
Chased By My Billionaire Ex-husband

Claire Reed thought she had married the man of her dreams, Evander Kensington, but she had no idea that their marriage was built on a lie; a family vow that trapped him by her side. His heart, however, belonged to another woman, far away. No matter how hard Claire tried to win Evander’s love, he only grew colder, and his family treated her like she didn’t exist. When she lost their unborn child, Claire’s world shattered. She couldn’t bear it anymore and walked away, leaving behind a letter and divorce papers, claiming she now had someone else she loved! ===== Evander’s cold lips crashed onto Claire’s. “You’re mine, and I’ll never let you go!” he vowed, his voice dark with possessiveness. “But I don’t want you anymore! You can have Susan—I’ll find peace on my own!” Claire shot back, her words sharp and final.

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14 Chs

The Abyss

The little boy bolted towards Evander, his small feet pounding against the floor as he flung himself into his arms with all the trust and innocence of a child who believed his world was perfect.

"Daddy! Where have you been? If Mom hadn't brought me here, I wouldn't have been able to meet you," the boy complained, his voice a sweet mix of excitement and reproach as he snuggled deeper into Evander's embrace. His tiny arms wrapped around Evander's neck, holding on as if he'd never let go.

I stood frozen, my heart constricting painfully as I watched their interaction. The warmth in Evander's eyes as he looked at the boy, the softness in his expression, a tenderness I had never seen directed at me… made my breath catch in my throat. It was as if I was an outsider, an unwanted observer intruding on a moment that had no place for me.

Would he had loved my child this much? Would he have accepted him as warmly as he did to the little boy in front of me?

My hands clenched into fists at my sides, the bitterness of the truth settling in my chest like a heavy stone. How many secrets had Evander kept from me? How much of his life had been hidden behind the cold façade he showed me? Did he ever cared about me? Or was I really just an object for display for him?

The boy's laughter rang out, a joyful sound that echoed painfully in my ears. My child had been around his age if he were alive! But these people… Theses cruel people not only made my life hell, but took my child's life which I would never forget!

 I felt like a fool, standing there, trying to piece together a life that had never been real. While I had been struggling to win a place in Evander's heart, he had kept this part of his life locked away, safe from the chaos that was our marriage.

"Daddy, did you miss me?" the boy asked, his big eyes shining with expectation, completely unaware of the turmoil brewing just a few feet away.

Evander's gaze flicked to me for the briefest moment, his expression unreadable. But it was enough to confirm what I already knew—I didn't belong here. Not with them. Not in this twisted reality where I was nothing more than a ghost haunting a life that was never truly mine.

"Yes, of course, I missed you," Evander finally said, his voice soft, as he pressed a kiss to the boy's forehead. It was a gesture so tender, so unlike the man I knew, that it nearly broke me.

And yet, I stood there, silent, as if rooted to the spot, unable to tear my eyes away from the scene. The boy giggled again, content in his father's arms, while I felt my world crumbling around me.

This was the truth I had been too blind to see. The truth I had been too scared to confront.

And now, as I stood on the edge of a life I no longer recognized, I realized that I had already lost years ago and now, here I was witnessing the result. There was no place for me here—no room in Evander's heart for the woman he had married out of duty, not love.

But I wouldn't allow myself to break, not here, not in front of them. I swallowed the pain, forcing myself to take a step back, to distance myself from the scene that had become a cruel reminder of everything I had lost.

Although, I had left him for three years, but those years had been nothing but a deep abyss which I barely survived but what I got after struggling so much in the end?

It was time to let go.

"Enjoy your time with him," I said quietly, my voice barely above a whisper, but steady enough to mask the storm raging inside me. Without waiting for a response, I turned on my heels and walked away, leaving behind the man I had once loved and the life that had never truly been mine.

"Claire!" Evander's voice echoed behind me, desperate and urgent, but I didn't stop. I couldn't. I had to get away from that place, from the suffocating memories that clung to the walls like ghosts. The mansion, once a place I had dreamed of turning into a home, now felt like a prison—a place where all my hopes and dreams had been shattered.

I burst through the front doors and into the night, the cool air hitting my face as I ran, my footsteps echoing off the pavement. The street was eerily quiet, the flickering lights casting long, menacing shadows that seemed to follow me, mocking me for the life I had once tried to build. The darkness pressed in from all sides, amplifying the fear and anxiety that had been gnawing at me for months.

I hated the darkness. It was a cruel reminder of all the nights I had spent alone in that mansion, waiting for a love that was never returned. Now, it felt like the darkness was closing in on me, wrapping me in its cold embrace.

"I have to leave this place," I muttered to myself, my voice trembling as I quickened my pace. "How could they not repair the streetlights?" The flickering lights above only added to the oppressive atmosphere, making everything seem even more daunting.

As I ran, memories of the past began to flood my mind, overwhelming me with their intensity. The first time I had entered that mansion, filled with hope and excitement. The nights I had spent alone, waiting for Evander to come home, only to be met with cold indifference. The way his family had treated me like an outsider, like I was nothing more than a temporary guest in their perfect world.

Tears blurred my vision, but I refused to stop. I had to keep moving, had to get away from the memories that threatened to drown me. The darkness around me felt like it was seeping into my soul, but I pushed forward, fueled by the determination to escape the nightmare that had become my life.

My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of fear and anger driving me forward. I could hear the distant echo of Evander's voice calling my name, I stumbled upon the ground and fell hard, losing my consciousness.