

  When I saw Serena looking defeated, Elliot smirked and said, "It was you who started acting low, and then I became shameless."

  "You..." This time, Serena was speechless, because it was ultimately her own fault for forgetting to wear a bra.

  The next moment, Elliot lowered his brows and said, "Don't forget our agreement, you only have two hours each time to visit Spring and Antonie."

  At this moment, Elliot lowered his head to look at the watch on his wrist. It was clear that he was telling Serena: she had been here for over an hour, and in no time, two hours would have passed.

  Understanding Elliot's meaning, Serena couldn't help but frown and say, "Didn't you see how scared Spring was of me leaving? Are you even a father? Spring is sick right now, and you want to make her cry, don't you?"

  Serena's protest made Elliot frown, hesitating for a moment before saying, "Then wait until you put her to sleep before leaving."