
Chasing Olivia.

Olivia Parker is an ordinary twenty-four year old girl with absolutely no ties to the underworld, the mafia but little did she know about the deal her father had made with the devil. Ginger head, freckled-face and oceanic blue orbs was how people saw her but there was so much underneath it. Those eyes led onto very little but look deeper and find the true Olivia Parker. Oh yes, she is a businesswoman and a part-time investigative journalist. Alessandro Valentini was what the common people call, The Mafia. The King. The Death. But was he just that? He commanded respect, he was the king in any room he walked into and most certainly was synonymous to fear. But most of all, he was a man of his word. A true Valentini. A word is what that got Olivia Parker and Alessandro Valentini together but how far will they go? Valentini may be the Mafia King but Parker was not a pushover and most certainly was not to be tamed, for all, no one can tame a lioness. ^^^^^^^^ " You will obey me mio amore." " Oh you can dream on because that is never going to happen." Olivia announced to the king and no one talks to the king like that. " Do you know the consequences of your actions Piccola?" He asked, his voice ice-cold as he took a step forward. " Only if I were afraid. If only." She mocked, her temper rising as she rolled her eyes and walked out on the Mafia King. Another thing no can could dare to do before her but then again, who's best to keep the King in check if not his Queen?

thegirlnextdoor27 · Ciudad
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4 Chs

Chapter- 2

Alessandro Valentini, by no chance was a good man but anyone who would look at him right now will not be able to tell that he was The Mafia King either for one girl, just one had the power to wrap the most dangerous man in New York around her finger.

" Elena, mia cara why aren't you in bed? It is late." The big bad man bent down to pick up the little girl who was sitting on the floor in the hall.

" Daddy daddy you are back home! I was waiting for you. I missed you and I accccidly heard Uncle Enzo telling somebody that you will be home t'night." The little girl said, wrapping her hands around her dad's neck and resting her head on his chest, snuggling as Alessandro chuckled at his daughter's antics.

" It is accidentally vita mia and come now, let's get you tucked in." He said, lightly brushing her hair as he saw his daughter's eyes dropping and carried her to her room.

" No daddy please don't leave me here alone. There is a boo boo under my bed." She muttered sleepily and Alessandro's heart, which legend says doesn't exist, melted.

All he did was kissed his daughter's cheek and took her to his room, gently saying her on his bed and walked away to change when he heard his daughter mumble something.

" I miss mommy." Was all little Elena said before completely passing out.

" I miss her too my love. I miss her too." Was what he said, sitting next to her and rolled his head back, closing his eyes. He had flown back from Florence after taking care of the business there and now his father, Giovanni Valentini had called him for a meeting which never happens. His father had officially retired from the Mafia and was now taking care of one of the many legal businesses owned by them but as they say, once a Mafia always a Mafia.

Alessandro's phone went off which he had kept on the nightstand next to the bed and carefully getting up the bed, he took it, walking out in the balcony, taking the call.

" Alessandro we have found out where the Moretti's are sending that consignment to. I am standing outside your office." Elio Valentini, his cousin had called him. They were not real brothers but they used to look out for each other ever the same. Elio was the only one Alessandro trusted with his daughter and that is why either one of them was always in town when the other had to go out for business.

" Send one of the maids you trust up to my room. Elena is asleep here. I will meet you in five and Elio gather up twenty men to go with us. This smells of a set-up. I'd be surprised if they leave the consignment unattended." He told his right hand who had similar notions.

Alessandro silently walked into his closet, picking one of the hundreds of guns stocked there and as he walked out, he saw a maid standing at the door of his room.

" If as much as one hair is off from my daughter's head, you will answer to me in the manner of my liking which won't do any good to you. Is that clear?" Alessandro asked the woman who stood in front of him with eyes cast down at the floor, shaking out of fear.

" Ye...yes sir." He heard her say meekly before walking out of the room.

Fear, he liked it. He thrived on it. Fear was his dopamine. People couldn't look at him in the eye while talking to him and that was what he had made himself out to be. No one could challenge him, cross him and most of it all, his word was the law and he was well aware about all of it.

