
Chapter 18 Unconfessed Love

…Tyler POV…

I know that Jenna can t do this, and perhaps it was selfish of me to ask her to come when I know how terrified she is. And the thing is, that I love her too damn much to let her go through any pain, but if this is something that she cannot do, then I will not let her. So I have no problem turning the car around and take her home. And that is exactly what I am going to do.

"Tyler, what are you doing."

"I am taking you home."

"Please don t, I can do this, just as long as I have you by my side then I can do this."

"Jenna, are you sure? I don t want you to torture yourself through something that is going to give you a great deal of pain."

"Yes, I am sure. So what are we doing first?"