
Chapter 185: Her Enemy's Promise, Part 5, Who?


Klempner scowls, his head jerking back. "How do you mean?"

"If he knows you value the women, could one of your men have taken them? Perhaps to ransom them to you?"

Klempner stiffens. "If he has, he'll wish he'd traded places with Hartwell."

He snatches up his own phone then, jabbing a finger at mine, "Keep him on the line. Keep him listening." He taps into his own mobile. "Marco? Where are you? And where's Guttman? What's going on down there?"

A voice rises above a background sound of traffic. "I'm on the corner of Port Square, sir. It gives me a view of both the taxi rank and the entrance to the bus station. Guttman's working the restaurants. I think he's along Main Street somewhere."

Klempner pokes at his screen, scissors something open and zooms in. He peers close, then repeats it. "That's fine, Marco. The women haven't been found yet, so stay alert."