
Chapter 48 For One Last Time

Long after the sun has set, we sit in silence. There are so many thoughts that are going through my mind. How so many things could have been different if I did not start my thing with Luke. I should have known better, but yet I was foolish and immature.

I have not only ruined my own life but this man that is sitting next to me. Sandra is right, he is still a mess. He has always been bad at hiding things.

"When are you leaving again?"

"Tomorrow morning once everything is loaded."

"Your car has been towed to town."

"Thanks. I will let the truck drop me off there once we on the road."

"I can drop you off, but then it means I am going to have to stay here tonight."

"There is a problem with that."

"What is that?"

"There is only one bed. The other one is on the truck."

"I will sleep on the couch."

"The couch is on the truck."

"For fuck sakes.