obtain an analogue of the Moon Cell and a consciousness independent of it. The second most important thing is to study the spirits and demons of the world of Saeko , since they cannot be in the real world without a physical body.

Just like the souls in his world.

Therefore, if Zig understands the principle by which spirits and demons adjust the body/puppet to themselves, he will be able to implement this principle with souls. This is another form of immortality.

If the Voice of the World does not accept Zig as it does the other world travelers, then Zig will exploit the Book of the End to achieve a complete recreation of such skills.

Having full access to the information, soul and spiritual structure of the inhabitants of the world of Tensura , Zig can reproduce the connection with the Voice of the World.

If not, then Zig will have to create an analogue of the Great Sage himself, fortunately, he can get information from Saeko at any time.

Zig has never hidden the fact that he exploits the Book of the End.

Not using such a powerful, convenient and versatile tool would be simply stupid.

And since Zig had no plans, he decided to interrogate his mother in the most banal way.


Siegmund's family tree is quite complicated, especially compared to other families of mages. Siegmund's family is more of a clan than a "large family". There are a lot of people in it, 100~150 people for sure, and surprisingly, there are also more children than other families. At least 2 children per family, since the magical crest is passed down in this large family not by inheritance, but to the most talented. Talented , and not gifted, as happened with Rin and Sakura Tohsaka . Due to the fact that there are many people in this clan/family, research into Magic is carried out quite quickly. In some ways, this is reminiscent of the Einzberns , but in a less pronounced form. Ordinary families of mages can simply die out or lose their influence due to the fact that 2 generations in a row there will be children with the wrong element or lacking talent. Brackets, due to their large number, are insured against this. Someone in 100 people will definitely have the talent to advance the family's magical research. For the last few generations, these "famous scientists" have been the Sigmund family.

Actually, Sigmund's family was special. His father Arthur was a good magician, almost a saint by the standards of others. He didn't kill people for no reason, didn't conduct inhuman experiments, didn't breed some terrible virus, didn't try to get True Magic at any cost, wasn't noticed for dubious activities, didn't show any major losses in either consumables or money.

Sigmund himself believes that Arthur has given up on the "magician profession" and simply lives for his own pleasure. In fact, he has several wives, which is not typical for a magician. He looks ... Well , a bit average for a magician, according to Sigmund himself. He doesn't even show off his fully sculpted body! He's pumped up, but that's all. Green eyes, blond. As is clear from this description, his character is soft and non-conflict.

Uncle Sigmund's name is Albert, and if Arthur was a "saint" in the society of magicians, then Albert is a "wealthy leprechaun ". Sometimes rude, principled, stubborn and purposeful man, focused on the financial enrichment of the family. In general, despite the fact that he is not the head of the family, he is clearly valued more than Arthur, since he gets all the materials and other supplies. His personal property includes one of the deposits of Amber (Kaliningrad), Diamonds (Yakutia), Rubies, Sapphires, Topazes and Emeralds (Ural), Amethysts and other useful consumables. In short, everything that can be expensive in Russia is in his property, in whole or in part is not so important, what is important is that he can get it. As you can easily guess, Albert has entrepreneurial skills.

Sigmund was especially amused by his phrase regarding Arthur's second wife. "If I can still put up with one problem, then with two - no longer." And no, his marriage was quite strong, it was just a joke, because everyone in the family knows how often he quarrels with his wife about various machinations in the market. Although with their characters it would be stupid to expect anything different. His wife Anastasia was even somewhat similar to Tsunade in her younger years, just as hot-tempered. And Alice has a reputation in the family ... Not very good.

Sigmund even jokingly compared Arthur to Hashirama , and Albert to Tobirama .

However, he did not go further than such comparisons.

Well, then a terrible nightmare begins for Sigmund.

The female part of his own family.

Let's leave aside Sigmund's mother Alice, she is a separate topic that is worth mentioning outside the context of the Kronstein family.

