
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasía
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48 Chs

Mrs Lillian is a....

Coming out of the forest, Saz, Jade and Rhen headed for Mrs Lillian house, two buildings before the narrow street to the king's palace.

Due to Saz being the prince, everyone who saw them was shocked while some of them offered to help, but he just waves to them to not worry.

On getting there, the trio removed their boots outside the doorstep to enter.

"How amazing can this 'mrs Lillian' you guys keep mentioning be?"Jade asked, wondering as he peeped inside.

"You'll see, I bet your tiny brain won't be able to fathom her powers." Rhen answered, nodding for him to enter.

"Can we just get over with this, I can't stand this pain anymore" Saz complained, squinting.

"Oh!, we're sorry, crybaby" Jade teased as they helped Saz into the house.

On entering the room, it was filled with smoke while a woman could be seen sitting on the floor close to a fire backing the door with some molded cups at her front.

The room was more occupied with traditional properties than modern's, having no windows, only a white bed, a large glass locker filled with beast' organs, bones and tree backs, a burning firewood close to the wall opposite the door and a full set armor hung up on the wall.

"And what could possibly bring our 'prince' to a place like this?" The woman without turning back, asked, stressing the 'prince' part.

"Sorry to bother you Mrs Lillian but Saz got bitten by an Earres....."Rhen said, removing Saz hands from her shoulder while Jade continued"....and I got bitten by a triple headster."

Mrs Lillian froze, turning around in bewilderment. "Can you tell me what you were possibly doing deep into the forest" She asked, waiting for someone to talk while Jade and Rhen turned to Saz.

"Okay! We were training." Saz shouted in frustration.

"Training?! What kind of training put ones life in danger.... that aside, what about the Earres? Where is it?" Mrs Lillian asked.

"At the fore..."before Jade could finish Mrs Lillian replied saying "Go find it. Earres fangs are poisonous, the treatment are in their bodies.... well, just go get it" as she waved her hand to them.

"What?! Won't he die before we get back" Jade asked, looking surprised.

"Hey, are you coming or not?" Rhen asked, entering a fire teleporter already created by Mrs Lillian.

"Wow! Is this what I think it is" Jade exclaimed after seeing the fire teleporter. They both entered.

Coming out of the other side of the teleporter they appeared right in front of the Earres' they killed. Without waisting time, they carried it and immediately went back into the teleporter.

As they entered the room, Mrs Lillian signaled them to drop it close to the fire as she continued to mix some powder in a molded clay cup while Saz was now lying down on the white bed.

"Hey newbie, pull out one of its fangs and burn it to ashes." She ordered, smiling at Jade.

"Who,me?!" Jade asked, staring at her to catch a glimpse of what she looked like.

"Who else became a citizen of Takeki village on 'March 13' last year." She said, still turning the powder in the cup.

'Is this woman a witch, how could she tell the exact day my sister brought me into this village' Jade thought, pulling out one of the fangs.

He placed it on a black wooden plate closed to Mrs Lillian. Kneeling down on the floor, he started to burn the fang with two of his fingers, after some minutes he checked the fang but there was no change so he switched to four fingers.

Some time had passed now and he was already using both palms to burn the fang, sweating like he was in hell but still the fang was still as fresh as before.

" You might just become a prince murderer if I let you keep this up." Mrs Lillian said, pulling the plate to her front.

She pointed her index finger to the fang and started to burn it. Just like magic, the fang was turning to ash in a fast pace. After that she poured it into the clay cup she was using to mix the powder and mixed everything.

Standing up with the cup on her hands, she walked up to the bed where Saz was lying and sat close to his shoulder.

Saz just kept staring at her as she rubbed the powder on his shoulder. Like a dream in everyone's eye, the wound started to close up back and in mere seconds Saz shoulder was totally healed and to top it off, it was without a scar.

Jade, who just witnessed this phenomenal was looking like some fan who just saw his favorite celebrity, shutting his mouth wild open.

Though Rhen had witnessed the event countless times since her childhood she never seized to be amazed too. Rhen walked up to Jade and shut his mouth closed. "Like I said, you won't understand, so just get your hands treated and let's leave here." Rhen said and raised him off the ground.

Mrs Lillian sighs, standing up from the bed. She walked up to Jade and asked " what your name young boy?"

"Jade" Jade gulped as he answered nervously.

"Hm, Jade, Your destiny has gotten tangled in a way and... it'll be very hard to loose but don't worry you'll definitely make it. " Mrs Lillian said, Smiling assuredly.

She took a separate powder and rubbed it on Jade's wrist and everything went back to how it was, like it never happened.

The trio was still staring at her, expecting her to elaborate further but she never did, instead she clapped twice and said." If there's nothing else you want, you can leave."

Saz stood up from the bed and head out, followed by Rhen and then Jade. When Jade got to the doorstep Mrs Lillian whispered to him "I'm a witch but I'm also the village's trusted doctor."

'I knew it! She's a witch.' Jade exclaimed inwardly before he even realized that he had just seen Mrs Lillian's image. A woman, dark in complexion, having a crimson coloured eye and putting on a black hoody coat.

They all wore their boots and left. It was already evening time.

Jade was about to head back to the field to meet with knight Roger but before he separated from the others, they saw him approaching them.

"Mr Rog! How did you know I was here?" Jade asked, looking surprised.

"Not you, three of you, team two and three said they saw you guys coming out of the forest, injured. What were you thinking?! Huh. Anyways, captain Drek called a meeting with all the soldiers and soldier to be. You are the only ones remaining. " Knight Roger said, taking a deep breath as he lead them to the assembly ground at the king's castle.

"The king has set a date for the expedition, so listen carefully and follow each and every rules, I mean, that's if you wish to come out as the best candidates." Knight Roger said, shrugging his shoulder slightly"

On getting there, everyone were already lining up in an orderly way. The trio quickly joined the line while knight Roger head to meet commander Drek who was just coming out of the castle.

"This meeting is to inform you that the king has placed a date for the expedition, so for you not to forget, go home, park the needed then I'll give you the rules when we meet back here in....."

