
Chapter 37 Destined Till The End

I can see Tyler, with a very satisfied but somewhat frustrated smile, get back into his pants. He sees me cock my little head as I am busy stewing over something in my head.

"What changed?"

"what do you mean? What changed with what?

"Your no-touching rule?"

"I saw the look in your eyes last night, and I knew if I do not do something, then I was going to lose you again."

He draws his lips a little inch closer to him and lays a soft peck against my forehead, "Let us go hear what the problem is?"

So as we get to the pub, yes, there is a problem.

"Dylan, what is the problem here?"

"Sandra punched Clara."

I only but shake my head in disgust, "I swear that this bitch has not learned her lesson."

She steps forward to me, "Who is your bitch you two-timing whore?"

"What did you just call me?"

"A whore, screwing everything that walks."

"Says her that has been through four of the men here already."