Arthur's first wife was named Elena. She was a kind, but proud and principled woman who was quite skilled in various types of witchcraft, curses and martial arts. Judging by all the stories that Sigmund managed to hear, Arthur suffered a lot while trying to win Elena's heart. The easiest thing on the list is 4 years of constant sparring against a battle mage.

In fact, Arthur, as a classic alchemist, was a weak fighter without his reagents, while Elena was almost a professional killer of magicians.

Witchcraft is not held in high esteem by magicians today, as they consider it beneath their dignity or think of witchcraft as something frivolous. Zig simply does not understand where this opinion came from, as almost all Greek magic is pure witchcraft.

Curses are already a more popular direction, however , few understand it well enough to rely on curses in battle. Elena can use curses both during preparation and in battle.

Well, Zig is completely silent about martial arts.

Roughly speaking, Elena is the result of Soichiro's love. Kuzuki and Medea.

Zig simply cannot imagine how Arthur, being so weak, specializing in spiritual healing (and normal healing of physical wounds), could even defeat Elena once. And according to Albert, Elena took her sparring very seriously, because winning and losing were a matter of principle for her. She would not give in to something like that.

Well, the daughter of Arthur and Elena is Angelica. An exact copy of Elena, except that she also has a great talent for "walking and breathing correctly."

Why is this a nightmare for Zig ?

Yes, because this couple constantly pestered him for most of his life, tearing him away from his books, forcing him to watch Elena and Angelica sparring, and when Angelica was in a bad mood, she used him as a hug pillow .

It is not difficult to guess that the proud girl, not used to losing to her peers, was always upset after classes, expecting more from herself.

And this is not the worst thing, this is a good attitude that Zig himself supports . He did not utter a single reproach in her direction, but her clinginess ... And sometimes it killed. Elena and Angelica were kind people, who were looked after by everyone in the family. Grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, even Alice: everyone. And these two are perfectly aware of this, they respond with kindness to kindness, but ... In middle age, it is much more difficult to receive warmth due to various circumstances. Feelings of pride, personal "independence", the desire to maintain one's image or due to banal ignorance of how exactly to behave in such situations. Because of the latter, some simply run away or do not meet with them.

Only children and the elderly can accept kindness calmly, and even then not all of them.

Well, considering that the Kronshteyns, although a unique family, were still magicians ... This means that there were no frequent family gatherings. Arthur, as the head of the family, was constantly busy with various matters related to logistics or teaching other people Spiritual Healing. Yes, due to his character, Albert was not often asked or asked directly about the supply of materials. He had his own affairs, and therefore it was difficult to come to an agreement with him, Arthur usually did this.

Well, the Kronshteyn system of magical education was somewhat similar to a small Association of Magicians. When it comes to teaching a new generation, the whole family gathers at a meeting, where the best in their fields are elected as teachers. If someone does not want to become a teacher, then he must do something useful for the family, that is the rule.

As you can see, Arthur became the main teacher of Spiritual Healing, because he is the best in this. The other top five in the same discipline become his deputies in teaching. Usually, the deputies are the older generation. It just so happens that Zig's grandfather and grandmother are also teachers.

And since Arthur is away from home for quite a long period of time, Angelica and Elena pester Sigmund.

Angelica mainly because Sigmund was a nice boy with whom you could talk about everything, including magic. Despite being 3 years older than Sigmund, Angelica was an ordinary girl most of the time. Therefore, she was not eager to study outside of her 8-hour curriculum. It is not hard to guess that Zig , who had the mentality of an adult man and the Book of the End, was much more well-read and educated than Angelica. Initially, Angelica just wanted to show off her knowledge to her brother, but all she saw was Zig's kind smile , who remembered his children.

Could Zig not be touched by such a picture?

He couldn't, and so he helped and corrected Angelica when he could. Naturally, Angelica was initially offended by Sigmund, considering him an upstart. Then she began to talk about more complex spells, but the process repeated itself, then again and again. And, confused, the little girl went to Elena for advice. The adult woman was touched by such a picture, and she also could not allow hostility and confrontation between children. In the end, it ended with Angelica approaching Zig at the end of the school day and bragging about the material she had studied. Zig himself was touched, praised the girl and explained the nuances.

