
Chapter 8 My Kind Of Man

The next day I wake up with a pounding headache; I had too much wine, way too much wine. I lift my head off the pillow to get up. It's throbbing too much; I can't move; I drop my head back in the pillow. It smells spicy; I immediately sit up straight. This is not my bed; it is not my room. I lift the covers; this is not my clothes.

Oh my god.

I am in Tyler's bed; his godlike body is stretched out next to me. He has a mischievous smile on his face; he has been watching me this whole time.

"I have never seen anyone so panicked in my life before."

"Why am I in your bed?"

"I put you here."

He seems to be rather satisfied with himself as the words roll from those lips that seem even more seductive than before.

"Why?" I ask.

"You were drunk and insisted."

"Why would I do that?"

"Do what?"

"Insist. Insist you put me in your bed?"

"You told me you wanted to lay next to my naked body."