" The men are waiting for us outside in the cars. One of our informants saw the the consignment being taken to the dockyard earlier tonight." Elio started giving out the details to the boss in his no-nonsense tone because he know that Alessandro does not tolerate tardiness in work. Not a bit and even though they were cousins and close, he will not hesitate a bit to throw him in the celler underground if something went wrong because of him.

" The Moretti's are going to pay big time for crossing us. Shoot each and everyone of them on site." He announced without a flicker of doubt on his face as his men started to leave for the dockyard.

" On second thought, leave Rictor for me. That bastard needs to live and rot in the dungeons before he dies a slow, painful death after spitting out all the intel." Alessandro announced to Elio and sat back, relaxing in his car, knowing that it will be taken care of.

Once they reached the dockyard, his second in-command, Beto approached them with guns and ammunition is his hands.

" Boss we are circling up from the back. Is that okay?" He asked Alessandro who nodded in a slight yes before walking out inside the yard with Elio by his side while his men secured the parameters.

" How preemptive of you to think that you can get away with with I own Moretti. Tell me, don't you fear death?" Alessandro announced his presence known to some fifteen men present inside the yard with huge boxes.

" Al...Alessandro. You have no business to be here." Rictor Moretti fumbled as he was completely taken aback with the new presence.

" Tell me something Moretti. What did you think when you stole these boxes in the middle of the night while they were being transported from Chicago? I will not find out? Of course I would you fool. I gave you a chance to work for me but this is what you did in return. Such a shame that your men will be dying one by one tonight while you will rot in my dungeon celler till you stop breathing." Alessandro's voice was ice-cold and face, stone hard. Like he wasn't making a life threat. Like this was usual and for him, it was.

Elio started firing all around the Moretti men while Alessandro just sat there smirking with his gun in his hand and he didn't even needed to use it.

The Valentini men gathered all around, toying with what was left of the Moretti's.

" Play time is up Rictor. Let's get you to where you belong." Alessandro stood up, closing this buttons or his coat jacket, the smirk very well placed still and his men captured the man in question before walking out.

" You will pay for this Valentini, your daughter....." Before he could finish the sentence, his head was filled with six of the bullet's in Alessandro's gun, blowing his brain out.

" Send the bastard's body to his father dearest warning him what happens when someone makes a threat to my daughter." He instructed Beto before stepping out, followed by Elio.

" Your father wants to meet you tomorrow." Elio informed his cousin as they sat in the car.

" What is that about?" Alessandro questioned back, wiping Rictor's blood which was on his hands.

" Here." He handed over a copy of the contract that his men had acquired from his father's possession to tell Alessandro what was coming at him.

" What is this?" He asked, taking the papers in his hands.

" These say that you cousin dearest are to be married to someone named Olivia Parker. Your father had made this deal fifteen years back and given his word." Elio replied, grinning. Now that the work was done, he was back into his playful cousin form.

" One of the cellers in the dungeon is still empty Elio." Alessandro threatened him but they both knew that it was just an empty threat.

Alessandro went through the papers in his hands and they truly were what Elio had told him.

" Is this all a fucking joke for father?" His temper rose as he finished reading the contract. One could clearly make out from his face. Fist folded, paper crumbled, jaw tightened and ready to pounce at the first person he could find.

" Calm down Alessandro. This really could do some good to us, to Elena. She needs a mother and you need a wife. How long do you plan on fucking random women you find who throw themselves at you?" Elio tried to knock some sense into him but he also knew that Alessandro was too angry to listen to sense now.

He had always been a man who loved to control, to dominate and losing it was something he could never deal well with. He made decisions for himself and he made them for others but no one could make decisions for him. No one could control him and his father had just done that, taken away control from him.

" Inform father that there is no way in seven hells that I will be bound to any such contract absurdly signed by him. He no longer pulls the chains here, I do that and while you are at it, tell him that the meeting he had asked for tomorrow is no longer happening. He will not get me to do something I don't want to." He roared, throwing the papers away from him and got down from the car, dashing inside the house.

" There is no way out of this cousin dearest. Uncle Gio had given his word and a Valentini never backs out of the word given by him. Who would know that better than you?" Elio talked to himself, getting down from the car as he made up his mind to look into Olivia Parker for Alessandro because tomorrow, sure as fuck, he would ask for her details.