
Chasing the Ice Queen: My Evil Boss

Mature Content: R-18+, No Rape~ A cute story between a CEO and her secretary. In the bustling corridors of corporate power, CEO Bai Lu reigns supreme, her icy demeanor striking fear into the hearts of her employees. But when her new secretary, Mu Chen, steps into her life, everything changes. Mu Chen is unlike anyone Bai Lu has ever met. With a warmth that defies her chilly exterior, Mu Chen effortlessly breaks through Bai Lu's barriers, thawing the ice around her heart. ——— Whoa, hold up! Why is she daydreaming about her secretary, huh? Is her heart doing the cha-cha now? Eh?! And wait a minute... why are they suddenly cuddling in bed?! "Ma'am, after gobbling me up like a snack, you gotta own up to it. Um, it was my debut performance, you know?" “But company policy says no to office romance!” "I couldn't care less! I'll bail. After all, you're swimming in cash; you can adopt me!" Bai Lu almost sprouted wings and flew away from sheer shock!

Bunny_Bumblebee · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Su Bei

His heart raced, and panic flashed across his face. The messy room that moments ago held promises of a brighter future now felt like a trap closing in on him

His heart raced as he stammered, "Wait, I thought... I mean, last night... Was that...?" The woman's gaze met his, and a tense silence filled the room.

"Su Bei wh-at are you doing in my room?" Mu Chen stood up glaring at her. He might have been drunk but he knew he would never touch this woman even if he was dying and she was this last hope.

He loathed her so much that the thought of him touching her was making him sick.

"Brother Mu, have you forgotten what happened last night?" She bit her lips, a deep crimson on her cheeks.

Mu Chen raised his eyebrows, she was clearly lying because there's no way they had slept together.

"What happened last night?" He asked coldly, his face scrunched into a deep frown.

She moved closer, a sultry smile playing on her lips as she attempted to salvage the situation. "Don't pretend, Mu Chen. We shared an unforgettable night of passion," she whispered, reaching out to touch his chest.

Mu Chen stepped back, his expression turning from panic to disbelief. "Unforgettable night? I don't remember anything, and I certainly wouldn't willingly share anything with you."

Su Bei persisted, her voice dropping to a husky tone. "You were so passionate, so captivated by me. Maybe you were too drunk to recall, but I assure you, it happened."

Mu Chen's eyes narrowed, and he scoffed, pushing her hand away. "Save your lies. I might not remember everything, but I know I would never choose someone like you willingly."

Su Bei's sultry demeanor faltered, replaced by a sudden vulnerability. Tears welled up in her eyes as she took a step back, her voice trembling. "Mu Chen, you can't just deny what happened. I-I thought... I thought there was something real between us."

Mu Chen's disbelief turned to a mix of irritation and pity. "Real? Su Bei we barely know each other, and nothing happened last night. That I'm sure of. I was drunk, not amnesia. I remember everything that happened last night after I came back home with Xiao Zhan I went to sleep. You think I don't know you stole my spare key?!"

She choked back a sob, desperation in her voice. "I can't believe you're treating me like this. I thought you were different. I thought we had a connection."

Mu Chen sighed, exasperated. "There's no connection, and I won't be manipulated into taking responsibility for something that didn't happen the way you claim. Now, leave my room."

He grabbed her hand and dragged her out of his room As Mu Chen firmly pulled Su Bei towards the door, her towel slipped from her grasp, leaving her exposed and vulnerable.

A gasp left out her mouth even though she did nothing to cover herself up.

Mu Chen's initial shock and panic were replaced by embarrassment. "What are you doing? Put some clothes on!" he exclaimed, hastily averting his gaze.

A deep blush tainting his cheeks now.

Su Bei, now standing in the hallway, tried to cover herself, her tears mixing with the realization of her failed attempt. "Mu Chen, please understand. I just want you to take responsibility."

Mu Chen, frustrated, shot a stern look at Su Bei."Responsibility for what? I might be slow but I'm not dumb. Leave."

The other door opened and Xiao Zhan came out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Clearly, he had just woken up.

"What's going on?" He grumbled out of annoyance, they had woken him up disturbing his sleeping.

"Xiao Zhan." Su Bei broke into hysterical cries when he saw her cousin.

Xiao Zhan looked at Mu Chen,seeing the frustrated look on his friend's face he knew something was going on.

"Erm….what's going on?"

Su Bei who had picked up her towel, held it tighter around herself , biting her lips to control the tears from falling. She looked so pitiful you couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"Don't blame Mu Chen, he doesn't remember what happened yesterday."

"Remember what?," Xiao Zhan asked, eyeing Mu Chen with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Mu Chen, still trying to recover from the awkward situation, explained, "She's claiming something happened between us last night, but I don't remember a thing. It's a lie."

Xiao Zhan raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Su Bei, is this true?"

Su Bei , with feigned innocence, nodded. "Xiao Zhan, you know how much I care about Mu Chen. I thought we had something special, but he's denying everything. I don't know what to do."

Mu Chen rolled his eyes at her theatrics, frustration evident on his face. "This is ridiculous. I don't owe her anything, and I certainly didn't do what she's claiming."

Xiao Zhan sighed, clearly annoyed at being dragged into the situation. "Sort this out among yourselves. I need my sleep." He retreated back into his room, closing the door behind him.

Mu Chen turned back to Su Bei, his patience wearing thin. "Leave now, and let's put an end to this nonsense."

Su Bei, maintaining her victim act, nodded tearfully. "Fine, I'll go. But remember, Mu Chen, you'll regret treating me like this."

As Su Bei left, Mu Chen entered his room, closing the door behind him to finally find some peace. Mu Chen decided a shower was in order, hoping the water would wash away the confusion clouding his mind.

As he prepared to take a shower, he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of missing puzzle pieces in his memory. The events of last night were a blur, obscured by the haze of alcohol.

Standing under the warm spray, he furrowed his brow, attempting to piece together the fragments of the previous night. The memories were elusive, like trying to catch smoke with bare hands. He recalled the drinking to forget his failures, the laughter, and the clinking of glasses, but beyond that, everything became hazy.

Doubt lingered in his mind. "Did something actually happen?" Mu Chen muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice. He couldn't fathom the idea of being intimate with someone he loathed so much.

Su Bei being the first woman he had touched? God help him.

The water cascaded down, and as steam filled the bathroom, Mu Chen's thoughts remained clouded. The awkward encounter with Su Bei had left him on edge, questioning the authenticity of her claims. As he dried off, uncertainty hung in the air. He really hoped nothing had happened. He sighed.