

Kim Charlotte, a wealthy girl who had lived her whole life with a gold spoon in her mouth. Compared to her peers who had been born with merely silver spoons, she believed that she would always stride through life with her head up high.

So what was this? Why did things come to this? "Su-Yeong what is this..?", were the only sentences Charlotte could form. In front of her, her wife Su-Yeong was in bed with another women. Han Su-Yeong, her childhood friend, her best friend, her high school sweet heart, her wife. Her soulmate. At least that is what Charlotte always believed. She could feel her heart drop and shatter, she was too shocked to feel sad or angry. Her mind just went blank.

Su-Yeong could only gasp, trying to collect herself, throwing clothes on and quickly running to Charlotte. "Charlotte! This isn't what it looks like! I swear", Su-Yeong had tried to reason, grabbing her shoulders with a pleading look. Su-Yeong tried to give Charlotte as many excuses as she could. "I'm sorry Charlotte! You're the only one I love! You can even slap me if you want to!", Su-Yeong yelled, seeming desperate now. Instead, Charlotte pulled away from her, calmly walking out the door.

Charlotte was not fully aware of what she was doing. It was either fight or flight for her and she chose flight. She got into her car, turning it on, doing it as slowly as she could. As foolish as it was, she hoped that Su-Yeong would chase after her. However there was nothing, all that could be heard was the sound of her engine and the rain. Charlotte could only frown, driving off and speeding down the road. She felt like a fool, how could she be so foolish? So stupid? So gullible? These thoughts raced through her head, before she realized it, she did not realize she was coming upon a intersection. Crashing her car into a ditch.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Once Charlotte had gained consciousness all she could hear was the peaceful sound of the rain as as she felt something warm drip down her head. "Ah.. am I bleeding? Is this really how things are ending..?", Charlotte could only scoff at this outcome.

In her last moments of consciousness her life flashed before her eyes. One memory shone the brightest out of all of them. Highschool was the happiest moment of her life. It was when she had finally started dating Su-Yeong. But could it really be a happy memory now? Su-Yeong had cheated on her, destroying every happy memory she had of them together. No.. there was someone else? Who was it again..? Charlotte felt her consciousness slipping from her grasp as a image of a girl flashed in her head. A girl with a wide smile, black hair and brown eyes. Nothing about the girl really stood out, but Charlotte could not help but feel a sense of longing for her. Maybe it was a way for Charlotte to cope with the grief. However the thought of the girl brought her peace. She felt like a fool to not chase after her back then.

"Ah.. that was right.. her name..", Charlotte let out with a small croak.

"Ji..Young..", was all Charlotte could say before blacking out.