

Meet Allison Charms. She lives her life like every normal teenager. Until the day she finds out a secret that will have her world rocking from one unsuspected angle to another. A secret for which past grudges must be put aside. A secret which she will bear with no great joy. A secret which she might have to die for. •••••••••••••• Things start to get strange during Allie's senior year. Some things that she can't quite put her finger on. That is, until her parents give her the shocker of her life. Find out what happens when deep, dark secrets are revealed, and unexpected friendships are formed. Will Allie be able to deal with all the unexpected secrets? Can she find the Charms which hold life in a fine balance? Or is she already too late in her quest to save the world from itself. Find out in CHARMS.

sammyqween · Adolescente
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1 Chs

Light bulbs

The sound of my alarm going off interrupts me from the beautiful faraway world of Dreamland.

I groan and roll to switch it off.

I lay on my back staring at the ceiling trying to get sleep out of my eyes.

When I stand up, the ache in my thighs makes it's presence known. Maybe I went a little too hard on the exercise yesterday I tell myself as I strip and get in the shower.

Confused? Let me clear it up for you. I was actually the "fattie" at school. People made fun of me and called me "fattie Allie". It started to get to me so this break before senior year, I started working out, which meant I didn't really leave my house much and when I did, it wasn't for long.

I get out of the shower, wrap a towel around myself and start drying my naturally curly hair.

I sigh. If there's one thing I'm dreading, it's going back to that hell hole. Yes I know I lost a lot of weight because of my drastic measures but those insecurities kinda stuck. I get out a pair of white wash jeans and a t-shirt along with a jacket and my canvas and get dressed.

But the main reason I really dread going back is because of "him". Logan. My bully ever since I started gaining weight. Wanna know the funniest part? He's not a physical bully but a verbal one and to me, those are the worst kind. He had literally made these past few years hell for me.

And you wanna know the funny part? He was actually my closest friend before he became a total douche. Guess it's true what they say. Your closest friends are your worst enemies.

By now I'm done dressing. I put my hair up in a messy bun before grabbing my purse, tucking my phone into it and heading out.

I can already smell pancakes from the kitchen. I smile and go in.

I see my mom at work making pancakes while my dad sits at the table munching on some of them and reading a newspaper. I shake my head. I mean, who still uses that stuff.

"Morning mom. Morning dad"

"Morning Hun"they both reply before Mom goes back to making the pancakes. I reach for a chair. Hey, just cause I've been working out doesn't mean I'm going to starve myself.

Just as I'm about to drag it out, it falls apart.

"What in the world" I say in shock

My parents give each other alarmed looks while Mom shakes her head at dad.

"I'm pretty sure that chair was

already a bit shaky. I'll pack it up later"dad says to me

I nod slowly and sit on another of the four chairs at the kitchen table.

After breakfast, I grab my keys and race out. Let me set something straight, Just cause I don't like school doesn't mean I'm going to flunk out of spite. I happen to like having good grades.

I make it to school and rush to my locker with my head down, not wanting anyone to notice me.

"Boo" someone whispers in my ear.

Terrified, I turn around at lightning speed. I let out a breath and give Mel a death glare. Melissa is my best friend. The fact that Logan betrayed me doesn't mean I didn't give friendship a try, it might have taken two years but hey, you get the point.

"You scared me" I tell Melissa with a playful smile on my face

She laughs.

"Were you working out?" She ignores my statement.

I smile and shake my head

"Actually, yes I was"

"I like the glow up" she says. "Almost didn't recognise you"

If it was any other person, I'd feel offended, but just cause it's Mel, I let it slide.

We start walking to our class.

"Shut up"


It's time for lunch. I haven't run into Logan yet but I know it will be inevitable in the cafeteria and there's no way I can skip lunch cause my stomach is rumbling like crazy.

Mel and I make our way to the cafeteria and I suddenly stop.

She turns and gives me a hug before telling me

"There's nothing to be afraid of Al. We're seniors now. Walk in there with your head held high and show them what your made of."

I nod, get little pep talk giving me a boost of confidence.

She breaks our hug before grabbing my hand.


I gulp and nod.

We enter the cafeteria and order our food.

We go to our usual table and I let out a breath when we sit down.

"See, it wasn't that hard" She says

I grin and take a bite out of my Apple.

I steak a glance at Logan's table and find him looking here. He gets up

"Well, shit"

I say

"Look at the bright side, he might not be coming here" Mel says

He starts heading our way and I give Mel a" You were saying?"look and start picking at my food.

Logan gets to our table and smiles.

"Who's this you have with you Melissa?"

Oh thank God, he doesn't recognise me

"None of your business Logan"

Logan's face changes into one of mind anger and I give Mel a look telling her to stop

"I don't think you understood what I said Melissa" he says through clenched teeth" I asked you who is sitting with you.

I am actually starting to get irritated at this exchange

"Well who would think you'd forget me Logan?" I all through equally clenched teeth

His face scrunched up in confusion and then realisation hits him and he starts to laugh.

I am really starting to get angry right now.

He just makes me angrier when he climbs our table, and shouts" Our dear Allison has actually managed to trim down. I never thought I'd see the day"

I am getting angrier with each word that comes out from his mouth.

I stand up without knowing where the courage comes from and slap him, hard just as all the light bulbs shatter into millions of tiny pieces.

I had fun writing this chapter. Hope it doesn't disappoint as the first chapter of "CHARMS".

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