
Chasing my Luna

Scott Devlin, the bold Alpha of the Devlin clan was so disappointed at his adoptive parents to have him forced to marry a complete stranger, and above all professions, a doctor, whom he hates. He was reluctant to attend the wedding because he thinks the bride isn’t willing to marry him too. Besides, he is devoted in finding his Luna. His siblings managed to take him away so he can escape his fate since Scott can’t say no to their father. While Scott is enjoying his escapade in his friend’s private island, he noticed a faint fragrant scent that lured him towards the bar. His attention directed to a brunette woman wearing a red fitted maxi dress, with mesmerizing sapphire eyes. He can’t help but approach Diana who was sitting at the bar. “Finally, my Luna”, Scott whispered to himself. Little that he know, the Luna he imprinted on is not what she seems to be.

rocksunxv · Fantasía
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159 Chs

Apple Pie

Scott pushed Christina down, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and repulsively spit on the ground. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?", Scott hissed in rage at Christina who forced herself at him.

"But I thought… you let me join you because you've forgiven me.. that you're giving us a chance!", Christina cried desperately. Sitting on wet dirt, she looked at Scott as she yearn for the Alpha with strong desires.

Scott grunted and felt disgusted at Christina's desperation. 'What would I expect to a she-wolf who depreciates her own self, to someone who doesn't value herself Not even a tiny bit?', he thought.

Scott sighed deeply and felt nothing but shame on Christina who has total limerence as she beg for love, something Scott could never reciprocate. "Christina, how many times do I need to say that Diana is my life, and she's all I want.. Stop doing this to your self. Someone better deserves you.", Scott replied with no emotions at all.

With her lips trembling, Christina stood up as she held Scott by his arm. "I can be the Luna you want! Diana have Roman already, who knows what are they doing right now", Christina was startled when Scott slapped her.

"Enough Christina! Look at yourself! Wake up from this madness!", Scott gritted his teeth in anger.

"If I can't have you now..", Christina took out a silver pocket knife from her back. "Then maybe, we can be together in our next life", she said as she lunge at Scott.

Scott was about to dodge when all of a sudden, long green vines swiftly creeped towards Christina and coiled her neck, wrists and legs tightly dropping the silver pocket knife out of her hand. She grunted as the vines coiled even tighter, making her unable to move.

"What the..", Scott was startled as he attempted to cut the vines.

"You have so much patience for this despicable wolf.", a familiar tiny voice from earlier spoke. Scott turned around and saw Wren sitting on a rock by the stream.

"Wren!", Scott uttered. "Did you do this?", he asked

"This wolf have no respect to our lycan king. She even attempted to hurt you. How absurd that you still want to help her?", Wren sad as he tap his fingers on his thigh.

"She's just a mentally lost wolf. Let her go", Scott said.

"Lost? No, Lycan. She has completely lost her sanity, and she's a threat to the safety of anyone. Diana would get hurt with her around", Wren replied as he let the vines coil even more tighter.

"Give her a chance to change.", Scott said

"Okay…", Wren replied as he loosen the vines coiled at Christina's neck and limbs. Then, in a while, the vines looped tighter once again. This time, Christina gagged at the tightness, with her skin getting pale, and nails turning blue. "Oops I forgot.. Lytharis don't give chances", he brutally pulled Christina's head and limbs off using the vines. Scott dropped to his knees at the merciless and cruel execution Wren did to his old friend.


Diana went back to the trailer home with sadness written all over her face. Roman didn't know how to hit the right notes to make her feel better, but at this moment of time, he couldn't be happier for how Scott just made a wrong move making Diana get her mind shaded with doubts towards their relationship.

Kristia prepared Diana a cool bath and gave her fresh new clothes for her comfort to make her feel better. However, the cold water couldn't even wash the tormenting heart throbs she feel inside. 'Why is love hard to bear?", she thought after seeing Scott kissing another woman with his eyes closed.

"Luna..", Roman called to Diana who had been staring at the wind by the bay window all afternoon. The sun is about to set and she haven't moved an inch after her bath.

"I thought, when wolves imprint.. they only have eyes for one person.", Diana uttered hugging her knees under a brown quilt.

Roman sat beside Diana and swept his hair to the side. "That's true… I only have eyes for you.", Roman said as he leaned back. He looked down and smiled as he recalled the spellbinding moment he had when he first saw Diana. "At first, it was luring.. like getting a whiff of a freshly baked apple pie cooling down by the window. You follow the scent with your eyes closed. One inhale is enough to get your attention, a few more lets you become addicted. And when you set your eyes on that mouth-watering pie, you suddenly freeze in place. You don't blink, and you can't breathe. And then when you finally reach it at the tip of your finger, you can hardly let go", Roman said as he stare at Diana.

"Must be a really good apple pie", Diana replied with a soft chuckle.

"It is", Roman smiled. "Diana… I'm sorry..", he said in a serious tone. "Call me stupid, or call me dimwit, for I know what I did to you was wrong.", he said.

Diana rested her chin on her knees. Despite Roman attempted to rape her, she can still feel sincerity in his words, and gestures - especially when he did not stopped her when she was about to run to Scott.

"One side of me tells me to make a move, yet half of me stops me from going beyond what I imagine.. I even thought of giving you up, though I realized, I am an Alpha worthy of your love too", Roman added. "I am amazed with how you are able to make me go wild as I get smitten with your enchanting eyes, and at the same time. tame that yearning, and craving wolf in me..", Roman said.

"I'm off your radar, Roman. If you didn't imprinted on me, I will still be totally invisible to you..There's so many beautiful ladies around you who are more than willing to be with you", Diana said.

"I don't care about all of them. And besides, I see you now. There will be so many times that I may not be able to resist your charms, and so much attempts of me kissing you or hugging you… because Diana, I want you to know that I am madly and deeply in love with you, that I can give you up if that's the only way for you to be happy… But please, give me a chance and allow me to keep on knocking on your door for I will do everything I can until you open that door for me. ", Roman smiled at Diana as the sunbeams of the dusk seep through the window.