In short, their relationship as older sister and younger brother was reversed.

Elena simply loved children and often pestered Sigmund. Her kind nature and lively atmosphere around her reminded Zig of Orihime , which made his heart ache. Their common end was quite sad, despite the fact that most of their lives were joyful and happy...

Elena also carefully monitored that Zig did not accidentally injure himself, since Curses are a very serious type of magic. The injury rate is higher than that of combat mages, which says a lot.

Actually, Elena and Angelica were a nightmare for Zig not because of anything bad, but because of memories of the past.

Zig can't even be mad at them for this.

On the contrary, he is grateful to them.

Well, and Alice...

In short, Alice was Morgana Fairy of this fairytale Camelot .

Alice was a strict, principled, cold, calculating, pragmatic and purposeful woman. In general, she was a good mage, it's just that the Kronshteyn family/clan was a closed community that hadn't seen all the cruelty of mages for a long time.

What can we say if Arthur is afraid of her, and the only people who are even remotely close to her in the entire family are Sigmund, Elena and Anastasia?

Alice herself was from the Tula Society, therefore, she studied mainly runes and alchemy as a secondary subject. The marriage was entirely by agreement, there were no feelings between Arthur and Alice. This was done in order to strengthen the relationship between the Tula Society and the Kronshteyn family. Despite the fact that the Tula Society is self-sufficient, most of the members of this society are alchemists in the second direction, and alchemy requires large monetary and material costs, therefore, it is necessary to receive support and a stable supply of resources. It so happened that the Tula Society did not want to join other associations. The Prague Association is unlikely to share, Sponheim Abbey is closest in the Clock Tower, and the Clock Tower itself is not at all against getting the Runes.

Sigmund hasn't delved too deeply into the whole story, maybe he's just twisting the facts to make a coherent picture. He doesn't know the whole story, he only knows what his older relatives said, thinking that a little boy wouldn't be able to understand them. It's quite possible that the Tula Society and the Kronstein Family have simply entered into an alliance that has been brewing for a long time.

Without complete information, Sigmund will not even think of drawing conclusions. And judging by the dynamics in the family, such a conversation will not happen. Sigmund will not use the Book of the End on principle, since he cares about the feelings of those close to him.

After walking through his father's private mansion, Sigmund already knew that breakfast would soon be coming, and so he went straight to the dining room.

Surprisingly, the entire female part of the Kronshteyn family was already sitting at the table. On the left sat two blondes with brown eyes, Elena and Angelica, but on the right sat only one blonde with blue eyes, Alisa.

- Good morning, Zig, sit down at the table.

Alice was calm, however, this calmness was often perceived as "coldness and indifference." Zig was not one of them, after all , he had more experience in reading people than his entire clan put together.

- Good morning, mother, aunt Elena, Angelica.

Zig quickly sat down at the table and began to look at those present. He was not particularly surprised by his father's absence, since this was not the first time. The closer to the end of the month, the more often he was not at home. Personally, Zig thinks that he needs a manager, since he does not know how to make a schedule. Or maybe he can, but family affairs require constant presence, Zig does not know.

And while waiting for the maid to set the table, Zig simply "thought" while looking at the maid. Angelica would hardly notice anything, but the adults would notice the interest.

The maids in this mansion are homunculi created by the Kronstein family. They are not as advanced as the Einzberns , weaker in terms of magic, but they are still the pride of the family. Over the past 250 years, the Kronsteins have learned to create such homunculi from scratch, which cannot but inspire respect.

And as you might guess, Alice and Elena quickly noticed the "childish interest" in the homunculi.

- Good day , brother.

- Good morning to you too, Zig. How many books did you manage to read last night?

While Angelica did nothing, swinging her legs under the table, Elena was more interested in Zig's progress . It was not the first time she did this, unlike Alice , who checks Zig's knowledge during classes, Elena is content with only such questions.

Zig saw no point in lying, he went to the library every day for a new book. Who would say a word against him ?

- I've read almost half of the book "Features of the structure of natural and composite materials, their properties and characteristics". Only the part that touches on magic, how it changes properties, how it flows and what it affects remains.

Zig must say that there was an indecent amount of such "hard" to understand books here. Even the above-mentioned book was closer to a real dissertation on a general topic. There were a lot of numbers, graphs, calculations and establishments of various dependencies. There were hardly more words than formulas and graphs.

Elena herself knew that Alchemy was a complex field, but she had a poor idea of the difference between ordinary strengthening and "changing materials". The things seemed different, but they were the most basic for alchemy, almost always complementing each other. And their varieties? Which is more difficult?

Alchemists rarely explain the specifics of their art to outsiders. Even Arthur doesn't bother, simply saying "this is impressive, this isn't."

Elena looked at Alice for clues. Alice's face had hardly changed, only the slight trembling of her eyelashes and the slightly raised corners of her lips said that she was delighted. It was not the first time she had noticed the genius of her own child, but she never ceased to be amazed by it. An ordinary person would need at least 10 years to understand what was written in these books. And that was only to understand, but Zigmund had already memorized them and could, for better or worse, apply them in practice.

Alice had long understood that Sigmund would become great, fate itself favored him. His natural talent, his predisposition, a family that could nurture this talent, the monstrous luck that helped in the Age of People to find a magical reagent from the Age of Fairies or even the Age of Gods.

Everything points to him becoming great. Alice just needs to guide Sigmund in the right direction, which she will do.

Elena realized that it was a difficult book, so she smiled kindly at Zig .

- Well done, you study so hard all the time, why don't we all take a couple of days off somewhere in nature?

Alice nodded her head at this proposal, she was clearly not against such a rest. No matter how much of a genius Zig was , he also needed a rest. And she would not forgive herself if she took away her own son's childhood.

Zig appreciated such an attractive offer. He was generally quite weak to such sincere and kind people, but now Zig had to show good results so that he could "accidentally summon" Mio. To do this, he had to at least prepare the ground, and this took time.

- That would be nice. Maybe we should call Uncle Albert and Aunt Anastasia? I haven't seen them for a long time. We'll be able to relax as a family.

It was a win-win situation, since both Arthur and Albert were very busy. And Arthur was a bad manager. It turns out that Zig won himself at least a couple of months.

Alice and Elena did not resist, they knew that Zig loved his uncle very much. Last time he pestered him with an encyclopedia of minerals. That conversation lasted for 1.5 hours, but Albert was glad of such interest.

Angelica did not understand her brother's passion.

- How can you even read these boring books for so long?

Zig didn't even need to feign confusion.

- Aren't you interested in how the world around us works? How does life work? How did it even appear from inorganic matter? How can we reproduce this process?

Zig nodded towards the homunculus, who was calmly and casually arranging the dishes. She didn't care what her masters said, she wasn't ordered to do anything, so she had to carry out her duties as usual.

Angelica just sighed. There was nothing she could do about her extremely inquisitive brother. And she loved him just the way he was.

- It's interesting, of course, but not that much. I'd rather just rest or play something at this time.

- Since you have delved so deeply into the theory, we will apply it in practice in today's lesson.

Alice had already decided to change the family training regime for herself. Initially, alchemists had to carefully study the materials they would be working with. After that, they would move on to the next ones, which were easiest to work with in a different way, and then return to the previous ones and try to apply the new way of working. Repeat this process until the optimal way of working with most materials was found. This only concerned changing the shape and conductivity of magic. With transmutation of materials and other serious alchemy, there were already other trainings. Alice would only speed up the first stage of training. Of course, she would not ask Zig to do the impossible, but with a detailed manual and a teacher?

This wouldn't be difficult for a genius.

Zig understood that too.

- Thank you, mom.